Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2005: Blood Vessel Purity

"Purity of blood vein essence?" Nie Yun and Zhao Ran looked at each other, eyes full of confusion.

"Brother Zhao Ran, you can try it out just now and see where the ship can come!" Luo Hao laughed without much explanation.

"Good!" Zhao Ran nodded, pinching his fingers, and just like Luo Hao, a set of tricks appeared. A red flame appeared at the fingertips, flying straight to the blood pool in front of him.

Zizi Zizi!

The blood pool is boiling again like before, and the ancient ship that has just turned around and is about to disappear, like a shark smelling blood, turns around and sails again. The volume is getting larger and larger, and it will exceed the length of three meters in a short while, and continue. go ahead.


Nie Yun's eyes narrowed.

This ancient ship, like Luo Hao's guess, traveled according to the purity of blood veins. The more pure it is, the closer the distance traveled back, the larger the volume will be, and the more it can break free from the shackles of the painting, on the contrary, break away The less likely it is.


Guessing this, the more strange Nie Yun thinks

According to the news he read from the books, the Elder Yuangyuan and Vulcan Sect were very unhappy and even broke up! Not to mention these, from the fact that his remains are not kept in the ancestral hall, but hidden here, it can be seen that the relationship between the two is not good.

I designed the hidden relics of the immortal in the painting, at the expense of the soul being unable to surpass, and the soul flying away ... Just to prevent the person of the Vulcan Sect from finding his inheritance, but now let the pure blood of the Zongmen be accessible ... This is not a contradiction ?

What the **** is this guy doing?

My heart was strange, but I didn't say it, staring straight at the ship that was getting closer.

The big ship at this time was already tens of meters in size and had not yet come to the front. With a roaring air wave and hurricane, the turbulent waves of the pond were set off.

"Everyone, please don't act lightly. The ancient ship is not completely out of the picture. Even if it looks very close to us, it can't pass!"

See that the ancient ship was no more than a few meters away from everyone. You can go up with a jump. Many people have begun to get excited, and they will leave at any time, Nie Yun scolded.

The fairy in the painting is different from other things. It looks only a few meters, but actually has not completely escaped the shackles of the picture. Rushing past, the distance of several meters will become infinite, and it will never be reachable.

"Brother Nie Yun said yes, don't move!"

Luo Hao also saw something was wrong and hurriedly yelled.

Gu Yang and others who wanted to leave. Seeing both of them say so, they stopped.

Among them, Chen Zhu of Mune shook his wrist, and a dancing bird appeared on the ancient ship with palms straight in front of him and flew past.

This bird is not a living creature, but a kind of mechanical beast. Given sufficient power, it will not fall for ten days and ten nights in a row, and it is extremely fast and can be used to convey messages.


The birds disappeared instantly in front of everyone. Rush towards the ancient ship.

The ancient ship is only a few meters away from the birds. According to the normal concept, it will never exceed one thousandth of a breath to fly above. But ... under the eyes of everyone, there were more than dozens of breaths, and they still kept the same distance from the ancient ship.

As if both things were stationary in the air.

If it weren't for the flying wings of the bird, the fast-moving air could be seen faintly around, it would be hard to believe that it was flying.


Experimented. Cui Yao, Gu Yang, and others changed their faces, one after another showing strange colors. Finally understood that the two did not lie to them.

Looks very close. There is actually infinity.


Everyone was surprised that the flying birds in the air seemed to have burned out the core and lost their power. A roar fell from the air into the blood pool and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone swallowed each other's mouth, and had a lingering fear.

If it wasn't for Nie Yun's opening to stop, they might have already rushed through. It is estimated that the end will not be better than the birds in front of them. At this moment it is estimated that they have fallen into the blood pool and become ashes.

"No ... the boat is back!"

Just when everyone was scared, Zhao Ran shouted again, and everyone looked again, only to find that the ancient ship that was just moving forward just now, I do n’t know when to stop, just like before, slowly backed away again.

It seems that the power to attract the ancient ship is too weak to pull it out of the picture.

"Is this ... my vein essence is not pure enough?"

The ancient ship did not leave the picture completely and went back, no matter how stupid people knew what was going on, Zhao Ran's complexion was a little ugly.

He has always been very conceited, mainly because of the pure blood and superiority that is difficult for others to reach, and now ... the most superior place is broken by anyone, and it is difficult to accept anyone.

Although his purity of blood veins is better than that of Luo Hao and others, making the ancient ship closer, but as long as he does not leave the picture, he is no different from others.

There is not much difference between fifty steps and one hundred steps. As long as the ship is not completely separated from the picture, it will not be of any use.

Unwilling in his heart, he looked at Nie Yun not far away.

Not only was he watching, other people's eyes were also focused.

The blood of other people had been tested the previous time, but core disciple Zhao Ran couldn't do it. Everyone had to pin their hopes on the stronger Brother Nie Yun, hoping that he could solve the distress in front of him.

Nie Yun smiled bitterly at the gaze expected by everyone.

His core disciple is fake. The reason why he can release a pure flame is because of the talent of Dantian, and he has nothing to do with blood.

This ancient ship's advance distance is obviously the cause of bloodline, what should I do?

To say that you ca n’t get it, the core disciple ’s identity is pretended ... Will these people directly kill him?

"No way, just try it ..."

These thoughts flickered in my mind. Nie Yun also knew that under the eyes of everyone, he couldn't shrink back. He immediately flipped his palms and made several seals in succession!

Although he hasn't learned this set of French seals, he has looked at them twice in a row and has been able to imitate them perfectly.

Zizi Zizi!

A ray of flame was devoured by the blood pool as before.

Coo coo coo coo!

The flames melted into the blood pool ~ www.readwn.com ~ The ancient ship that originally retreated seemed to have no changes, and continued to retreat without any intention of staying.


"what happened?"

Everyone was stunned.

They have tried it before. As long as the blood is pure enough, the ancient ship will immediately turn around and drive straight back. What is the meaning of this reaction?

"This can only happen to people who don't have the slightest bloodline of Vulcan Sect.

"It's impossible. I also watched the flame of my brother just now. It's so pure. It shouldn't be ..."


Everyone looked at Nie Yun, and seemed to want to see something different from his face.

(Unsurprisingly, there will be two chapters today. In addition, please find a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!) (To be continued)

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