Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2143: Heart magic

He Yueyue explained the maggots, reminding Nie Yun of the corpses seen in Chaos Ocean.

Those corpses have died hundreds of millions of years, and they regenerate their will, which is shocking.

With the power to devour, they can be resurrected hundreds of millions of years after death ... Could it be that these people are Putian dynasties who have lost their hearts?

If that's the case, who is it?

Those who entered the ocean of chaos looked very powerful at the time, and only knew when they entered the universe of the gods of the universe that they were all ordinary soldiers.

Nie Yun rubbed his eyebrows and found that this incident was probably very involved, and he was afraid to continue thinking about it.

"Heartcatcher? This is your bullshit, why have I never heard of such a powerful thing? The older he is, the more he has achieved the imperial realm, and he has a heartbeater on him. I don't know yet, do you think we will believe it? "

Heart was shocking, Dong Xin's voice sounded.

What Nie Yun said was really terrible. The Devil of the Heart is terrible, but if you plant something in the human body, you can't even find it stronger than the older ones. She will never believe it.

"It's incredible, but ... it's true!"

Nie Yun didn't give much explanation, but definitely got the word.

"Sure? How do you prove?"

Dong Xin hummed.

"Proof? I can try ..." Nie Yun knew that what was said was too terrible. The other party couldn't believe it without seeing the real evidence, hesitated and nodded.

Heart devil is a very scary thing. It involves the heart devil road, which is the fifteenth place, ahead of Musheng Dantian. If the patient does not cooperate well, it is difficult to solve.

Therefore, first of all, they should be convinced of the existence of the Capricorn. Rather than doubtful.

"Then I'll take a look ..." Dong Xin hugged his hands on his chest and looked playful.

She didn't believe the guy's words at all, and felt that he was believing. I'm going to stand on one side and look at it, and then expose it.

"Come here with a pot of water!" Attitude towards her. Nie Yun didn't take it seriously and ordered it casually.


Listening to the boy's tone, as if she was a girl, Dong Xinqi's face turned red, and his fists clenched.

"Hum, you won't be able to figure it out after a while, and see how I can clean up you!"

He looked at the older expression in his heart, knowing that he also wanted to see it. Immediately drummed his mouth and went out.

This guy dare to call her, hum, after a while, I don't believe what you say, see what you do!

It is not difficult to find the jade basin. It is faster to get a basin of clear water. In a moment, Dong Xin brought the water over and placed it in front of the table.

"The older you are, the more annoying you drops of blood!"

Nie Yun's palm touched around the jade basin. Looked up.

"it is good!"

I don't mind getting older, a little finger, a drop of blood flew over.

Nie Yun grabbed it lightly. The blood was stagnant in the air, his eyes were round, and dozens of French seals were squeezed out continuously.


A special breath emanated from his body, like a road constantly lingering around his body. The seal of power condensed into the blood, and the blood turned silver after a moment.

"Seeing through the illusion, the medical path is obvious!"

He whispered and grabbed forward. Blood immediately fell into the jade basin.


There was a wave of water and a loud noise was made. Immediately the blood melted, and the calm water seemed to freeze in a blink. Into a smooth mirror.


The older a figure appears in the mirror.

The older one at this time was not a reflection, but a colorful air flow, the air flow merged, and various forces were balanced, showing his physical condition.

"The way of looking at the road? This ..."

Seeing this figure, Dong Xin, Ye Tao, and others didn't feel anything. The older they looked, the more suddenly they changed.

The boy's handprint just now looks simple, but with his practice, we can see that it involves a complete medical avenue!

Such a complete avenue, even him, could not understand, only the emperor-level strong can do it, the young man in front of him can not complete the kingdom ... How can it be done?

"Doctor's law of expectation? What is this?"

Older has always been calm, even Dong Xin has not seen him like this for many years, can't help but feel strange.

"This is a very deep medical method that can be exhibited. None of them is a master of medical ethics ... I have only heard of it in the legend. I did not expect to be lucky to see this life ..."

The older he exhaled, he said slowly.

Wang Qi method, even the most famous Jiuhua Medical Saint, can't do it now. It's no wonder he was surprised.

"Master of medical science?" Dong Xinxiu frowned. Why didn't he want to associate this boy with "Master", so he looked down at the image in the water and was full of doubts: "What does this mean? I don't understand ... "

"In fact, it is very simple. People are the same as heaven and earth. They are also divided into the five elements of yin and yang, healthy people, the five elements of yin and yang are coordinated, various colors are in harmony with each other, and they work in balance.

Yue Lao said while looking at the young man in front of him, and saw that he had no objection, then he was relieved.

He has only heard of the medical qi method, and has not seen it with his own eyes. I wonder if it is right or wrong.

"Coordinated operation? Symbiosis? This looks normal?"

Dong Xin heard only a half-knowledge, but looked at the ripples on the water for a while, his face was full of doubts.

The colors on the water surface of the jade basin are perfectly blended. There is no conflict between the colors, but they have a soft color. Doesn't it mean that the older the body is healthy?

"It does look normal now ... you're going to hold the pot, more and more, please follow me!"

Nie Yun knew that she would have this question, and didn't say much, she should go out first.

The crowd didn't know what he was going to do, so they had to follow.

After a few moments, a few people came to the former courtyard ~ www.readwn.com ~ into the gazebo in front of the moon flower.

Zizi Zizi!

Upon entering the gazebo, the water in the jade pot made a sizzling sound, spinning like crazy, the image reflected on it appeared panic, especially the head of the virtual shadow, and it was extremely confusing. .

"Look, what is that?" Ye Tao pointed forward.


The jade pot was shaking for a while, and the position of the head, a dark human face condensed out, terrifying, like a devil.

This devil is not big, only the size of a fingernail, hidden in the shadow of the head, and will spread out at any time, but it also seems to swallow people and drown at any time.

"This ... it's nothing, who knows if it was deliberately used by him?"

Seeing this shadow, Dong Xin was also startled and blushed, but she still did not believe that the teenager in front of him had such ability, and said a little unwillingly. (To be continued)

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