Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2159: Yao Shuang

The middle-aged man looks like he is in his forties, his face is sharp, and his dark eyes reveal the color of firm love.

"I can make Yao Shuang wake up. It was impossible to recover before. She can only live up to ten years at most ... Ten years is the limit!" An old man stood beside the ice coffin, looking at the middle-aged man. I could not help but shook my head and sighed.

"Ten years is too short. I owe her too much to make up for ..." The middle-aged man shook his head and seemed not to accept the advice of the old man.

"There is no other way, she is there, and she has been hit so hard. She can live for another ten years, which is already the maximum limit!" The old man frowned.

"I know, but I don't want her to live and suffer every day!" Staring at the ice coffin, the middle-aged man was full of love.

"This is also no way. Even if I overwhelmed her to survive, she was hurt too much. To stay awake, she must endure endless pain ... You also know that medicine is not a panacea, and there are times when it can be exhausted. This is already my greatest strength! "Said the old man.

"I know ..." The middle-aged sighed: "Although Your Emperor Wu Emperor is not an emperor-level strongman who has been medically accomplished, everyone in the world knows the essence of medicine. Master Mogao, Hongye, and others who were famous before I don't know, but I know it's all your disciples! "

If anyone is here and hears this, it will scare his chin to the ground.

His Majesty Wu Huang, the only medical master in Yunzhou City, is famous for his medical skills.

It's just that he hasn't shot in a long time. The fame was gradually replaced by Master Mogao and Master Hongye. These two people are indistinguishable from each other. Everyone thinks that their medical skills are the best in Yunzhou City. I never expected that they were both disciples of His Holiness Wu Huang.

"If it does n’t work, do what I want, and with the strength of several of us, let Yao Shuang fall into the reincarnation. Although the memory of the previous life will be lost after the reincarnation, as long as the resources are sufficient, once you have cultivated to a sufficient level. Remembering the predecessor is not Impossible! "Said Emperor Wu Huang:" So. It's better than what you've been waiting for! "

"It's good to fall into reincarnation, but ... how difficult it is to restore the memory of the predecessor, you should know better than me. At least you must fully understand a avenue and become an emperor-level power! Although Yao Shuang's talent is good, but ... If you want to reach this state, you can't do it! "The middle-aged person shook his head.

Listening to his tone, there is no taste of respect, and should belong to his peers with His Holiness Wu Huang.

Emperor Wu Huang is an emperor-level power, and he can be equal to him, which shows that the middle-aged man is terrible, I am afraid that he is also a great emperor!

"I don't want reincarnation. I don't want her to suffer for ten years. You can't wait for it like that!" Sighed Emperor Wu Huang.

"Hey, I know there is no other way around this. I still hope that one day, someone in the realm of God will be able to become the emperor with medical treatment, so that he can be cured completely ..." Middle-aged humanity.

Although Emperor Wu Huang has a good medical skill, after all, he is not an emperor who achieved success with medical ethics, compared with the legendary Emperor Shennong at that time. Much worse.

He is helpless with Yao Shuang, and it doesn't mean that the people who achieved the emperor with medical ethics can't help it. If someone really wants to succeed, no matter how much it costs, he will go there in person and ask the other party to help him.

"Becoming the emperor with medical ethics ... this is too difficult. From history to the present, only Emperor Shennong has succeeded. I urge you to stop thinking ..." Emperor Wu Huang shook his head: "Well, I want to leave too In addition, there is one more thing, although I don't want to tell you, this situation has to be said ... Although the ice coffin can protect people from the attack of time, it can maintain the appearance and physical function of life for a long time. But ... there is also a time limit. There are no problems for 10,000 years and 20,000 years. For hundreds of millions of years ... the people who place them will also be damaged by time, which means ... although you let Yao Shuang lie The ice coffin has not changed her appearance for so many years, and her body has a weak vitality, but it still hurts her for such a long time. It is to let her live another ten years, her spirits are scattered, or she is born again. It is necessary to make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise, even if I've got medical skills, and I can't wake him up! "

"I know……"

The middle-aged man heard this, and hesitated for a moment, his fists clenched involuntarily, and he seemed to be suffering from a difficult decision.

Seeing his appearance and knowing his thoughts, His Excellency Wu Huang shook his head and turned to go out, his body flickered and disappeared in front of him.

Emperor-level strong can teleport, it should be teleport away.

"Yao Shuang, it's not good for Dad. If you can live again, I promise everything ..."

His Holiness Wu left, and the middle-aged man looked at the figure of the woman in the ice coffin and muttered to himself.

It turned out that this woman was his daughter.

"I know I don't agree with you and Yao Xuan, you hate me very much ... even if you don't want to see me, but if ... you can live, I won't stop you, and with whomever I want to be, Don't say that he is an ascended one, even a transformed beast will promise ... "

Looking at the beautiful beauty in the ice coffin, His Excellency Wu Huang muttered to himself.

"Your Majesty the King!"

As he mumbled to himself, a shout sounded outside the hall.

"What's the matter? Didn't I say that I shouldn't be disturbed while I'm here?"

Waking up from the sadness, the middle-aged man stood up, his eyebrows sulking.

Compared with his evil spirits, the evil spirits emanating from the older age are just too childish. Under the impact of evil spirits, the space in front of the middle-aged people is constantly destroyed, as if he was completely angry.

Emperor-level powerhouse ~ www.readwn.com ~ The ultimate powerhouse in the universe of the universe of God, completely controls the power of space. The space in front of it is so strong that destruction is only in his thoughts.

"My subordinate understands ... It is the subordinate who has received a message, which may be helpful to the lady, so here comes the obituary!"

I heard a chill in the voice, and the voice outside was a little tense, a little flustered.

"Helpful to the lady? What news?"

The middle-aged man no longer had the indifference before him, his body flickered, and the man had appeared outside the hall, looking at the guard who was kneeling on the ground in front of his eyes, an anxiety flashed in his eyes.

As long as it is useful to the lady, he is worth the price.

"Yunzhou City has opened a medical museum these days. If you want to see a doctor, you must first pay ten thousand **** stones, and also said that regardless of whether the disease looks good or not, the **** stones will not return ..." The guard said busyly: It was strange to hear it, so I went to ask about it. This is a list of more than ten days that this medical center has cured. Some of these symptoms have been seen by Master Hongye and Master Mogao, but they are powerless! He easily cured them. it is good……"

The guard said, handing in a list. (To be continued)

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