Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2145: Master of Nantian Medical Saint

"If the older is not too much trouble, wait for me to prescribe the prescription, and let's go!"

Nie Yun knew that the matter of Nantian Medical Saint was imminent, and it was not too late, and he nodded immediately.

"Okay!" The older he nodded.

"There are not many medicinal materials needed for your disease. Most of the small hospitals have them. This is a prescription. Every day at noon, three meals a day. Of course, the most important thing is not medication, but acupuncture! I start today , I will give you acupuncture once a day, no accidents, about half a month, should be able to heal! "

Nie Yun flipped his wrist and passed a prescription.

Although the other's heart maggots are perfectly integrated with the soul, with his medical skills, he insists on acupuncture every day, which is almost intact for half a month. Of course, this also requires the cooperation of the patient. Eliminate it thoroughly.

"Also, this medicinal material ... I advise you to eliminate it as soon as possible, and you really can't stay!"

After the explanation, the older the older should be, Nie Yun smiled and looked at a medicinal plant not far away.

It is the pearl moon flower.

"Eradicated? You are talking about this pearl grass? This is what I found at a great cost. It is a good help for the rest of the mind. Why should I eradicate it?" I saw the teenager pointing her hard Dong Xin quit his pearl flower, and anxiously said.

For this flower, she has spent a lot of effort. Could it be that this guy wants this flower in front of her?

"You know what this grass is called?" Nie Yun looked over.

"Of course I know, didn't I tell you just now? It's called pearl grass!" Dong Xin exclaimed.

Just now this guy didn't know this thing, he asked himself, don't forget it so soon!

"This grass is not pearl grass, but pearl moonflower, which has the opposite effect as pearl grass. It is easy to make people into a violent state. When they were older in the room, they were still calm. Any action, but here it is. Immediately boiling, headache, cracking, this is the role of this medicinal material! "

Nie Yun said lightly.

I just brought everyone to this pavilion just to make use of the effect of this moon-moon pearl flower to seduce the demon and let the older people wait to convince themselves of their diagnosis.

Sure enough, the effect of this moonflower pearl flower is not weak, and the time is not long. The silent heart maggot manifested itself.

Because I have to prepare in advance, it is so easy to suppress the older headaches. Otherwise, it will take more effort.

"Wangyue Pearl Flower? This ... how is it possible!" Dong Xin had some disbelief at first, but the thought of getting older just came here did something wrong, and the voice weakened a bit: "I am in Nantian Medical Saint Did he get what he got from Master? "

"Master of Nantian Medical Saint?" Nie Yun wondered.

He had previously guessed that this medicinal material was certainly not easy to obtain, but where he got it from Master Nantian Medical Saint still made him feel strange.

Nantian Medical Saint became famous for a long time, who has never heard of his master?

"Yeah. I heard Nantian Medical Saint call that person Master, who is it and what's his name. I don't know, I just know that he is an old man with white beard ..." Dong Xin said.

"Old man with white beard? It should be very famous to be able to teach such a disciple as Nantian Medical Saint? The older one knows who it is?" Nie Yun became interested.

According to the truth, the gap between Mochizuki pearl flower and pearl grass is very small, and it is difficult to identify, but such a famous medical Taoist master should not have made such a mistake, can it be ... intentional?

It was intentional, the purpose of this Nantian Medical Saint's Master. It is worth intriguing.

"I have heard of Nantian Medical Saint, and it is said that he challenged Xuanji Hall. He retired ... I do n’t know who his Master is. However, I heard he practiced with Nanhua Lao Xianmen for a while!" Yue Always thought about it.

He was tortured by illness. Although he has not been out of the house in recent years, after all, he has lived a long time and his status is not low. He has heard a lot of news.

"Practice for a while under Nanhua Laoxianmen?"

Nie Yun frowned.

He is unfamiliar to others, and the Nantian Medical Saint has never seen it, but ... he knows very well about Nanhua Lao Xian!

It is the guy who was poisoned by his master Dan Tianqi, and now the body is still in the world of stuff.

This guy ... is actually the master of Nantian Medical Saint?

Nantian Medical Saint, Mochizuki Pearl Flower, Nanhua Laoxian ... Many things are swirling in my head. There seems to be a connection, but it is not always connected.

"Forget it, when you see this Nantian Medical Saint, you may be able to remember it!"

Can't remember, Nie Yun didn't force it, shook his head.

"I ’ve helped you with older head problems. As long as you come to acupuncture every day, it wo n’t happen until you get it completely cured. Of course, you also have to cooperate with the older ones. You ca n’t be overjoyed, you ca n’t be impatient. Yes……"

Nie Yun said this stopped.

"What is it?"

"The person who can give the oldest demons to you will be far more powerful than you. Removing his demons will surely be found out, but you must not let them know until they are completely removed, because once he controls The devil is in chaos, even me, I can't suppress it! "

Nie Yun thought for a moment.

The person who releases the Pokemon is bound to be very powerful. Once he is aware of his means of solving his problem, control the Pokemon backwash, and take the initiative to counterattack, even if he wants to solve it, it will not be solved.

"I know this, I will ask the old man to impose a ban on my understanding of the sea and cut off the connection between the spirit wand and the outside world!"

The older he was, the smarter, immediately understood it with a little bit of pungency in his eyes: "Not only that ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will also let the old man investigate in detail, who dares to lie on me? Once this kind of thing is found out, even if he knows he is not an opponent, he will never let him through! "

Speaking of this, the breath of the older man changed immediately. If it felt that he was a kind old man, there was no danger. Now, the whole body exudes a strong evil spirit, like Shura coming from hell.

From his temperament alone, Nie Yun knew that the older man must have experienced countless killings, otherwise, there would never be such a strong killing spirit.

"Oh, sorry, something awkward!"

Seeing Dong Xin and others face this evil spirit, they all changed their faces, and the older they smiled.

Ever since he fell ill and has been silent in the clan for more than a thousand years, many young people don't know his original reputation, and will naturally be frightened by him.

The younger generation feels far worse than the previous strong one, and unintentionally looks at Nie Yun not far away, and at a glance, can't help but look at it.

The boy in front of him looked pale, seemingly indifferent to him. (To be continued)

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