Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2138: Older


"Cure the old man?" Ye Tao's eyes lighted, then he shook his head and smiled wryly: "Brother Nie has no idea. The old man of our family has seen him personally, the old wounds and the body The function is weakened, it is suppressed at most, and it is impossible to cure it completely! Not to mention Yunzhou City these years, all the famous physicians in Kyushu have seen it once, and they are helpless! In recent years, with the growing age of the father The injury has already been irresistible, and I endure endless pain every day. The purpose of the owner to explain to us that we are looking for a master of medical ethics is not to completely cure it, but to ... can ease it and help prolong life, even two a year. Year, two months a month! "

Nie Yun frowned.品 书 网 (wWW.VoDtw.coM)》,

Now that all the famous doctors in Kyushu have seen it, it seems that this old man's illness is not as simple as imagined, and he has kept things simple.

"Since this Nantian Medical Saint dared to apply to become an elder of worship, could he already have a way to alleviate the pain of the old man?"

Hesitated, Nie Yun asked.

Since the purpose of Yefu's search for the Master of Medical Taoism was to alleviate the wounds on the old man, Nantian Medical Saint dared to apply for the worship of the elders, and he must have had full confidence, otherwise, he would never dare to do so!

"This ... Liu Hao, you go and check again. What's going on?"

Ye Tao froze, and immediately understood, his face changed.

If Nie Yun didn't say it, he hadn't thought that if the Nantian Medical Saint really had this ability to alleviate the injury of the old man, he would certainly be able to directly worship the elder without the consent of many elders.

Once successful, he will become very passive.

"Yes!" Liu Hao also realized the problem. Turned around and went out, not long. Come back again.

"Master, I have found out. Nantian Medical Saint does have a pill that can alleviate the pain of the old man. Now the elders meeting in the clan has begun, because the two elder elders are retreating, and the staff have not arrived. Take it temporarily. No definitive news is coming, but ... the result will be tomorrow at the latest! "

Liu Hao's face wasn't very good-looking. Obviously, he heard the news. Very unhappy.

"Tomorrow at the latest?" Ye Tao clenched his fists.

He never dreamed that Ye Xin would move so fast. Not only did he invite Nantian Medical Saint, he also found the pill to relieve the pain of the old man, and more importantly ... the other party directly applied for the worship of the elder, and the series of actions did not stop in the slightest. He had no mental preparation.

"Pills?" Unlike Ye Tao's concern, Nie Yun frowned and didn't say much.

He didn't know what the old man was. Since the other person's pills are effective, I am afraid they have been prepared. At this time, it is definitely not so easy to redeem them.

"I want to go to Parliament ..."

Knowing that time doesn't wait for someone. Ye Tao said.

"Master, only the elders can enter the council. Although your status is not weak ... but you still cannot participate. Furthermore, since Ye Xin has started in advance. He must be prepared and there is not enough reason to go in. I'm afraid that someone will take the opportunity to make trouble. Gain is not worth it ... "Liu Hao busy.

Although Ye Tao is a candidate for heirs, in fact, this kind of elder, too elder-level meeting is not eligible to participate, stay quiet and unaffected, once there is no reason to go in, broken rules, there must be a lot of trouble.

Ye Xin may be waiting for this opportunity, and he has settled the trap waiting to be drilled.

"Yeah ... but, what can I do now? If you don't, can you just sit here and wait to die?"

Ye Tao was anxious.

Can't participate in parliament, can we just wait?

"Don't worry, there must be a way. You said it just now. The key point is with the old man. In this case, is it possible to find him first, and let me see what the other party's disease is, it is better to prepare in advance!"

Nie Yundao.

"Look at the old man?" Ye Tao shook his head with a bitter smile: "I also know that this is the best way, but ... Old man is now seriously ill, staying at home and not seeing guests, even if I want to visit, I need to apply in advance, the owner Only agree! "

With the worsening of the illness, the father spends more time in restoring and recuperating. He refuses all visits to the outside world, and even the people in the clan want to see it, which is more troublesome. If it is not for this, there is no need to entangle.

"Is there no other way?" Nie Yun frowned.

"No!" Ye Tao shook his head: "Unless ..."

"Unless what?"

"Ah, that's a task that can't be completed, it definitely won't work!" Ye Tao seemed to think of something, and he rejected it directly.

"tell me the story!"

"Uh ..." Ye Tao hesitated when he saw the boy coming over. "Unless he went to see the old man in Yuelong, as long as he was willing to show up, it was easy to see the old man!"


"Yueyue is a playmate who grew up with his father. He is both a housekeeper and a friend. Others want to see the old man. Even the homeowner needs to ask in advance.

Speaking of which Ye Tao paused.

Nie Yun knows that it will not be so easy. If it is not difficult, he will not be so entangled.

"The older the temper is, the stranger is always unfriendly. Do n’t talk about us, even if the owner is in the past, he is often scolded and difficult to get started! So ... we are all afraid of him. Too late ... "

Ye Tao smiled bitterly.

"Weird temper?"

"Yeah, this older man had fought many places with his father, and he made great achievements. However, because of this, he suffered a lot of dark injuries. It is said that he had headaches and ills. After a certain period of time, the pain was unbearable. People are willing to provoke you in the past, and if they kill you because of madness, they will kill you in vain. No one will give you a shot ... "

Liu Hao began to say ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hey, we can't help it, even though the older one doesn't care about anything in the clan, but his status is so high that no one dares to offend! It's best for him to take him to see the old man, unfortunately ... we dare not see each other, let alone the others ... "

Ye Tao said slowly.

"You took me to see this older man, and his strange temperament may not be able to persuade him!" Nie Yundao.

"You going to see?" Ye Tao was startled.

"Yeah, don't see you. Do you have any other way to find the old man?" Nie Yun smiled lightly.

"This ... no!"

Ye Tao was bitter.

"Okay, though, brother Nie, I have to say something in advance. The older I am, the more weird I am. If I really want to do it, I should run away immediately. I ca n’t stay. You are the one I invited and my friend. "

After a while, seeing that Nie Yun looked sincere and didn't want to make a joke, Ye Tao nodded his head and said solemnly. (To be continued ...)

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