Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2141: Pulse

"Pearl grass? The name is an image, but I don't know what it is for?"

For the pride of the girl, Nie Yun did not poke and smiled slightly.

"Pearl grass is a good medicine for restfulness. Placing a plant in the room can completely suppress the commotion caused by the break and make people feel comfortable!" Dong Xin snorted: "I have searched for this medicine For a long time, I found it from a senior. Although you have some medical skills, pearl grass is really uncommon and it is normal to not know it! "


Hearing the contempt of the other party, Nie Yun smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile, shifting the topic: "Does this pavilion often get older?"

"Of course! There is pearl grass. Older people often stay here to feed fish and enjoy the flowers!"

Dong Xinxiu frowned: "Well, if you don't go to see the older, please leave now. What is this so much nonsense?"

"Let's go!"

Nie Yun stopped talking and immediately followed.

Passing through the flowers and entering the inner courtyard, there is a sound insulation array around it, which looks extremely quiet. The sky, blue sky and white clouds, and birds flying, make people feel like they have entered the paradise.

Ye Tao and others followed, seeing that Nie Yungan and Dong Xin said so much, each one secretly gave his thumbs up.

Sister Xin's fame has spread throughout the clan of their clan. Even if Ye Taotian is not afraid to meet her, she will be annoyed, for fear of annoying the other person. .

"The older, Ye Tao wants to see you!"

Entering the inner courtyard, Dong Xin stopped, stood in front of a room, and shouted softly, his voice was crisp.

"Ye Tao? What's the boy doing here?" A faint voice sounded.

The voice is not so old, but with strong power, just like the soldiers. It was loud and loud, with no trace of muddy water.


The voice was over and the door opened. A back appeared before the crowd.

The back was straight, like a strong pine. Gives a strong sense of oppression.

Although he didn't see the front, from the back alone, Nie Yun felt a pressure coming. The old man in front of him is stronger than the old Nanhua old immortal.

"Looking at people's blood and watching people's losses, I must be standing next to Ye Tao. This is a healer!"

The older he was about to talk, the lighter the older he turned to them.


Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

The eyesight of the other party is really terrible!

The way doctors see people is different from ordinary people. The so-called Wangwen Wenqiqian, Wangwang is a science, like Yue said, it depends on the blood and blood loss of people, and the loss of people from the body.

But speaking of mystery, in fact, it is not much different from ordinary people's observation, and most people will not find it.

The older the older, uttered these words with his back to himself, why not surprise him!

This vision alone far surpasses South China Lao Xian, and all the imperial powerhouses he has met.

No wonder Ye Tao was scared like that before he came. This vision, this strength, this is going crazy. It is indeed not something that can be countered by oneself.

"Here is a medical doctor, specially invited by Master Ye Tao. I heard that the older he is, the worse his health, come to see it!" Shocked in his heart, but did not say much, Nie Yun's look remained calm.


For some reason, the older one nodded, praised, and slowly turned around.

Turned around. Nie Yun immediately felt that the previous pressure disappeared instantly, and the face of a kind old man appeared in front of his eyes.

"I'm fine. I have some headaches and can't be cured!" Yue old shook his head.

Although he said that he could not be cured. There was no loss or sadness in his tone, as if the person said had nothing to do with him.

"There is no incurable disease in the world, it is the most troublesome!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly and stepped forward: "Can you give the older ones a pulse?"

"Brother Nie ..."

When he heard the pulse, the older he had not spoken, Ye Tao's face on the side became unsightly.

It seems that he is afraid of Yue old from the bottom of his heart, for fear that he will have problems. Once he goes crazy, no one can resist it.

"Old age, don't want to toss anymore, forget it!"

The older he shook his head.

He also seemed somewhat unconvinced by the boy in front of him.

After all, so many medical masters have seen it, and they are not good. He does not believe that such a young boy can do it.

"Let me try it, maybe different results will appear!" Knowing what he was thinking, Nie Yun smiled slightly and stretched out his palm.

Although getting closer to the older will be dangerous, but he is confident to protect himself and does not care.

"You kid are interesting, okay, let you see!"

Seeing others fear him like a scorpion, the boy in front of him was not only not afraid, but also looked indifferent, the older he showed a strange color, hesitated and nodded.

Although many people can't help it, try again.

Turn around and sit in the room, and greet Nie Yun to sit opposite, exposing his wrists.

Not much to say, Nie Yun took his finger lightly.

His current cultivation is too low, and using the look-ahead method is too depleting. If it can be used less, try not to use it.

Taking on the pulse of the other person, his face became heavier and he frowned and tightened.

"how about it?"

Seeing his expression change, the older he asked.

"From a pulse point of view, the older he is, the healthier he is, without any symptoms ..." Nie Yun frowned.

"Huh! But that's it!"

Hearing this, the older one had not spoken yet, Dong Xin on the side scolded.

I thought what kind of theory this teenager could say, but ended up saying that he was healthy ... What a joke!

The older and healthier she is, the more she stays with her all day.

Although there is no way to cure the medical masters who came before, at least they can tell what the disease looks like. They also know that the older they are, the more they get sick.

After scolding, Dong Xin's disdain was stronger in his eyes.

Just as she guessed ~ www.readwn.com ~ This kid is here to make troubles and doesn't understand anything.

For her scolding, Nie Yun didn't care, her fingers didn't leave the other's pulse, and her frowning brows didn't mean to stretch at all.

"I am in good health, but this is the first time someone said that if it is really healthy, why do I often have headaches and often do things that I do n’t know?"

Obviously, the older one was the same as Dong Xin's, he didn't think the teenager could see anything, but he asked with a smile out of politeness.

"Can you show me your eyes as you get older?"

Without answering his words, Nie Yun left his pulse and looked at it.


Knowing that he was a healer, the older he didn't refuse, he smiled.

Nie Yun stepped forward, opened his eyelids, and stared at it for a while. It seemed that something had been found. After a while, his face became a little irony. (To be continued)

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