Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2127: Ambition Law

"So beautiful piano sound ..."

Nie Yun felt the pores of the whole body spread out instantly, revealing a feeling of refreshing. The whole soul seemed to be soaked in the hot spring.

Fairyland Fantasy!

The music played by the other party can actually form a fantasy!

Nie Yun of Xianyin Avenue has also been contacted. There is Xianyin Dantian in the body. I thought that it would be confusing to people, and people would be psychedelic.

Let people immerse themselves, unable to extricate themselves!

At this time, Nie Yun was just like this. The surrounding piano sounds invaded from all directions, making him seem to enter another world. There is no struggle and pain here, and some are only warm and serene.

徜徉 In this dream world, my parents, Lingtai Lingyue and others are around, and happiness is extremely high.

Nie Yun's parents were killed and their relatives left one by one with great regrets. After rebirth, they have been working hard to make their families better. Even in the world of God, they still have their original intentions.

His purpose is not to become the first in the world, but ... to have the ability to protect his family and protect himself!

At this moment, in this world, there are no disputes, no fights, and some are just happiness, leaving him a little lost, and no longer want to go out.


Just when he was in a psychedelic state and was unable to extricate himself, the fairy sound Dantian suddenly turned around, and a breath of fairy sound filled the whole body.

This force swims, making him a spirit, soberly waking up from the illusion.

"Awesome piano sound ..."

Sober, Nie Yun secretly rejoiced.

Although there is no intention of killing in the sound of the piano, it is impossible to extricate yourself in the middle of it. I am afraid that I will become more and more obsessed in the future and eventually become the puppet of this wonderful fairy.

Until now, he finally understood why Zhuoyang was so obsessed with the wonderful fairy. If it wasn't for Xianyin Dantian's automatic rotation to block this fascinating illusion, even he was. I'm afraid I can't help coming again in the future, I hope to hear it again!

Xianyin Avenue reaches the highest level. It's so scary!

Turning his head to look around, I saw Ye Tao, Zhuo Yang, and others who were already intoxicated, eyes closed, and a smile on their faces, as if they had completely entered the illusion and could not extricate themselves.

Looking out through the window, everyone outside was fascinated. For a time, the Cuiyu Pavilion could only hear the cymbals. No one spoke a half sentence.

"Well? Although the sound of this piano is terrible, it seems to have a bit of pain ..."

Nie Yun was shocked by the strength of the wonderful fairy, and suddenly hesitated.

Leaving the illusion of piano sound, he can really hear the meaning of piano sound.

With Xianyin Dantian, no matter where he is, he is also a melody. The floating melody of the other party seems to have a hint of unworkable depression, like a boulder suddenly appearing in the flowing water, blocking the way forward.

"I've learned so much about Xianyin Avenue that this situation should not have happened!"

Hear this. Nie Yun was a little strange.

Even now, when he plays a song, he will not feel this depression. Why is there such a simple problem in the other person's powerful rhythm?

"Unless ... she has a disease, her power cannot penetrate ..."

Suddenly, Nie Yun's heart moved.

There is only one possibility to make this happen to the rhythm, that is, something in the heart, or ... physical injury!

Xianyin is a kind of avenue, when it is fully demonstrated. No blemishes are allowed, and the wonderful fairy plays. Prepared for a long time in advance, plus countless sons crazy. The possibility of something in the heart is much lower than the possibility of physical injury.


Thinking of this, Nie Yun's spirit infused his eyes, and looked at the screen ahead.


There seemed to be a medical book spinning in both eyes, and Shennong Baicao walked through the body with great power.

What he used was not the normal medical treatment, but ... the "Expectation Method" peculiar to Emperor Shennong!

This is a unique stunt from Shennong to people. With this method, you can see the cause and find out the problem, even if you don't need to take the pulse or ask.

The human body is the same as heaven and earth. It is divided into yin and yang, five elements, and yin and yang coordination. The five elements cycle can be healthy and healthy.

After Nie Yun refining the Shennong Baicao Jing, he has always used the method of seeing and hearing to see a doctor. This method is the first time.

It is not that he does not want to use it. On the one hand, his current strength is forced to operate, which is very difficult. On the other hand, it is easy to be discovered by others and confirmed to be a Shennong disciple.

Disciples of Shennong are very famous, but before they have enough self-protection ability, they will be released and easily trapped and imprisoned. They will be treated as their own personal doctors, and their lives and deaths cannot be controlled by themselves.

He was unwilling to see this situation, so he has never performed it since he left Yanhuang Hall.

At this point, everyone was caught in the illusion of fairy sounds, and the wonderful fairy on the opposite side was fully absorbed in playing. No one noticed it, and it would not be discovered.


In the eyes, Shennong Baicao rotated, blinking, and the scene immediately changed.

The graceful figure in the screen turned into a swirling flow of air, in which the yin and yang blended, and the five elements revolved around each other, forming a human-shaped flow diagram.

"Huh? Sure enough!"

At first glance, the airflow diagram was nothing, and it was very balanced. After looking at it for a while, Nie Yun immediately discovered the problem.

The human figure is under the umbilicus, with a hint of dimness. Unlike other colors, the yin, yang, and the five elements of the air flow will be hindered from coming here, just like the stones in the pipeline, which hinder the smooth flow of breath.

"It's not poison, it's not sick, it's not hurt ..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nie Yun pondered.

The poison, illness, and injury in the Wangqi method have their own colors, which are different from each other. The dark gray in front of them is obviously not the three.

"It's a matter of constitution ..."

After a while, Nie Yun understood.

This is not poisoning and sickness ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is the situation caused by the conflict between her practice and avenue and her physique.

No wonder there is a sense of depression in the sound of the piano. It is not bad to have a direct conflict, but it is only short-lived and it makes sense.


As soon as he figured out what happened, the Shennong Baicaojing in his eyes disappeared immediately, then a strong exhaustion and a headache surged up, making his face pale.

The strength is not enough, forcibly using the look-ahead method will still hurt him greatly.


With severe pain, he could not help humming.

The sound is not loud, but in a room with only the sound of a piano, it is like a thunderbolt.


The sound of the piano being played, a crisp sound, the strings ... broken! (To be continued)

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