Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1991: He is the prince!


"What the **** is this, cautious?"

Listening to Fei Tong's words, everyone looked at each other. Copy the URL to visit http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 76% 6f% 64% 74% 77% 2e% 63% 6f% 6d ☆ →,

Let him say this, I am afraid that things are not as simple as they see. This person named Nie Yun may have a terrible history.

"This matter has to be cautious. Before I say it, I hope you can make an oath and not say what you heard today, even if you die!"

Fei Tong looked around for a week, with irresistible firmness in his eyes.

"Well, I'm here first. No matter what I hear today, I will hide it in my heart. If it is rumored, I must not die!" Yang Shuo swore the first.

The rest of the crowd saw him swear, hesitated, and all followed one by one to swear.

They even put aside life and death. It was natural to swear an oath. After a short period of time, everyone sweared and looked at Fei Tong together, hoping that he could give an explanation.

"Since everyone has made an oath, I will no longer conceal it, everyone in the dynasty will find the prince's task, and everyone must know it!"

Since she decided to speak, Fei Tong no longer hesitated, and thought for a moment.

"Looking for the prince task? Of course I know! When His Majesty had not yet established a dynasty, in order to save his blood, he sealed and exiled a prince, and he could not find any clues ..."

Yang Shuo-nian snorted, and suddenly his eyes were wide and his body trembled, "What do you mean ... that prince found?"

"That's right! The prince did find it, it was ... Your Highness Nie Yun!"

Hitomi nodded.


"This Nie Yun is His Royal Highness?"

"No wonder the general respects him so much, it turns out ..."

"His Royal Highness? He would be the missing prince?"


Upon hearing Fei Tong's admission, the crowd exploded immediately.

They never dreamed. The Nie Yun who made them a bit disgusted was actually the biological son that Emperor Putian had been searching for for many years. His Royal Highness!

how can that be?

"Without doubt, the general himself personally confirmed that there could be nothing wrong!" Fei Tong continued: "As soon as the general is in trouble. I will call the prince, and I believe he will be able to save the general!"

"He ... even if he is a prince, it is only in the middle of the kingdom of kings, and he doesn't know the people of Vulcan Sect. How can he be saved?"

Fan Zhong couldn't help it.

Even if this Lord Nie Yun is the prince, here is the Vulcan Sect and not the Putian dynasty. Identity should be useless!

"Think about your Majesty's means. As his junior, how could the prince be simple? We have no way. I believe ... he will be able to rescue the general!"

Fei Tong is full of certainty.

He and His Royal Highness Nie Yun have experienced many things. He knows His Royal Highness. Although his strength is only in the middle of the King's Realm, the real means are even admired by the powerful Kings like the General!

As long as he takes the shot, he will be able to save the general!

"Look, what is that?"

Just after Fei Tong had spoken, a voice sounded from the crowd, and he followed his fingers. The crowd looked up at the same time, and saw a few giant flying beasts fluttering their wings in the air. At first a young man stood quietly on the head of the beast and looked coldly. No mood swings, just like death.

"Tortured into a trick ... I still saw such a despicable method for the first time. Vulcan Sect really opened my eyes!"

The words that accompany the teenager sounded. The surrounding space was as cold as ice.

"Your Highness, here he is ..."

See the appearance of a juvenile standing on the head of a flying demon beast. Tong Tong shouted excitedly.

Although I said affirmatively, my heart was not clear. He was not afraid that the prince would not come, but that the prince was in delay and had no time to save the general. At this time, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The hall is down ... It seems that the general has been rescued. Come back and see!"

Fan Zhong and others also immediately increased their confidence.

Do not say that Nie Yun is His Highness, they may still have some complaints. After knowing their identity, they appeared at this time, all the complaints became excited, one by one could not help but move at one foot, and rushed towards Hongyan Valley again.


"Who are you? It ’s better to get involved in Vulcan Sect, otherwise ..."

When he saw the young man suspended in the air, his eyes narrowed.

"It refers to the deer as a horse, and reverse the black and white. This is the means of the Vulcan Sect? What should the Vulcan ancestors do?

The teenager above the flying beast chuckled, his body fluttered, he jumped from the air, landed on the ground, and splashed a large amount of dust.

The nature that came was Nie Yun. After hearing Fei Tong's message, he immediately guessed what would happen here. Without a pause, Wei Buxin immediately found the flying beast and flew over.

"I don't know what to do, I don't need anyone to give instructions!"

With a stun in his eyes, his feet were on the ground a little, and he rushed over.

The power of the strong man in the middle of the imperial realm made him like a lightning bolt, which appeared instantly where Nie Yun fell to the ground, and pointed like a sword, piercing his eyebrows.

The opponent's tone and battle are not small, he wants to see what strength there is!

If it is too weak, beheaded on the spot, leaving no future troubles, strong strength, planning is done after verification!

Within the scope of Vulcan Sect, as long as the opponent is not a person of Vulcan Sect, even if the strength is strong, he is sure to let it come back forever!


Seeing his movements, Wei Buxin on the other **** beast immediately sang loudly, and the whole person flew over in a loud voice. With a stroke of his palm, a stream of air was like a galaxy, blocking in front of the lonely.

At the same time, he moved under his feet and landed in front of Nie Yun, blocking the way.

It seems that he is protecting Nie Yun, but in fact he did so only for the few.

Because he knows very few, he is a disciple of Vulcan Zongxingtang. He is not low in status and has dealt with him!

The God of Wealth behind him ~ www.readwn.com ~ If only he has money, the key is that he is very strong. He has previously exposed himself in the employment market. Even if he is difficult to compete, it is really necessary for him to attack. He can definitely kill it easily!

If that's the case, things will break out!

So ... no matter what, we must organize a two-man battle.

"Who am I? It turns out to be President Wei ... what do you mean?"

Seeing who was blocking him, Aya stopped, her voice cold.

"I don't mean anything, but I don't want you to fight, this Lord Nie Yun is my noble guest!" Wei Buxin deliberately pointed out the word "noble guest", indicating Nie Yun's identity and letting him know that this man was not simple.

"Noble guest?" He was not stupid. Listening to his emphasis on these words, he immediately understood, looked at Nie Yun, confirmed that he was not a Vulcan sect, and smiled coldly: "What about the noble prince? Here is Vulcan Local, Vulcan Zongxingtang law enforcement ... Outsiders have no right to interfere! "

(To Mianyang today, are there any friends in Mianyang? Come out and get together!) (To be continued ...)

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