Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2137: discuss

"It's just ... why are you competing and looking for medical masters for worship?" Nie Yun then asked.

He still didn't understand. Ye Tao, Ye Mingcheng, Ye Xin, etc. competed. It was understandable to choose some powerful people to worship, why should they seek medical masters?

Ye Mingcheng went to Baishou Medical Saint, Ye Xin went to Nantian Medical Saint ... Ye Tao was himself!

If it was just a coincidence, he didn't believe it.

It costs more to hire a medical master than to hire a master.

"Yes ..." Ye Tao's face was embarrassed for a while: "In fact, it is the task of the current homeowner! I didn't tell Brother Nie about this. Brother Nie must not be surprised. To be honest, I am worried about how to mention you ... ... "

After tangling for a long time, Ye Tao made it clear.

The person with the highest status in the Ye family is not the current owner, but the grandfather in Ye Tao's mouth, which is his grandfather.

Although his grandfather was not the first to follow Putian the Great, but he has lived for many years and has a wide network of contacts. The nine greats have to sell their faces and are the most important person to maintain the operation of the entire family! Such a person may not be as powerful as the emperor-level strongman, but in Yunzhou City, just say a word, even the eight fiercely fierce kings, dare not violate.

This shows the status!

However, what worries the Ye family is that the body of the old man is not as good as it is, and it seems that he can't hold it any time.

When the old man was there, many hostile forces did not dare to do anything. Once he died, even if he was one of the duke's family inherited by the 12th lineage, the Ye family would be 100 times more sad than now!

Because of knowing this, everyone doesn't want Mr. Ye's accident, and no matter how much it costs, he invites the best medical master to continue his life.

It's a pity that the old man had suffered a very serious injury when he was young, although he suppressed it for so many years. To this day, it still explodes, making it impossible to suppress.

Ye Tao, Ye Mingcheng, and Ye Xin, the three potential heirs, all know that once they can find someone to treat the old man. The position of the heir must be real, and the owner knew it. That's why this task was arranged, the purpose is self-evident.

All in order that the Ye family can continue to be glorious and will not be destroyed.

Ye Tao originally went to the wasteland ancient city to find another medical master in Shidi, but he ran back against each other. When he met Ye Mingcheng in the ancient city, they did not agree with each other, and caused the poison of the soul. Clouds appear in time. It must be dead.

Because of Nie Yun's appearance, he saw hope.

This young man is young but possesses jaw-dropping medicine and can get his help. Ye Tao can be sure that this task will be a complete success!

That's why I tried to solicit.

However, many medical masters have their own pride and will not be willing to be used as a bargaining chip for others, so Ye Tao has always been tangled. Not afraid to tell the truth, for fear of the genius boy in front of him, angry. Turn around and leave!

At this point, when I learned that Ye Xin had invited Nantian Medical Saint to come here, I felt a little flustered and couldn't help but speak out.

"Brother Nie, I didn't tell you before. I didn't mean to conceal you intentionally. I wanted to wait for the owner to talk to you and talk to you. Willing to do the worship of my Ye family will definitely give you a sufficient reward. Not willing Be ... Brother Nie is also my life-saving benefactor. What do you want. Obey yourself! "

After explaining, Ye Tao said.

"Participate in the battle. Not what I want!"

Even if the Ye family is weak, it is a behemoth for him now. It is easy to fall into a vortex when he participates in the battle. However, the Ye family is one of the twelve dukes' houses, and can use their power to find a chaotic ocean for himself. The rule is that breaking through the imperial realm has great benefits.

Thinking of this, Nie Yun then turned sharply: "But ... if Brother Ye believes in the next, it is no harm to make a Ye family offering!"

"It's great!" Ye Tao brightened his eyes and said busyly: "I'm going to report to the family now, and help Brother Nie apply for the worship of the elder, to stop Ye Xin's arrogance!"

"Enshrine to the elder?" Nie Yun shook his head: "Brother Ye may have misunderstood what I said. When the enshrinement is OK, the so-called devotion to the elder is too shallow to be competent ..."

Consecration of the elder position, from the conversation just now, he guessed and guessed that power is great, and responsibilities must be great. He is accustomed to taking care of himself. When it comes to offerings that do n’t care about anything, it ’s okay. Elder, I really don't want to.

"This ... Brother Nie, you have to think about it. Worshiping the elders in the Ye family is extremely high. If they can succeed, they are comparable to the elders ..." Ye Tao did not expect that he would refuse and said in a hurry: "And, If you only serve as an offering, Nantian Medical Saint becomes a dedicated elder and will be subject to him ... "

"Brother Ye, don't worry, I'm so young, and I don't have any fame. Even if you report, you want me to worship the elders, how confident are you?"

Nie Yun asked.


Ye Tao froze.

He could not be a candidate for the heirs of the family, and naturally he was not a reckless one. Hearing this, he immediately understood.

This Nie Yun's medical skill is brilliant, but ... he is the only one in Ye's family who knows that, even if he looks so young, he can only make an ordinary offering at most. It is almost impossible to compete for the offering of elder Thing.

If I really want to participate in the competition, I am afraid that it will not only be an elder to worship, but also a catalyst, which will directly make Ye Xin's plan successful.

"But ... Brother Nie's medical skill is brilliant, I believe it will never be worse than that Nantian Medical Saint ..."

Although I understand, my heart is still unwilling.

"What good is the medical skill? Do you think the elders in your clan will listen to your explanation?" Nie Yundao.

"will not!"

Ye Tao looked sad.

If you have become the heir ~ www.readwn.com ~ Those elders who are too senior may listen to one or two, but now they are only competitors and will certainly not listen.

"What to do? Is it right to watch Ye Xin's plan succeed, and make Nantian Medical Saint an enshrined elder?"

After thinking about it for a long time, there was no good way. Ye Tao's fist clenched and his face turned blue.

He was not reconciled, but now it is too difficult to find another person whose reputation is comparable to that of Nantian Medicine.

As for challenging Nantian Medical Saint ... it is even more impossible.

With such a great reputation, how can you accept your challenge as an uneducated person? There is nothing to win, and once you lose, will your reputation be ruined?

"Actually ... don't worry about it so much. The purpose of Yefu's invitation to Master Daodao is to heal the old man in your mouth. As long as who can heal the old man ... won't it be easy to get a place to worship the elder?"

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

ps: I ’m not in good shape, I ca n’t write it, I ’ll change it today, everyone forgive me! (To be continued)

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