Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2152: Open a medical hall


The carriage was spacious, and Nie Yun and Dong Xin sat in it. They did not feel embarrassed. It was just that Dong Xin was so long and had never stayed in a narrow place like a man of the same age. More exciting novels please visit.com

"The older the disease, are you sure ... it can be cured completely?"

I was bored for a long time. Dong Xin saw that the teenager didn't mean to talk to her, and he took the initiative to speak.

Besides, she is really enthusiastic about the older disease, for fear of the other person's previous statement is just assertive, and in the end, like a dream, it is false.

"The older the disease is, the more important is the heart maggot, as long as it can be solved, the other is easy!" Nie Yun knew what she was worried about and comforted.

"That's good ..." Dong Xin nodded.

With this sentence, the two became dull again, only to hear the sound of the horse's hoof sound on the road, crisp and bright.

The older the house was not too far from Yefu. Most of the time, the carriage stopped, and from the car, Nie Yun was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

Both sides of the wide street are full of shops, crowds of people, noisy noises like tides, making people confused.

"This is Putian Avenue. It is the most prosperous place in the entire city of Yunzhou. Every inch of soil and gold, this house, the older it can be given to you, I'm also surprised! Anyway, if you change to me, you can't bear it!"

Dong Xin seemed to see his shock and explained.

"The busiest place in Yunzhou City?"

Nie Yun shouted.

In fact, he didn't need to say anything, he also saw some. The prosperity of this place and those he saw before were totally two concepts.

Vulcan City, Red River City, Wasteland Ancient City and the like are much worse.

Such a prosperous place, a set of commercial and residential houses, is of great value.

"This ... is so precious!"

Nie Yun could not help feeling.

If measured by the **** stone, this set of shops must be worth at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, their previous net worth. Compared with this house, it is nothing!

"Since the older one is given to you, it is naturally yours. I just hope you can remember the promise. Help him cure the disease completely ..."

Dong Xin no longer said much, walked forward, quickly came to a tall shop, pushed the door and walked in.

Nie Yun knew that this was the house presented by the older people, and went in. I glanced at it, and couldn't help but grin.

I didn't feel anything at all, I thought it was just a house. Compared with my life, nothing was considered. I saw it with my own eyes before I knew the exaggeration of this house!

The first to enter is a large hall with hundreds of square feet, followed by an independent small courtyard, with various buildings, and all the furniture inside is the same as the new one. Obviously, people often pack up.

The hall plus the courtyard has thousands of square meters. Such a prosperous area, such a large house, can be handed out ... This older is really a big deal!

But think about it and understand it.

The older he is, he must have seen his potential. It is only one of them that can cure his illness, and the potential is the most important.

Numerous famous medical Taoist masters can't cure the disease. After only a while, find out the root cause, and suppress it. Based on this medical technique, it is only a matter of time before it will become famous in the world of God!

therefore. He gave away such a valuable house. One was grateful for the help of life, and the other was to build a relationship. In the future, I really want something. Also more convenient.

"It seems that it cannot be separated from the Ye family in the future ..."

Knowing the value of the house, I owe such a big favor, and I must return it. In the future, I will be more and more intimate with the Ye family. Shaking his head, Nie Yun's wrist will be turned over. A jade card appeared out of thin air.

"Thank Yue Lao for sending my house. I have sealed some things in this jade card. You tell Yue Older that you can only open it if there is a change that he can't resolve. Do n’t open it in advance, otherwise, the trouble is not small!"

Pass the jade card to the woman in front of her.

Originally seeing the attitude of the old man, he didn't want to take a shot, and he was too lazy to get a shot, but the older he gave such a big house, this kind of kindness, since it can be repaid, of course, he has to be repaid first, but ... the other party can't believe it.

Dong Xin didn't know what it was, hesitated for a while or put the jade card next to him.

After doing this, he took Nie Yun around the house again, brought in the servants responsible for cleaning, arranged everything, and then turned to leave.


As soon as she left, Nie Yun's spirit moved, and a dozen figures appeared in the courtyard.

It is Nie Tong, Chaos King and others.

Before coming to Yunzhou City, they were put into the world of things, and now that they have their own independent place, it should be released.

"Brother, where is this?"

Seeing such a vast temple, Nie Tong's eyes brightened.

"This is my house for others, and we will live here in the future!" Nie Yun smiled slightly.


Chaos King and others glanced puzzledly.

Although they have not been to Yunzhou City, they also know that this place does not have a certain identity and there is no place to live, let alone a mansion.

How long has this Nie Yun been in front of me, so that people have given away such a big place?

"This is a shop. I want to open a medical museum here!"

Nie Yun expressed his thoughts.

Leaving Yefu is equivalent to leaving the high-level, and then looking for the scattered and chaotic ocean, and observing the world of the heavens, will become very troublesome ... but he also has his own plan.

With his medical skills, as long as he opened a medical museum, he would certainly be able to make a lot of dignitaries, and he could collect them quickly with the chaotic ocean as a reward.

This is more convenient than relying on the Ye family. Because of this, he decided to leave ~ www.readwn.com ~ without any pause.

"Hospital? I don't know, Master Nie Yun, what are the requirements?"

One of the crowd came out.

This person is called Liu Zhu. He was the master of the world who entered the world of gods with Lingtai Lingyue at that time. Now he has reached the early period of kingship. Although his strength is not good, he is a good commercial player. Moon Extreme Realm started as a business.

"I want to see a doctor, and I need to pay for Chaos Ocean. To be able to come up with this, it must be very expensive, that is, ... only to the Daguan people!" Nie Yundao.

It ’s not that he looks down on the poor and does n’t look down on the poor and does n’t want to save the wounded, but that his strength is too weak. He must break through the imperial realm as soon as possible. For some people who ca n’t even afford the **** stone, seeing a doctor will delay time and only delay his progress More trouble.

"Only see the doctors? If so, we will set the specifications of the medical center higher!"

Liu Zhu deserves to be a businessman. He immediately understood Nie Yun's meaning and expressed his thoughts: "For example, if you want to see a doctor, you must pay an appointment fee!" (To be continued.)

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