Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2126: Fairy Fairy

"Wrong, it must be wrong, you must be wrong ..."

Holding her breath nervously, Miao Feng kept praying.

Now I can only expect the other two to do wrong. He has two red and yellow crosses. As long as the other has a mistake, he can still win.

After all, curing a disease is not about seeing who prescribes it quickly, but to get rid of the disease and cure people thoroughly!


Was muttering, the light flashed again.

"A red light again?"

Seeing the color clearly, Feng Miao was about to cry, her heart sinking, she was not even staggered red and yellow, but pure red ...

This red color means that it is completely correct!

Prescriptions are prescribed so fast that they can even fight against each other. Is it true? This guy is up!

"The last one must be wrong ..."

Teeth clenched, so far he did not report the hope of victory over the other party, just thinking that the other party can make a mistake and let him pull back.


The last light turned on, still ... red light!


All ten are correct!

Ten people were prescribed for less than three breaths, and all were correct ... Isn't Nima wrong?

Everyone rubbed their eyes and rubbed their eyes to the ground.

"you you……"

Feng Miao was speechless at this time, but felt that her head was buzzing, and she couldn't believe the facts she had just seen.

"I have ten red lights, which means everything is correct, have I won?"

Seeing his expression, Nie Yun smiled lightly.

"Nie Xiong's medical skill is high, I sigh as bad! Feng is so defeated and convinced!" After a while, Feng Miao's face panicked, exhaling, and looking at the teenager again. His eyes were full of admiration.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he also knew that the medical skills of the young man in front of him were too much, and the two were totally incomparable!


I thought this Feng Miao even conceded. I will also hate it, after all, this test is equivalent to humiliating in public. Who knows that he spoke sincerely without the slightest intention of falsification, and could not help but hesitate.

"Since studying medicine, the people who teach me have been praising genius. I also take time every week to go to the hospital to increase my practical ability to use medicine. I have heard too many praises. I thought it was a genius among genius , Medicine can be ranked in Yunzhou City, only to meet the masters understand ... like a frog at the bottom of the well! "

Seems to see his doubts, Feng Miao said with a sigh.

He is a son of a family, with an extraordinary status, coupled with a humble learner, and his talent is not weak. It is normal to receive countless praises, even if one's mind is firmer and more praised. You will lose yourself.

In this case, before meeting the Nie Yun in front of him, he thought that the world was the biggest. Now I know that there are people outside, there is a sky outside!

"Brother Feng is polite ... Brother Feng's medical technique is indeed extraordinary ..."

Speaking of this, Nie Yun did not know how to say it.

Saying that the other party is extraordinary, but he has won by absolute advantage, isn't it even more extraordinary? My face was a little embarrassed, and I changed my mouth immediately: "The reason why I was able to win was good luck. I have seen these cases before. So I can prescribe the prescription so quickly ..."

"Brother Nie is polite and willing to gamble to lose. I Feng Miao is a loser ..."

Knowing that the other party was to comfort him, Feng Miao smiled, full of hearty: "This chaotic world is now brother Nie!"

After saying a finger, the chaotic world that was taken out before came over and fell into Nie Yun's palm.

"Brother Nie is so good at it, I'm convinced when I lose!"

When others saw Feng Miao willing to gamble and lose, they all smiled and threw over the things that had just been escorted.

Feng Miao was able to lose, but they didn't expect it, but they lost it. Lairen, these family members, can't do it, and can't afford to lose this person!

Taking everything in his hand, Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

I didn't expect to get so many treasures in just a while ...

"I admire Brother Nie's medical skills. If you come to trouble Brother Nie in the future, please don't quit!"

"We are now friends. When does Brother Nie come to sit with me when I have time, but I have a lot of good 'stuff' ..."

"You guys, I know the idea of ​​playing Brother Nie one by one ..."


The loser gave away the gift without any frustration, but he was all beaming with joy. Seeing this, Nie Yun understood that he had been in trouble for a long time and was counted ...

These people are indeed children of the family, and none of them are fuel-saving lamps.

Obviously, for the gambling just now, whether they win or lose, for them, they make money!

If they win, if Feng Miao wins, they do n’t need to give anything, and there is no loss. If they win, it means that they have good medical skills and lost some things in the past, but they have actually got closer, without any loss!

It is worthwhile to make a good relationship with a doctor, no matter how much you pay.

Nie Yun is not a family member. I didn't expect these people to think of it in the blink of an eye. When he understood it, he had already taken everything into his hands and could not return it, so he had to cry and laugh.

"Don't talk, Fairy Fairy is coming ..."

When I was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, all of a sudden the crowd shouted, and everyone looked at the window.

Their location is the best of Cuiyu Pavilion. The large windows can look directly into the lobby and have a clear view.

Nie Yun also looked over, and sure enough, she saw the building on the opposite side. I do n’t know when a beautiful woman sitting underneath the veil, looming, can't see clearly.

There is a guqin in front of the woman. The tulle in front of it carries a seal to prevent the soul from detecting. The eyes cannot see through it. Even he doesn't know what the woman looks like.

"This is the wonderful fairy, it really comes out ..."

Zhuo Yang stood up with excitement.

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun was speechless.

He just won the bet. The guy wasn't so excited. It was like seeing a woman. I really don't know where the charm of the wonderful fairy was.


I'm wondering ~ www.readwn.com ~ A piano sounds.

Although there is only one syllable, it is like carrying a certain magic power, suppressing the surrounding noise, and hearing a stream of sweetness in the ear, warming the heart.

"Is it ... Xianyin Avenue?"

Nie Yun was shocked.

I have n’t started playing yet, just one syllable has such a great magic power, is it possible that ... the wonderful fairy in front of her is practicing Xianyin Avenue, and she has already become so detached from her practice?

If that's the case, it's no wonder that so many family members are obsessed with it.

Xianyin Avenue itself is deceptive, and it is easy to get into the body and mind, and it is unforgettable.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

It is guessing that the opposite piano sounds without interruption, like the mountains and rivers, ringing deep inside. (To be continued)

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