Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2139: Dong Xin

In Ye Tao's eyes, it is important to please the older and closer to the father, and more importantly, the young man in front of him.

He only has a complete kingship. If he gets older, he will go crazy. Once he starts, he can't resist it!

"Rest assured, I have a sense!" Nie Yun nodded knowing the other person's kindness, "Moreover, Qiu Mingjia you gave me can resist one or two!"

Even if this older man is a perfect emperor and wants to kill himself, it is not so easy. He is not particularly worried about safety.

"Well, that's right, I'll follow along. The older I really get angry, the big thing is to let Liu Hao resist one or two!" Ye Tao thought about it and said no more.

Although the strength of the older is higher in the clan, after all, he is older and has injuries. When he goes crazy, his intelligence is damaged and his strength cannot be exerted to the limit. Liu Hao can completely resist.

"It's not too late, let's go now!"

Nie Yun nodded.

It is not that he is active, but at this time, if Ye Tao is suppressed and something goes wrong, he will not be very good in his future actions. Moreover, if he can take the opportunity to make good contact with the old man, it will be convenient to operate in Yunzhou City a lot of.

"I'll lead the way!"

Ye Tao was not tangled, and he and Liu Hao immediately went out.

The older one lives in a small independent courtyard. In the most corner of Yefu, the environment is quiet and quiet, and there is a faint floral fragrance before coming.

"This older man is an elegant man who has planted so many flowers and plants!"

Although he has not yet entered the courtyard, Nie Yun has smelled at least hundreds of kinds of flowers from the smell alone, and he can grow so many flowers and grasses. This older man must be an elegant man.

"These flowers are not the older ones ... Sister Xin planted them!" Ye Tao said.

"Sister Xin?"

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you just now. Sister Xin is called Dong Xin. She is the older daughter. She has been caring for the older and lived in this yard. The flowers and trees here are basically hers. Ye Tao said this and paused: "Sister Xin is very powerful. When talking to her later, be careful, otherwise it will be very troublesome!"


While talking, the two came to the courtyard door and pushed in.


As soon as he entered the courtyard, a cold voice sounded, and then the figure flashed, and a woman in purple appeared in front of the three.

This woman is tall. The looks are beautiful, no matter from which point of view, they are real beauties, but the black eyes are like ice, making it hard to access.

At first glance, I knew it was a cold and proud woman.

"Hello Sister Xin ... it's me, Ye Tao!" Ye Tao hurried forward and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" The woman named Dong Xin frowned, instead of being flattered because of his identity, but with a taste of indifference and rejection.

"I want to see the older, I wonder if I can pass it on?" Ye Tao said.

"See more old? I can just talk to him directly. He doesn't want to see people recently!" Dong Xin said.

"Uh ... this is the case. This brother Nie is a medical master. I heard that older people have headaches and ill health. I want to come and see if there is any cure ..." Ye Tao pointed to Nie Yun.

"Master of Medical Practice?" Dong Xinfeng looked at Nie Yun, and his eyebrows narrowed as he looked so young: "Where can I find the famous people who are fishing for reputation? They are not welcome here, leave now!"

After talking about Jiao tou, he walked towards the courtyard.

"Sister Xin, brother Nie is really capable, not a generation of fame ..." Ye Tao hurried forward, full of anxiety.

If you don't even see the older. Not to mention the old man.

"I don't care if I'm older, I can't stand the frustration. Go back now. I won't tell others about today. I won't tell others that you've been here!" Dong Xin waved his hand and didn't look back.

Judging from her tone of action, there must be many so-called "medical masters" who have been treated before, but all have returned without success, which has caused her to be so disgusted.

"Trouble? This girl, you sure to let the next look is toss, can not cure?" Ye Tao had not spoken yet, Nie Yun's faint voice sounded.

"Cure the disease? The older the disease is, it ’s not so bad. It ’s just that you guys have been treated indiscriminately. It ’s so painful if you prescribe medicine indiscriminately. You do n’t know anything about quack! If you dare to treat the disease, no matter who it is, who is behind Will kill you! "

Dong Xin paused, turned his head, and looked at Nie Yun with a strong disgust in his eyes.

"Yong doctor harms people, this statement is true!" Nie Yun smiled lightly without seeing the smoke in her eyes. "However, a good doctor can also cure the disease and save people. The girl only looked at it, was she sure I was a quack doctor?" Not a cure? "

"Healer? Just you?" Dong Xin sneered.

Because of the older disease, most of the well-known medical masters have seen her, and have never heard of one of these young teenagers.

"How do you know if you don't try? If you just reject a doctor who can help the older and relieve the pain, presumably, let him know later and rebuke you!" Nie Yundan said.

Hearing this, Dong Xin just wanted to make a sarcastic sentence and suddenly stopped.

Although the young man was young, he was too confident in both manners and words.

In particular, his eyes were indifferent, as if what he said was the truth, a fact that others cannot refute.

A genius boy has seen a lot of people living in places like Yefu, but he can never have seen this kind of look, this kind of spirit.

"You say you can ease the pain of older people, if you can't do it?"

Thinking of this, Dong Xin stopped.

"How do you know if you don't try? If I can't find the crux, you can not take medicine for the older, and there is no loss. Instead, you can find the crux, and it can be relieved. The older the pain will be alleviated. Try it, how do you know the result? "

Nie Yundao ~ www.readwn.com ~ Dong Xin turned around and stared at the teenager, seemingly trying to see something, except that she didn't see anything except the clear eyes.

"Sister Xin, Brother Nie is indeed a medical master. Previously, Baishou Yisheng and his medical challenges challenged him with a fierce return! He may be able to find a solution to the older disease."

Seeing her disbelief in her eyes, Ye Tao hurried.

"Yeah, the master is very toxic in the wasteland ancient city. Master Mingxin is helpless. It is the master Nie Yun who has solved it ..." Liu Hao also helped to explain, but it ’s okay not to explain. As soon as you speak, Ye Tao looked flushed.


Seeing this scene, Liu Hao seemed to understand something, hurriedly closed his mouth, and scratched his head awkwardly.

It seems that ... the master ’s detoxification method is not particularly good ... and the most important thing is ... the young master in front of him seems to have pursued the young sister in front of him ... (to be continued)

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