Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2016: Hitting a stone (below)


Although these bats are not capable, they can not threaten him, but this kind of things living in the dark, both from the senses and psychologically, give people a sense of disgust. ,

Dare to burn the flames and dare not use the Nine Fire Nine Changes, Nie Yun slid a few steps to the side, a stinky wind passing by, avoiding the attack of the bat.

It was just too late to be happy, as if the bats had identified his position, they turned in the air and rushed again.


Scolding in his heart, Nie Yun did not dare to hesitate, and went forward again. Who knew that he hadn't gone far, and his head hurt again.

Hit the stone again!

The mighty kings of the mighty state made Luo Hao and others jealous. Elder Yuan Yuan felt a speechless genius and hit the stone twice in a row ... Nie Yun felt almost crazy.

I didn't seem to see this stone just now, where did it come from?

"Can it be here not only with so many bats, but also formations?"

The hot pain in his head, Nie Yun was not confused, but realized that something was wrong.

Although he didn't burn the flame just now, he looked around. There should be no stones in this direction. Why did he appear as soon as he accelerated?

It seems that the stone wasn't originally here, but some sort of matrix was touched by him and appeared abruptly!

Fortunately, it's just a stone. If you have a powerful weapon in the imperial realm, you might hit yourself alive here.

Wu Ya Ya!

Not afraid to run away quickly, the bats rushed behind him again.

These bats are like things produced in a fantasy world, and they can't be killed, even if they spend all their energy. Instead of spending so much, it's better to stay away.

But ... bats are fast. It is difficult to dodge without using Nine Fire Nine. After using it, the flexibility will be very poor, and there are countless stones suddenly appearing in front of it ... If you don't care about these stones, Nie Yun is worried that he will be killed alive if he is not hit by the opponent. .

"What to do? It's just not a way to be hit like this ..."

While avoiding bats, Nie Yun thought about it, because she was absent-minded, and hit several stones again during the period. The stone seemed to be harder and harder. His face was already blue after being hit twice. It is estimated that he would hit it a few more times and Nie Tong would not be able to recognize it.


"The Nine Fire Nine Transforms can increase the speed, but if the light increases the speed, how can the high-level face of Vulcan Sect be dismissed, and jointly attack me?"

In one corner of the cave, Elder Yuan Yuan was suspended in the air. The darkness in front of him didn't seem to be able to block his sight. He looked at all the actions of Nie Yun with a faint smile on his face.

The Nine Fire Nine Changes can make people's speed soar, but there are also great disadvantages!

That's fast. Flexibility becomes poor, and it is difficult to change direction quickly and change orientation.

Not very flexible. Even if the speed increases, it's just a matter of escape. Little effect in battle!

After all, you are too fast to control yourself. I'm afraid I haven't fought with anyone, just like Nie Yun now, I have killed myself alive.

"The rock formation of Mochou Cave, and the bats that follow it, obviously means to exercise your control over the Nine Fires and increase flexibility!"

Elder Yuan Yuan laughed.

The assessment he designed is not groundless. The combination of stones and bats can form a place for practicing flexibility. As long as the teenager in front of himself is serious, discovers the law, and finds a way to escape the stones and bats, he can control the nine changes of the fire. Go further and increase flexibility!

"This boy realized so quickly about the nine changes of the Minghuo, and it took him less than two columns to reach the level of the five changes. It should not be slow to realize my good intentions ..."

This boy is not only pure in blood, but also talented. He learns Nine Fires faster than his creator. It is foreseeable that the flexibility should also be good. Although it ’s not long ... It should be done.


The heart was muttering, and the young man not far away made a series of sounds, and hit the stone several times in a row.

These times are worse than just now. Several big bales have appeared on my head and my face has swollen. It can be said that it is beyond recognition.


Seeing being hit so many times, the teenager didn't realize the so-called flexibility. Elder Yuan Yuan was a little strange and was about to remind him that suddenly his head was cramped and his face was as ugly as a green pepper.

"Does this fuck? Really fake ..."

His voice was over, and when he saw the teenager not far away, he speeded up and rushed straight forward, he didn't care if there was a stone in front of him.

I thought that such a rampage would hit the dead again. Who knew that when he came in contact with the stone, he disappeared immediately, and came out from the other side of the stone the next moment.

He was like an unreal person. The stone had no effect on him!

This guy actually ... didn't realize the flexibility, but used stone piercing!

This ... is too pit!

Besides ... The stone is so hard, how did he pass it unhindered? Even with this ability, even this kind of ability is difficult to achieve!

While muttering, the boy in front of him had already used his stone-piercing ability to leave his sight and entered the cave.

"Come and see ..."

Seeing that the other party did not do as he asked, he also escaped the siege of stones and bats, and it was not too far from completing the assessment. Elder Yuan Yuan did not hesitate to follow the hurriedly.



Nie Yun was relieved to escape the joint attack of stones and bats.

I just hit the stone in succession ~ www.readwn.com ~ when he was dizzy, he really thought of a way.

He has the talent to advance to the master level, and can also shuttle the ground here. In this case, it is not difficult to shuttle stones!

Thinking of this trick, without any hesitation, directly incorporated the talent of the Earth Master into the body, and as a result, there was a scene that made Elder Yuan Yuan almost spit out old blood.

To be honest, it was too speculative for him to rush over like this. He couldn't show his strength at all ... but there was no way. Who asked the other party to only give Liang Zhuxiang time? In such a short period of time, how can you exercise flexibility to find the so-called tens of thousands of maps first?

Using terrain talents, I passed through many stones until the stones disappeared, and the bats behind could no longer catch up. Nie Yun knew that he had definitely passed that place, so he stopped and could not help looking forward.

This place is different from the previous darkness, with a faint light, no bats and no sound of running water, and quiet needles can be heard.

"Is that a thousand scrolls?"

Looking in the direction of light, a book appeared in front of him, and a yellow oil lamp next to it was emitting light. (To be continued ...)

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