Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2128: Who is the consonant?



As soon as the strings were broken, the illusion brought by the sound of the piano disappeared. Many of the immersed boys opened their eyes one by one and exhaled breath, eyes full of reluctance. ±,

Although Qin Yin was suddenly cut off, they fell into the illusion of Xianyin and didn't notice it. They just felt awake from the happiest illusion and felt very uncomfortable. Their chests were like burning a fire, which would burn at any time.

"The fairy fairy is indeed a fairy fairy, but ... there is too little music. We haven't heard enough. I wonder if we can play another song?"

"After listening to a song, instead of solving it, I was even more eager. Please don't let the fairies ..."

"As long as you play earnestly, I will give you whatever you want ..."

"I beg you, play another song ... Half a song is fine, just play and let me be a cow and a horse ..."


The people in Cuiyu Pavilion sobered up, one by one showing their reluctance, with pleading in their eyes.

If it is a normal end, everyone may not be so eager. Forcibly interrupted by playing half, it feels like hungry for several days, the food is ready, chopsticks are taken, but suddenly ... the food is gone Now, there is only one fragrance left in front of you!

It was as if the satyr saw the goddess who had been stunned for many years, his clothes were stripped off, and he came to the door, but found that the other was a man.

It is conceivable to feel wronged in my heart.

Almost everyone who can come here and book a room is a family member, a wealthy person. This kind of appetite is driving them crazy, and they all shout out.

Fortunately, they also know that the other party is a wonderful fairy, and they dare not offend, otherwise. Definitely rushed past.

"Fairy, play another song. What conditions do you need to mention ..."

Zhuoyang also scratched his head and shouted.

He himself favored the wonderful fairy. Hearing half a song at this time, could not help it anymore.


Everyone was talking, and they wanted the fairy behind the screen to play another song. Suddenly, the sound of the piano interrupted the sound of the discussion.

"Quiet everyone!"

The figure in the screen curtain moved a little, and then a person with a maid-like appearance on one side walked forward two steps, loudly.

This girl is not as attractive as a country, but her voice is crisp and beautiful. As Zhuyu fell to the ground, it sounded uncomfortable in the ear.

Upon hearing this voice, many people came up with the idea at once: it is definitely impossible to pursue the wonderful fairy, and it would be absolutely good to marry this girl-in-law back!

"My lady is very sorry for the unfinished song and interruption for no reason. The reason why this happens is not that the lady's piano skill is not good ... but Takayama has encountered water. The sound of the piano has met the conscience!

The girl's crunchy voice sounded.

"What? Tall mountains encounter flowing water?"

"Meet the confidant? Is it possible that the confidant is among us?"

"Who is this conscience?"

"It's an honor to be a consonant of the wonderful fairy. Which lucky one is it?"


The crowd first burst into an uproar.

Miaoyin Fairy has been in Yunzhou City for two years. The number of shots played in two years is very few. I have never heard of any conscience. How come one suddenly?

Who will this conscience be?

"Willn't it be me? I know the meaning of the wonderful sound of the fairy sound. I have also learned a lot of rhythm books for this!"

Hear that in the private room. Zhuo Yang just felt hot and jumped up. Eyes shine.

He has been shut out for the first seven times, and has studied a lot of music books for this purpose. Although he is not a master of music, he is definitely more than ordinary people. Is this confidant himself?

"You? It ’s so bad here. It must be me. I have loved rhythm since I was a kid. I have learned about flu. Fairies must know this and want to play with me!"

A boy interrupted Zhuoyang's narcissism, and he was busy, looking in anticipation.

"I think it's me. Just now I seemed to feel that the fairy's piano was played for me. The two of us were sitting by the river. The breath of water and the breeze blew. Nothing in life ...

Another boy shouted.

Listening to his words, it is clear that he was concerned about being **** with the fairy fairy.

"Don't bother, you've all been here many times and haven't been taken seriously. How could it be a confidant? It must be me, this is my first time ..."

Ye Tao also joined in.


Everyone was white with excitement and eyes full of excitement.

For them, if they can really become a consonant of the wonderful fairy, even if they die immediately, they feel worth it!

"Bosom friend?"

Unlike everyone's excitement, Nie Yun's eyes were full of doubts.

At this time, he had recovered from the weakness of the "Wang Qi Method", but the loss was too great, and he was still a bit tired, and his face was white.

Although I felt weak, my heart was still strange.

It was just that he accidentally interrupted the other party's performance. According to the reason, it should be a cow chewing peony. It was some disrespectfulness. How could it become a conscience?

Is it possible that Zhiyin is not talking about himself, but others?

should be!

"Brother Nie, are you okay? Why are you so pale?"

His fault was still seen, it was Feng Miao.

Feng Miao was drunk, saying that although Qin Yin just attracted him a lot, after all, he had a good attitude and easily walked out of psychedelics. When he saw that the boy with a rosy face just now became pale, he could not help asking Come out.

Hearing his words, other people also saw his expression, one by one with the meaning of inquiry.

"Brother Nie, what's wrong? Wasn't it okay just now?" Zhuo Yang also came over.

"It's okay, it's just a little uncomfortable, just a moment later!"

Seeing the concern of the crowd, Nie Yun smiled.

Cultivation is inadequate, forcibly using the Qi method to damage his soul, and his body also feels tired. However, it does not hurt the root, but only a period of weakness! Innocuous.

"It's okay. After a while, I will become the confidante of the fairy, and I will take you back! Now you take a rest!"

Ye Tao breathed a sigh of relief ~ www.readwn.com ~ You have become a confidant of the fairy, it must be me, I don't think you think about it! "Zhuo Yang stood on one side and demolished the platform.

"Why are you? I just saw the fairy look at me just now, it must be me. You don't have to fight with me anyway, you can't fight anyway ..."

Ye Tao said.

"you guys……"

Seeing the two fighting, Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

"Brother Nie, if you are not feeling well, just take good care of yourself and be a judge. Since Fairy speaks a confidant, he will definitely announce the answer after a while. When this guy loses, I want him to apologize to me and admit that It's the loser! "

Zhuo Yang held Nie Yun with a proud look.

"Okay, now that you have Brother Nie as a judge, I will also ask him to be a judge. I will let you take the initiative after a while!"

Ye Tao will not let go! (To be continued ...)

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