Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2140: Pearl grass

Although Dong Xin is just an older righteous daughter, she is the best choice regardless of her appearance and temperament. She has caused countless sons in the clan to come and see Fangze. Master Ye Tao is also one of these people. A lot of hard work, but this sister Xin, who did not care about anyone, refused many times, and finally got angry!

Threatening to win her heart, first defeat her!

So ... a mighty contest began, and the famous son of the clan, Cai Jun, rushed over to challenge, and as a result ... each of them was swollen, blushed and swollen.

Even Master Ye Tao couldn't avoid it, and lay down in bed for three months before coming down ...

Since then, no one has dared to fight Sister Xin's idea, and no one has dared to arrogantly.

"Are you poisonous?"

Sure enough, after hearing what Hao Liu said, Dong Xin turned around and looked at Ye Tao.

"Uh ... Yes, Brother Nie, it is indeed the most powerful doctor I have ever seen ..." Ye Tao scolded Liu Hao which pot was not open and which pot was exposed, but hurriedly said in his mouth.

"Well, I can take you to see older people, but if there is something wrong, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Regardless of his embarrassment, Dong Xin looked at Nie Yun and turned to walk forward.

"Ha ha!"

Nie Yun didn't care about her threat, and followed him with a slight smile.

The courtyard is just like what he smelled outside. The flowers are colorful, all kinds of flowers are colorful, fighting against each other, and the faint floral fragrance floats throughout the courtyard, making people feel relaxed and comfortable when they smell it.

"Shen Heng Cao, Faint Flower, Weeping Chrysanthemum ... these are flowers of medicinal herbs that condense and soothe the nerves. It seems that this Miss Dong Xin is not only powerful but also very careful ..."

Walking among the flowers, what Nie Yun saw and Ye Tao saw something completely different.

Ye Tao only saw that these flowers were very beautiful, thinking that the sister Xin was a beauty-loving person. But in his eyes, he is different.

Most of the flowers' fragrances have a calming and calming effect, which can make people arrogant and irritable. If this old man really does what Ye Tao said. Suffering from brain disorders, easily going crazy. These aromas are indeed an excellent item for healing.

Although it can not cure or cure the symptoms, it can make people feel relaxed and the chance of going crazy is reduced.

"Huh? Is this pearl grass?"

Moving forward at will, feeling the intimateness of this Miss Dong Xin in front of her, suddenly her footsteps stopped, and Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned.

Among the flowers in the courtyard, a fruit-like flower appeared in front of the eyes.

The fruits of this flower are each the size of a nail. Crystal as jade, like round pearls.

The pearl is azure and reflects the light, giving a warm feeling, no matter from which point of view, it is very beautiful.

"No, not Pearlgrass, but [Wangyue Pearl Flower] ... These two medicinal materials are very similar, but their effects are completely opposite. Pearlgrass has a warm atmosphere. It can relax people and is a good thing to break through. And Mochizuki Pearl Flower. With the evil spirit, it has been attacked by taste for a long time, which can make people's soul impetuous and easily irritable ... Is this Miss Dong Xin kind of wrong? "

Nie Yun frowned.

Pearl grass and Mochizuki pearl flower name are similar, but the effect is opposite, once wrong, it is not only not good, it will also bring disaster.

The hardest thing is that this Miss Dong Xin got it wrong?

"Impossible! Mochizuki pearl flower is precious and unusual, and the seed is far more rare than pearl grass. And the growth environment is not the same. It is difficult to plant the wrong ..."

Think of the records in the Shennong Baicao Jing. A cold mang flashed in Nie Yun's eyes, and he looked at the Pearl Moon Flower in front of him again. Discovered unusual places again.

There is a small gazebo next to the pearl flower of Mochizuki, and then there is a rockery pond, and the fishes and shrimps play under the clear water. It should be often fed to see the fishes and shrimps look happy.

It can be seen from this that this gazebo, the Dong Xin in front of him, or the older one often comes here.

If only Dong Xin is here, if he gets older, he often comes here, and this place is so close to the moonflower pearl flower. It is foreseeable that the older the chance of getting sick will increase a lot!

From this point of view, this medicinal material is not wrong, it is likely to be intentionally planted!

Could it be this Dong Xin?

Nie Yun frowned.

This Dong Xin is an older and righteous daughter. She is very faithful from Ye Tao's mouth. If she really wants to get older, she should take advantage of the opportunity to meet every day. It should not be difficult to implement. Why spend so much effort and plant such a plant Herbs?

Judging from this, it should not be her!

If it wasn't for her, who wants to make the older ones go crazy?

Nie Yun rubbed his eyebrows and was thinking about it, and saw a pair of bright eyes, staying in front of them, with a touch of anger.

Startled, he looked up and saw that Dong Xin, who was moving forward, did not know when he stopped, stared at him, and raised his eyebrows.

"Can you walk?"

Dong Xin scolded.

Just now Nie Yun saw Moyue Pearl Flower in deep thought, and stopped involuntarily, which only made her a little angry.

"Oh, go now. I saw a strange herb just now, and I was a little lost. I still forgive you!" Regarding her disgust, Nie Yun smiled slightly: "Yes, Miss Dong Xin, there are many flowers and plants They are all precious medicinal herbs, so it takes a lot of effort to grow so many and flourish one by one! "

"Many of these medicinal herbs were found by others. They cost a lot of money, and it took a lot of effort to cultivate them!"

After hearing about the medicinal herbs, Dong Xin's face eased a little and he nodded slowly.

Being able to recognize these flowers and herbs is a medicinal material for meditation and meditation, which shows that this young man is not so uncomfortable as he imagined ~ www.readwn.com ~ at least he has some vision and insight.

"Oh, from these flowers, you can see that Miss Dong Xin is attentive to Yue Lao ..." Seeing her expression eased, Nie Yun smiled, and her eyes fell on the moonflower pearl flower: "This medicinal plant looks very special, I don't know What is it, can you introduce it to me?

After speaking, Nie Yun looked at the girl through the eyes of the sky and observed her expression carefully.

Although I guessed in my mind that it might not be related to this girl, I still couldn't carelessly. After all, this girl's strength is far beyond him. In case the other party really wants to get older, knowing that she found out, it will inevitably be in danger.

"This is a plant of pearl grass. I bought it at a great price. It is very rare and rare. It's normal to have never seen it before!"

Dong Xin's face remained the same, and a faint sense of pride was revealed in his eyes.

Seeing that there was no vigilant smell in her eyes, Nie Yun knew that she certainly didn't know the true function of this medicinal plant, so she was relieved, smiled slightly, and raised the corners of her mouth.

I mistakenly recognized the medicinal herbs and planted them here in large numbers. I really don't know what she can be proud of. (To be continued)

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