Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2160: Troublemaker



The middle-aged man thought that someone had achieved the Emperor with medical ethics, and when he heard that there was only one more medical ethics master, he was disappointed.

However, since the subordinates described this person so magically, it would be okay to take a look. Immediately, a check in the palm of the hand, the list of guards and palms automatically moved without wind, and flew to him slowly.

"Qin Bang's old man's bloating has been cured in this hospital?"

Just glanced at it, the middle-aged man couldn't help but hesitate.

Although Qin Bang is well-known in Yunzhou City, he is actually not in the eyes of his great emperor. The reason why he can remember it is that this old guy has found a master Hongye. He was here, and this made an impression.

Master Hongye has seen that this ill disease has not been cured, but he did not expect to be cured by this medical hall where he came out of nowhere.

"Yes, I heard that the prescription is a ragweed!" The guard said the news.

"Forgot root? Poisonous forgot root?" The middle-aged man froze.

"Yes!" The guard nodded.

"Forget the roots to cure the disease?" The middle-aged man was a little strange, and continued to look down. His face, which he did not care about, looked at it, showing interest.

"Han Liushi ’s 3,000-year illness was completely cured without leaving any trace of it ... I have also heard of Han Liushi ’s illness. When the old boy was young, he was unruly and liked to visit those places. He got this kind of disease and his private parts ulcerated. I couldn't find a lot of famous doctors, and Master Mo Gao had also seen it at the time, and advised him to cut off ... Healed here? "

"Mr. Yin and Yang, this guy has strange yin and yang every day, and the conflict between yin and yang in his body can not be eliminated by the great emperor, and healed here too ... will this news be false?"

"And the Ye Yue's Zen Yue, the headache has lasted for at least a thousand years, and it can be cured completely. Is it possible that the owner of this medical museum is a great emperor who broke through medical treatment?"


After reading the list slowly, middle-aged people are getting stranger.

Although the name of the person above. Most of him didn't know, but some people had heard of it.

These people's strange diseases were the nightmare of countless medical masters in Yunzhou City, how could they not have thought of these so-called nightmares. It was all solved by a hospital that has never heard of it.

If this is true, the master of the medical museum has strong medical skills, I am afraid that it is no less than Master Hongye and Master Mogao.

"Her Majesty, these messages were specifically inquired about by the parties after I knew this hospital. There should be no mistakes. This hospital can cure so many incurable diseases. I think, can you let him see the lady ... maybe I can have Helped ... "

Seeing the great emperor watching the list, the guard relieved and said quickly.

"Well, if the above is true, you can go and see ..."

The middle-aged man nodded and asked, "Where is this medical building?"

"Just at No. 32 Putian Avenue, the name is [Nie Yun Medical Center]!" The guard nodded quickly.

"Nie Yun Medical Museum?"

Middle-aged man frowned.

The name of this hospital is vulgar. As soon as I heard the name, I knew it must have been opened by a person named Nie Yun.

Recall carefully, it seems that none of the many great gods in the memory is called "Nie Yun".

"Whether it can be cured or not, but now that you know it, it doesn't matter if you look in the past!" The middle-aged man said lightly.

Like His Holiness Wu Huang said, although the ice coffin can maintain a person's physical body and cause people to fall into a state of false death, the longer the time drags on, the lower the possibility of resurrection, if you do not want other treatments. I'm afraid I can only watch my daughter go away completely and never get back.

Although in his heart, this sudden emergence of the medical museum wanted to cure Yao Shuang's illness. It's unlikely, but ... since there is hope, go and see!


The middle-aged person made a decision. As soon as the words were finished, the person disappeared from the place. The ice coffin in the room disappeared with him.

appearing again. He had reached the center of Putian Avenue, looked up and walked forward slowly.

He changed his appearance as he walked, but no one could see the crowds around him, as if he didn't exist in this world.

Soon, the appearance changed from top to bottom, and even his temperament changed.


He appeared in the crowd and appeared so suddenly, but it felt as if it had existed in the street for a long time.

This is the strength of the great emperor. Even if you step out of the group of perfect emperors, if you want to make the other party invisible, you will not see it!

"Nie Yun Medical Museum ... is here!"

After walking along the street for a while, his eyes fell in front of a huge paved surface, and the middle-aged man stopped.

This was the place he was looking for.

Lifted my feet and walked in.

"Your fake doctor killed my son. He became your parents after taking your medicine. Today is endless with you!"

"My young master died after taking your medicine, you quack doctor, leveled up this rotten medical museum today, so that you can no longer harm people!"


As soon as I entered the medical hall, I heard a noise in the hall, and a group of people were crying and making noise.

"Huh? Healed?"

I didn't expect to see this scene just now. The middle-aged man raised his mouth slightly and did not leave. He flickered slightly and came to the crowd.

I saw a corpse lying on the ground, a young man, surrounded by a group of people crying and making noise.

After listening for a while, I understood the whole story.

These people heard about the magic of this medical hall, came to see the doctor, and the medical master named Nie Yun in the medical hall just took a glance and prescribed the prescription. After taking the prescription to grab the medicine and finished eating, the person died.

Everyone thinks there is something wrong with the prescription ~ www.readwn.com ~ come and find trouble.

It seems not only to lose money, but also to smash this medical museum.

However, to the surprise of middle-aged people, it has been so long here. The so-called medical museum owner has not yet appeared, as if he doesn't care about someone making a noise here.

"Let Nie Yun, the fake doctor, come out, otherwise, I will set fire to your hospital today!"

"Don't think that with the support of Feng Guogong's family, you dare to act arrogantly. This is the city of Yunzhou. At the feet of Emperor Putian, he will cure people. You must give an explanation!"

"Today we will tear off the masks of your Nie Yun Medical Museum, so that everyone knows that there is no medical skill, but here is playing the name of a master, deceiving money!"

"This kind of hospital should have been closed for a long time, not scamming ..."


Seeing that the master did not show up, the people who came to quarrel, the more noisy and lively, gradually formed a boiling trend. It seems that as long as the doctor named Nie Yun never comes out, they will level the entire medical hall. (To be continued.)

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