Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2142: Heart Devils

After looking through both eyes, Nie Yun stopped watching, and paused, thinking.

"I don't know what symptoms and conclusions the older doctor gave after seeing the older one?"

After a while, Nie Yun asked.

After hearing the news, you need to ask after reading, and sometimes you have to listen to the opinions of others in order to make the most correct judgment.

Hearing this question, Dong Xin on the side thought he didn't see anything, and was more disdainful.

I didn't even see the disease, and I still have to ask, this kind of doctor dares to be called a master of meditation ... It must be Ye Tao who came to make trouble!

Ye Tao was bored and felt a chill in her body, only to find that Sister Xin's gaze was cold and her neck could not help.

I didn't do anything ... Isn't this diagnosis not over yet ...

"Last time Jiuhua Medical Saint came to see me and said that because of my injury, my head was damaged, and I had memory hallucinations, which caused me a headache. I was given a lot of medicine and it was quite effective! There were also several medical masters Come and see, the conclusion is the same as him ... "

Older Road.

"My mind is damaged, memory hallucinations ... That's a good statement!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

He had heard of Jiuhua Medical Saint before he came. He is a well-known medical practitioner in Yunzhou City and the entire world of the gods. His reputation is much greater than that of Nantian Medical Saint!

This person is the chief physician of the Putian Dynasty, and even if Yefu is more powerful, he cannot be invited.

High medical skills and high reputation do not necessarily mean that they can be diagnosed.

He said that, it is true that it is in line with the situation of older and older people. If Nie Yun hadn't seen it for a long time, I'm afraid he would think so.

After all, the disease was so horrifying to say that he couldn't believe it.

"What? Do you think Jiuhua Medical Saint's statement is wrong?"

The older he heard what he meant.

Nie Yun nodded.

"Jiuhua Medical Saint is not right? Do you know who he is? He is the imperial doctor of the Putian Royal Family, who treats the Putian Emperor ... says he's wrong! It's true!" Xin sneered.

This guy is getting more and more excessive. I do n’t know what to pretend to do, but dare to question the medical skills of Jiuhua Medical Saint, I really do n’t know how to do it!

"Okay. Xin'er don't talk nonsense!" Yue old interrupted her and turned to look at Nie Yun: "What do you think?"

Although this judgment of the juvenile is not taken for granted. But seeing him so sure, I still wanted to hear what he would say.

"If I look right, the older sickness should have been suffered three thousand years ago. Before that, I wonder if the older had ever played against a master who thought he was good at heart demon and illusion?" Nie Yun didn't answer directly, but Hesitated and asked.

Now that the problem is identified, it must be resolved.

"My illness really started three thousand years ago ..."

He heard the teenager tell the exact time of his illness. The older his eyes flashed.

He has a headache. He never told anyone the exact time. In the past, he was young, strong and able to resist, so even the newest person did not know that he was sick!

People in the clan knew that it was also a time when their bodies became weak and difficult to resist more than a thousand years ago.

Seen countless medical masters before. No one could tell the exact time, and the teenager was shocked by a glance at him.

"The whole world of the world of God. There are three people who are good at the demon. The first is the" Huaibei old man "in the Wraith Realm, the second is the" Love Demon Supreme "in the boundless sea, and the third is the" Heart Demon "of my Putian Dynasty The Emperor]! ”Said the older one, thinking:“ I have n’t seen the old man of the monument and the lover of Taoism, let alone fight, and they are all great men at the level of the emperor. Really want to fight, I must also It will be killed directly. It is impossible to survive! As for the Demon Emperor, one of the nine emperors of Yunzhou City. Respected, second only to Putian, known as the second best player under Putian, I have only met a few times , Fighting against each other ... not qualified yet! "

"Haven't you met? The Demon King?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows were frowned.

According to his observations, the older the illness was, it was not the brain damage and memory hallucinations described by Jiuhua Hesheng, but it was caused by the attack of a person who was good at heart demon.

But what made him strange is that this person who is good at heart demon only left a trace in his knowledge of the sea, and did not kill. This trace has been with the older one for a long time, coexisting with his own soul, forming another A consciousness is the same as the symbiosis of the soul of the dual character, except that the consciousness is weak, there is no ability to judge and act autonomously, and some are just crazy. Once stimulated, it will appear, putting him into a manic state and attacking others .

The most powerful of Yunzhou City is the Demon Emperor. Although the status of the older is not low, it is also limited to Yefu. I am afraid that an emperor will not let him do it himself.

"Is there a disciple of the Demon Emperor?" Nie Yun could not help asking.

Since it wasn't the Demon King's shot, will the older disciple who has sinned against his descendants and others be retaliated against?

"Of course, there are descendants of the Demon Emperor. What does this have to do with my illness?" Yue Old asked.

"Of course it is related!" Nie Yun nodded: "Whether or not you have played against the strong man who is good at heart demon ... But I can see your current condition and have a preliminary idea!"

"Your situation is not damage to your mind and memory hallucinations, but it is corroded by the demon in your body, and you have been planted with a demon in the sea!"

"Heart devil?" Yue Old, Dong Xin and others were all stunned.

They have heard about ~ www.readwn.com ~ what the heart devil is, and have never heard of it.

"The heart demon is a branch of the heart demon avenue. It is planted in the sea of ​​people's knowledge and cannot be detected. It is divided into a dormant period and an active period. Once it enters the dormant state and integrates with the soul, no matter how strong it is, you cannot detect it! In the future, he will quietly devour the ontological soul, causing him to lose his memory, his consciousness to become chaotic, and over time, more and more souls will be fused. Even if something is found to be wrong, he ca n’t find the specific place of the devil! ”

"This thing is long like a part of the human body. It grows on it and cannot be cut off!"

"The older you are now, this is the case. The Heart Wraith is in the active phase, and it will happen from time to time to replace your consciousness and make you into a state of madness. But afterwards, I only think that there is a problem with consciousness and I don't think there is something else for you. Take control! "

"Furthermore, this kind of sorrowful spirit is immortal and difficult to kill. Even if people die, they can still devour consciousness and regain control of the body ..."

The heart devil is recorded in the Shennong Baicao Jing. Nie Yun remembers it very clearly and explained it directly according to the above description. However, he only said half of it, suddenly stopped, his mouth opened, and his pupils quickly shrank involuntarily. (To be continued)

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