Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2151: Leave Yefu

"what happened to you?"

Out of the room, the older he saw his abnormality.

Nie Yun's cultivation is too low now, and he is forced to apply the outlook qi method, but his body still cannot support him.

"It's okay, it's too much loss!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

"Excessive loss?" The older the finger was, the more pure power infused into his body, something strange in his heart.

I didn't do anything to lose it just now. How could it become so weak?

However, he also knew that it was not the time to ask and didn't ask much.

Quickly returned to the older courtyard.

"how about it?"

Ye Tao and the two had not left yet. When they saw them coming back, they suddenly came over with hope.

"Nantian Medical Saint has taken the lead ..."

Nie Yun shook his head.

In fact, it wasn't that he couldn't do the medicine, but Ye Xin was one step ahead. The old man was the first to take the lead.

"The old man didn't let Master Nie take the pulse at all, and he has agreed that Nantian Medical Saint can become a worship elder!" Yue Lao shook his head.


Ye Tao's face changed.

He is very confident in Nie Yun's medical technique. This young man really wants to do it. The chance of success is still very high, but ... there is no chance to get the pulse, how can he see the illness?

"The position of worshiping the elders has been obtained by Nantian Medical Saint. No need to think about it, but it is still very simple to become a worshiper of elders if Master Nie Yun is willing!"

"Consecration to the elders? Thank you for getting older and loving. Just now you have made a decision, so let's just say it here!"

The enshrined Nie Yun shook his head.

If you worship the elders, you have many privileges. He can also think about a small dedication to the elder, but also subject to others, without any thought.

"Brother Nie, please tell me something!"

Ye Tao was busy.

"Thanks to Brother Ye for taking me to Yunzhou City and letting me temporarily stay in Yefu City, I am grateful that I thought of giving Brother Ye a favor before leaving. Looking at the current situation, it is unlikely that we can help ... so ... I want to say goodbye! "

Nie Yun held his fist.

He saw some things, knowing that the current scene of Yefu is already a swamp of swamps, and it is more and more trouble. Might as well get out early.

"Farewell? Brother Nie ..."

Ye Tao thought he was talking about something, and when he heard that, his face was full of anxiety.

"Brother Ye doesn't need to stop me. I have already thought about this. Since I will leave sooner or later, I might as well leave now!" Nie Yun smiled lightly.

"This ... Even if Brother Nie wants to leave, don't be so anxious. Besides, you don't even have a place to stay in Yunzhou City now. Where are you going?"

Seeing the young man's attitude, Ye Tao knew that he had decided to go, and had to ask with confusion.

This boy is in Yunzhou City for the first time. I have no relatives and I can't find my friends. I really want to go like this. Where do I go?

"Don't worry about this, Brother Ye. With my medical skills, find a place to stay. It should not be difficult!" Nie Yun smiled lightly.

His current strength may not be good. However, as a disciple of Shennong, it is very simple to find a place to live.

"I have a real estate. On Putian Avenue, it was given by the old man. It has been free. Since Master Nie Yun has no place to send you, I want to open a medical museum or simply live in the future.

The old man who hasn't spoken.

"Real estate? Putian Avenue? The older one said that the place that caused the conflict last time?" I didn't notice it at the beginning. When hearing of Putian Avenue, Ye Tao couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Putian Avenue is the most prosperous area in the entire city of Yunzhou. It can be said that every inch of land is rich in gold. Moreover, the houses in this place cannot be bought with money!

Older people can get this real estate reward because they have received great credit. Even if the old man rewards them, it is very painful. Many of the family children want this place, but unfortunately, the older they have been in their hands, No one gave it, I didn't expect to give it to the teenager!

"That's it. I have a real estate besides this place!" Yue Lao said.

"This ... is too precious, and the boy is ashamed!" Although there is no concept of Putian Avenue, he can guess from Ye Tao's expression, this place is definitely not simple, Nie Yun shook his head and refused.

"You're welcome. The solution to my illness is the kindness of God. A property is nothing!"

Yue old smiled and shook his head, his palms shook, and a deed appeared in his palm.

"Then I'll be disrespectful!"

Seeing that his eyes were sincere, he would be angry if he didn't accept it any more. Nie Yun had to laugh a bitterly, write down the address on the deed of the house, and enter the world of things.

"That's pretty much it!"

The older he nodded with satisfaction.

"It's not too early today, since the older and the more loving, I want to go over and see now, by the way!" Decided to leave, Nie Yun did not hesitate.

Nantian Medical Saint became an enshrined elder, and Ye Xin's heir's identity will certainly be established soon. After a long delay, he will inevitably get involved in their struggle. Instead of having trouble at that time, it is better to leave now.

"Well, I'll send Brother Nie!"

Ye Tao seemed to see what he meant, knowing that he couldn't keep it, so I didn't say more.

"No, Ye Xin is about to become the heir, and I will definitely get in trouble with you. You still have to deal with it. It's better not to go out at this time ..."

Nie Yun refused.

Ye Xin became the heir, and he would definitely take the sword. At this time, he went out, which is really not a good time.

"You don't have to go to Ye Xin, Dong Xin, please help me send Master Nie Yun!"

The older he knew this, he waved his hand, and turned his head to command.


Dong Xin hasn't spoken since they came back. When he heard that the older he was looking for her, he was startled.

"Yeah, that property has always been taken care of by you. Now I have sent a master Nie Yun, and you can also introduce it! Take him by the way!"

Elderly Road ~ www.readwn.com ~ Uh ... well! "

Dong Xin hesitated before nodding.

As Yue Yue said, this property has always been taken care of by her, and some staff have been arranged to clean it frequently. If she doesn't go, this Nie Yun is really going to have a lot of trouble.


With proper arrangements, Nie Yun stopped talking and turned to walk outwards.

"Brother Nie, be careful. If you can't solve anything, just send me a message. Even if I can't be the heir, I'm also a master of the Ye family, and I still have a certain weight!" Ye Tao busy said.

"Rest assured, with your relationship, I will definitely use it!"

Nie Yun smiled lightly, no more to say, and quickly walked out of Yefu's door according to the route in memory.

Outside the door, Dong Xin didn't know in what way the carriage had been arranged, and the two got on the carriage and immediately sped away in the direction of Putian Avenue. (To be continued)

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