Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2004: Fairy in the picture


"Brother, the next time we got here, there was a blood pool in front of ..." Luo Hao came forward. More exciting novels please visit

Leaving in front of the stone monument, Nie Yun looked forward, and there was a small pool not far away, and a red spring came out of the bottom, like blood.

"The blood pool? The pool of water is like blood, known as the pulse of the earth ... I thought it was a rumor, but it was true ..."

When he saw the pond in front of him, Nie Yun was surprised and immediately surprised.

The blood pool, he has seen introductions in books. The pool water is red, like blood, and is considered to be blood flowing out of the earth. The water in it is different from the spiritual fluid. It is not only useless for practitioners, but also cold. Both forms of heat can cause great harm to human soul and body!

The blood pool is full of things, not to mention people, and the magical soldiers who fall into them will instantly turn into blood and never find them again.

Because of this, everyone is jealous of this thing, and is called one of the top ten "fiends" in the **** world. I did not expect to see it here in person.

When I came to Chishui, a stench ran out of my face, making people sick.

"You mean that the ruins of Elder Yuangyuan are here? But ... how to get in?" After looking around the pond, no obvious features were found, Zhao Ran couldn't help asking.

The strongest peaks of the Blood Pool Emperor Realm can't resist, if you jump in by mistake, don't think of it.

"Look here ..."

Luo Hao did not explain, but took a step forward, grabbed the palm of his hand in a volley, and pinched dozens of French seals.

These seals are unique to Vulcan Sect, representing the identity of Zongmen disciples, which can better stimulate the blood power in the body. It is a necessary skill for every disciple to enroll, and it is not profound.

Zizi Zizi!

The handprints in the sky just arrived at Huaxuechi Fang and were swallowed by the rolling pool of water. After a while, a layer of mist appeared on the surface of the water, and a small boat slowly came over from the heart of the pond.

The boat is only the size of a thumb. You can't see it without looking carefully, and you drive forward for a while, slowly increasing, blinking. It becomes the size of a palm, and the closer it is, the larger the volume, giving a strange feeling.

"Is this ... drawing fairy?"

Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

"Drawing fairy?"

Zhao Ran and Gu Yang were a little confused.

Although they are all disciples, they are generally well-informed. But the universe of the universe is too big, there are countless secrets, there are still countless things that are unknown.

"Painting immortal is a powerful man in the imperial realm. Using the laws of space to make a world can be condensed into a picture. This kind of picture is different from the spatial matrix method. Enveloped by the picture, it will become smaller and smaller. If you fall into it, you cannot come out! "

Nie Yun looked dignified. "Like this ship, it seems to swim out of the blood pool, but actually appeared from another world, and even ... this blood pool is a picture made by the Elder Yuanyuan!"

The space of the matrix method is just to open up a larger place in a small place. It has the same purpose as the ring of the object. The painting is different. The space rule is arranged on a white piece of paper, and it enters the ink dot as if it fell into the picture. Will become part of it, without the ability to crack, will fall into it forever, and can no longer escape.

"Drawing pictures?"

Everyone understood. All surprised mouths closed, showing fear.

"Brother said very well, I went back and made a special inquiry. This is indeed the painting fairy, the painting world!" Luo Hao seemed to know, and explained it later. "But. Don't worry. Although it is the painting world, there are also This is the boat that made the road! Let's get into the boat and enter the painting, we can also take this boat and drive out ... "


Nie Yun nodded knowing that the other party was right.

Although the painting fairy is weird, it is not impeccable. This kind of painting is divided into two types: open and closed. The latter has a closed picture, and people outside can't enter. It can only observe the situation of the picture. It is an ornament without any Danger!

The former can allow outsiders to enter, and there is a bridge of communication. As long as you can find a way when you come in, you can also go out.

If this boat is the way to enter the picture in front of you, you can return to this place as long as you take the boat when you come out.

Painting immortals is a picture written in space. Before the passage, there was no trace of energy fluctuations and no traces of matrix formation ... No wonder no one found the ruins of Elder Yuan Yuan, nor could he feel it. No one could have thought of him. Actually blocked his grave in a picture.

Painting people, painting immortals, imprisoning the body, the soul can not be separated, so doing this is equivalent to the soul flying away, never live forever!

How hard!

The Emperor Realm possesses a realm. When the deadline comes, he can still retain a trace of the dead soul after death. After reaching the same strength again, he has a certain probability to restore the memory of previous lives. This kind of dead soul is blocked in the picture like this Unless you have dealt with a deep hatred of an enemy, you have never heard of anyone doing this to themselves!


My heart was feeling, the big ship moving forward in the blood pool stopped abruptly. At this time, the hull had become more than three meters long and looked extremely majestic. Although it was not able to sit, it was close to everyone.

"Do we want this ship?" Zhao Ran asked as he stopped.

"Not yet. This ship looks very close, less than tens of meters. It is actually the effect of painting fairy. There is an infinite distance from here. If you really want to pass, you will directly fall into the blood pool and die without burial. Land! If you want to go in, you can only wait for the hull to completely leave the screen and change back to its size! "

Nie Yun looked solemnly.

Painting immortal is the distance between reality and reality. It is endless. I ca n’t find the entrance. It is almost impossible to enter ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if you are fast, there is always a picture in front of you.

The ship in front of it is just like this, it doesn't look far away, but it actually has a distance between reality and reality. If the hull of the ship leaves the screen completely and rushes over, it can only fall into the blood pool in front of it and die completely.

"In that case, our fate must be in a ship of unknown origin ... what, look, the ship is back!"

Zhao Ran didn't expect this so-called painting fairy to be so weird, he sighed, and wanted to continue talking. Suddenly the pupils shrank, and the ship that was not far away from the crowd, somehow fell back, getting smaller and smaller, as if it would disappear at any time. .

"Brother, don't be surprised. We've tried it many times. This boat can only come here, no longer ... If you guessed it well, it should be the purity of our blood veins, which is not enough for the boat to come forward! "

Luo Hao seemed to know the scene before him and said.

(Today I returned to Lanzhou from Mianyang, but the plane was delayed. He vomited blood, this chapter was **** at the airport, kind. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyy lazily, I ’m going to continue to make more trips, leave the monthly pass, otherwise it will be invalid It's so uneconomical ...) (To be continued.)

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