Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 144: admire

"Is it intentional? You can see if you look at it ..."

Nie Yun had no time to fight with her, staring at Yupen.

Seeing his cautious appearance, Dong Xin felt like he was punching in the cotton with a pout of his mouth, so he had to look at Yupen, and at a glance, he noticed that it was different.

The devil villain in the virtual shadow was thin and small before. At this time, as if he was getting a lot of supplements, his body kept growing, his mouth began to show fangs, and it was swallowed by the flowing air.

"What does it mean?"

Seeing such a weird scene, everyone had such an idea in their hearts, and they looked at the teenagers not far away, but when they saw the teenagers at this time, their faces became more dignified, their fingertips flashed, and I do n’t know when Hold a few gold pins.


The devil has become more powerful, hovering in the head of the shadow, and rammed, just when everyone didn't know what it was, the older one on the side suddenly screamed, his face paled, his head was swollen with sweat, and he was sweating .

"Older ..."

Seeing the older, Dong Xin's pupils shrank.

The older she has been taking care of, only one thing can be explained each time ... the older she is, the more she becomes ill!

"Get out of here, don't come over ..."

Covering his head, the older he knew what he looked like after he fell ill, anxiously shouted.

After he fell ill, no one knew him. It was easy to hurt people. You must hurry up and let them leave!

"Brother Nie, we ..."

Hearing the yelling, Ye Tao understood it. When his face changed, Nie Yun was pulling away.

The older you really want to get sick, it is by no means his ability to counteract, but it is better to leave time.

Pulled it, only to find the boy standing still. Eyebrows raised like two lightning bolts.

"This time!"

Gently flicked his arm and broke his palm. Nie Yun's raised fingers turned and bounced.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A few gold needles at the fingertips flew out, piercing many acupuncture points on the old man.


The golden needle carries a special strength. Immediately after entering the acupuncture point, the black shadow in the basin seemed to be stabbed, constantly struggling, and the agitated water surface was rolling endlessly.


Seeing this scene, Dong Xin was shocked and looked at Yue Older again, only to see his face slowly turn from pale to ruddy, and his breathing calmed down. Obviously, the headaches that often appeared before were seemingly suppressed before they completely broke out.

"The older you are, are you okay ..."

Hurrying forward, the older he was, Dong Xin looked nervously.

"I'm fine ..."

The older the breath spit out, slowly opening his eyes.

I was almost out of control just now. At this time, the young man's gold needle pierced. My head was cool for a while, and the whole person suddenly felt much more comfortable.

At this time, he knew nothing about medicine. It is also known that this boy saved him at a critical moment, and saved him from the pain of backwash from the demon.

"Master Nie Yun ..."

Knowing Nie Yun's means, the older name has also changed. After running the power again, I feel relaxed and eager to look at Nie Yun.

Dong Xin also followed and looked at it. It was okay not to look at it. At a glance, he was startled.

I saw the teenager who was still alive and well, and his face was pale at this time. Cold sweat came from his forehead, and his body kept shaking. It's like a collapse.

"Brother Nie ..."

Ye Tao hurriedly helped him.

"He's trying to save me. It's too much. Help him sit down!"

The older he was, the more he could see his current situation, and explained Ye Tao's words, his fingers spread out, and he grabbed them gently, and a mighty force poured out from his palm, instilled into Nie Yun's brows.

The older he was, the better he was, a powerful emperor, with pure strength and short time. Nie Yun's face recovered and he stood up.

"Thanks for getting older ..." Nie Yun held his fist.

"It's the master's kindness, you're too much to save me, and I'm grateful for it!" The older he bowed.

Earlier the boy said that he was still a little dubious about the devil. After going through the scene just now, he had completely believed it.

The young man in front of him is indeed a medical master. Although his reputation is not obvious, by virtue of this strength, the whole divine world will inevitably boil for him.

"Older, just now ..."

Dong Xin was stupid and understood what was going on at this time, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

This kid seems to be a little younger than her. How could there be such a powerful medicine?

Thinking of laughing at each other before, Dong Xin flushed.

"It seems that this disease is indeed a psychic monster. I wonder if there is any cure for the master? Can it be cured?"

The older he sighed and asked.

Even if he looked at life and death no matter how light he was, he would not want to die if he could live, and his eyes were full of hope.

"The older the Capricorn, it has been fused with your soul, it is difficult to eradicate at once, and it needs to be treated slowly!" Nie Yun thought for a moment.

It's not that he doesn't want to take a shot, but that the opponent's heart maggot has been perfectly integrated with the soul, and he wants to be cured, even if his medical skills are not overnight.

"What do you mean ... the older the disease can be cured?"

Dong Xin's eyes lit up.

The other person just said that it was difficult to cure once, which means that the disease could be cured.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Great! If you can cure the oldest disease, I can meet any requirements ..." Dong Xin jumped up and found out something was wrong. His words were ambiguous and his face couldn't help turning red.

Ye Fu's many sons pursue her, she is not indifferent, after all, women will marry sooner or later, can marry a big family son, can be considered a good home.

It ’s just that the older the illness is, the better she is, and she is not in the mood. At this moment, she feels rushing to the other side ~ www.readwn.com ~ It ’s a little embarrassing. He didn't seem particularly happy, still indifferent, and couldn't help being angry.

In any case, she is a beautiful woman who picks one hundred miles, even if it is not interesting, he should be ecstatic and not so bland!

"Requirement, I don't need it. I just want the older man to take me to see the old man. I heard that he is also not very well. I hope I can do my best!"

"See the old man?" Yue Lao glanced at Ye Tao, glanced at him again, and nodded.

Although he didn't care about the family fight, it didn't mean he didn't understand anything.

"When are you going to pass? To be honest, even if you don't say it, I will take you there ... The old man has been sick longer than me, and I hope he can be healthy soon!"

The older the beard, the gentle smile.

After his incident, if he could look at the five bodies admired by the boy in front of him, maybe he could completely cure the illness that everyone else could not do. (To be continued)

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