Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2015: Hit the stone (on)

Elder Yuan Yuan, the creator of the Nine Fires, knows more about this martial art than anyone else in the world.

This set of martial arts has become more difficult than ever, and it almost doubles. It is not surprising that he can practice the first change in a short period of time. He can accept the second change in one day. In the fifth change, the speed five times ... he couldn't accept it!

As a creator, the first two changes took less than half a day, but the third change took half a month to complete! As for reaching the fifth state of change, three years later!

This guy was still a long way away from the second change. In his opinion, let alone stop practicing for a few seconds, even if you give him a few hours of practice, it is impossible to break through. ...

You read that right!

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and Elder Yuan Yuan was afraid that he might have read it wrong.

As a result, he rubbed his eyes, and the teenager was too fast to disappear from his field of vision.

"It is indeed the fifth change of the Nine Fires ..."

The speed of the other party is so fast that he doesn't need to look at it anymore. He also knows that the fifth change has been reached.

"It's a guy who can't be reasoned with reason ... maybe, I can really develop my martial arts!"

Sorry, the figure gradually faded, and then disappeared in place, as if it never appeared.


"The popularity is really great!"

Nie Yun, who turned into a flame, moved towards Mochou Grotto with emotion in her heart.

According to the normal practice speed, it is impossible to practice the transformation of Nine Fire Nine to the second level. We can only resort to dangerous moves. Integrating the popular Dan Tian to be honest is only an experiment. I did not expect that the success will be so amazing!

After being promoted in popular Dantian, the popular spirit and the body merged, and the Nine Fire Nine Changes immediately seemed to have studied for several years, breaking through easily and reaching the point of the fifth change.

There is still a long way to go before the successful ninth change, but he is very satisfied. At least completing this so-called assessment has become a lot easier.

With no thoughts in mind, Nie Yun maintained five times the speed. It took less than half a column of time to run the rest of the journey and came to Mochou Cave.

The Mochou Cave in the map is just an ordinary black spot. When I came to know it, it was wide and huge. The dark cave was like a huge mouth. It stood in the mountain range with sun and darkness. It was surrounded by towering tree vines. Come, give a cold feeling.

"Where are the ten thousand scrolls?"

The requirement of the assessment is not only to come here, but also to find the so-called 10,000-volume map. Looking around, I find that there are all rocks and trees around, and there is no magic weapon at all.

"I'm afraid in the cave ..."

He has the talent of stealing the sky. No matter what kind of treasure the Wan Juan Tu is, as long as it is a treasure, he will be able to be found by him. There is nothing outside the cave, only one thing can be explained ... This thing is likely to be hidden in the cave!

She took a deep breath, and Nie Yun adjusted her condition to the best, stepping into the cave step by step.

I do n’t know what ’s going on inside the cave, so be careful.

The cave is darker than the outside, and no fingers can be seen. Even if he has sky eyes, he can see a distance of up to two or three meters, and his soul power is suppressed. He is restrained in his body and cannot be detected.

Feeling this, Nie Yun suddenly understood that the so-called tens of thousands of maps were really not so easy to find. Fortunately, they broke through before. Otherwise, the time is too short. Let alone find them. If you do n’t get it, you will fall into it. Can't find it.


Nie Yun pointed his finger, a flame came out from his fingertips, and the flames tore a crack in front of the black curtain and saw the environment in front of him.

The cave is very large and the end can not be seen at a glance. Numerous stalactites hang from the top of the head. There are soft dripping sounds everywhere, like the sound of a ringing note.


The flames shone, and Nie Yun was about to move forward, and suddenly a series of dark shadows rushed behind the stalactites, with a rapid sound of breaking through the air, as if shooting arrows, came straight.


The body flickered, the flames disappeared, and the whole person fell into the darkness again. In the sensation, countless dark shadows rushed towards him as if to tear him.

"It's a bat!"

I stretched out my hand and grasped one of them, pinching one of the rushing shadows, and glanced at it. Nie Yun almost did not feel sick.

The black shadow that rushed over was actually countless bats!

These things live in the dark and moist Mochou cave, seeing their own fire, rushed to come.


Frowning his eyebrows, a fingertip shot from his fingertips.

As soon as Jian Jian Mang appeared, it seemed to immediately tear open the speed between heaven and earth, exceeding the speed of heaven.

Dayan Tianji Sword First Form, Destroy the Stars!

He doesn't have time to talk with these bats, and he will show the most powerful tricks in one shot.

Wow! Wow!

Wu Dayan's heavenly sword Jianmang crisscrossed, and in the blink of an eye, a series of bat landing sounds sounded on the ground, and the black shadow rushed away was swept away by the sword gas.

These bats are not too advanced, and the Dayan Tianji Sword is too powerful. Under the disparity, Nie Yun didn't think it took too much time.

"Huh? No ..."

I killed all the bats, Nie Yun lit the flame again, and just wanted to leave, and suddenly frowned.

I just heard the sound of countless bats falling to the ground, and the ground in front of me was empty, not to mention the dead body, not even a drop of blood ... Could it be that the bats just killed were fake? Is it his hallucination?

It ’s so hot!

I was wondering, another black shadow rushed over, and with the help of the fire, I could see clearly that there were still countless bats.

"These bats are a fictional illusion and cannot be entangled with them!"

I saw a bat again ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun guessed it.

These bats should not be real, but a special means of immortality in the painting, similar to fantasy, if he really beheaded here, even if he killed one year ago, he could not finish it!

He didn't waste so much time and had to leave as soon as possible!

I dare not hesitate, the Nine Fire Nine Transforms are exhibited, and my body burns like a bright red flame.


I hadn't flew far away, and my whole body hurt, and he hit a huge rock firmly, and the stones were crushed by him and turned into powder.

The hole in the cave was too dark. He could not see far, and he didn't even know that there was such a big stone here.

If it weren't for his physical strength, I'm afraid it wasn't the broken stones that caused him, but he was seriously injured.

Even so, he didn't come up in one breath, almost choked to death, and hit the rock five times faster than he could, even if the rock was not hard enough.

"It looks like you can't run around ..."

I felt dizzy, and Nie Yunhuang stood up, looking depressed, but the thing that made him depressed was not over yet. The bat that had escaped before seemed to find his place, and rushed over again.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by the Flash God Tuban version group @ ˇ 狐狸, bring @ 字 书 文 @ 羞 闹 @ 平安 恋 蕊 @ 天珠 那 变". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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