Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2163: Debunking the plot (below)

Volume II Supreme Chapter 2163 Uncovering the Conspiracy (2)

"You killed my son, do you still want to keep our family here?" The old man turned his eyes and shouted, "Let ’s come and see, the quack doctor killed the person, in order to prevent us from spreading the news and making him impossible. Cheating money, killing people ... "

He shouted loudly, ringing the entire hall, but ... originally had a lot of discussions and felt that the quack was harming people, at this time all stopped talking, looked over quietly, seems to want to see what else this guy has Trick.

As long as he is not stupid, he also understands that this guy has a purpose at this time. The owner of the medical museum said that he could raise his son, but he did not agree. It was no wonder that there was no problem.

Seeing that the shouting did not cause indignation, the old man looked embarrassed. He looked at the attitude of Yuan Jiu and everyone and knew that he could not walk. He had to grit his teeth: "Okay, don't you say you can save my son? Can you save it?" Healing people to death, dare to speak up here, I'll see how you can save people! "

"Ha ha!"

Seeing his guts, Nie Yun smiled and stopped paying attention. He came to the young man's body in two steps, his fingers danced, and a few gold needles bloomed like plum blossoms at his fingertips. A few words from the body.

"Live, look at it, your face is turning rosy!"

"Really, just now my skin is stiff and a little hot, now it's really red ..."

"Can the dead survive? What the **** is going on?"

"Don't talk, there must be a good show after a while ..."


When Nie Yun's gold needle was tied down, the youth's original complexion gradually became rosy, and he slowly gained a heartbeat. In such a magical scene, everyone's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

Obviously a dead man who has died, and after a few stitches, he is alive ... Everyone feels incredible.

Unlike everyone's weirdness, the "father" of the young man is getting ugly. Looking at the young man in front of his eyes, a strong fear was revealed in his eyes.

Others don't know, he is very clear, a few stitches will make that thing invalid ... This man's medicine has reached an incredible level.


The "corpse" youth's heartbeat is getting faster and faster. Not long, a cough, and breathing.

"I'm going to choke Lao Tzu, how about that Nie Yun Medical Museum has been sealed ..."

After coughing. The young man opened his eyes, struggled to stand up, and asked the old man beside him.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the old man, didn't pay attention to where he was, and thought he had returned.

However, before I finished speaking, I immediately felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. I closed my mouth and looked around for a week. Still in the medical hall, everyone around him looked at him like a fool.

"Ah, son, it's great that you can survive. Thank you, Master Nie Yun, for your kindness?"

Fearing that this guy would talk nonsense, the old man hurried up and blinked as he shouted.

"It turned out that Master Nie Yun saved me, and I am grateful ..."

Youth are not stupid, they know from words. He was not awakened by himself, but by this master Nie Yun, and immediately turned his head to thank him.

"Grateful? No need!" Nie Yun didn't care about the speed at which he changed his face. With a sense of indifference on his face: "I just want to know, who gave you this precious medicine, [Xue Xue Suo Mai Dan]? Who wants to worry about it and trouble me?"

"Blood-blood ... what blood-closing veins? I don't know ..."

Hearing the name, the old man and the young man's faces changed at the same time, shaking their heads again and again.

Seems to have known they would deny it. Nie Yun did not wait for them to finish and continued, "Blood-locking and pulse-locking dan can lock the meridians, qi and blood, and put people in a state of death. This kind of elixir is extremely precious. Each exchange for tens of thousands will cost tens of thousands. God stone, and there is no market price ... can refining this elixir, and take it out with ease ... I am afraid that the entire Yunzhou City will not exceed ten! "

"What do you say, we don't know ... we still have something, say goodby ..."

The old man's face became very ugly, and he was about to leave.

However, he wanted to leave. It wasn't that easy anymore. No one who was stupid knew that today was not easy.

Yuan Jiu grabbed the palm of his hand, and his powerful power was like a rope, immediately trapping these people.

Earlier, if Yuan Jiu wanted to do this, some people would think that the medical museum intends to kill people, but now everyone around the crowd is looking indifferent, looking at the old people and others, like looking at fools.

To use this despicable means to frame a master medical doctor, to be successful, it is tantamount to cutting off the back roads of many patients who are in urgent need of treatment.

"Take out the closed-blood and vein-blowing dan, and let the people in Haotianlou's Tianji list come over ..." No longer ignoring the young and old people who just woke up, with a soft hum, Nie Yun's eyes swept over several people in Haotianlou.

If they did not pass through these people in advance, he would not believe it at all.

This is really a coincidence. The person from Haotianlou just over the "dead" side came here. In the face of it, it was to apply for the top 100 positions in the medical rankings by himself. Actually, I wanted to make the situation more troublesome at this time. Big ~ www.readwn.com ~ completely tarnished his reputation.

It's a pity ... if this man really died, it would be difficult for him to justify even if he had a mouth.

It's strange that they used closed-blood and locked veins. After swallowing this elixir, although it has nothing to do with the real dead, ordinary people can't see it, but who is Nie Yun? Disciples of Shennong! Dealing with herbs and patients all day long, I have been careful and meticulous. If I do n’t see this kind of fraud, it is really a problem.

Seeing the fraud and seeing Haotianlou come, how can I not know that someone is going to hurt him!

"Presumptuously, we at Haotianlou came here to determine if you are eligible to be promoted to the top 100 in the medical rankings, fair and impartial, without any selfishness, don't spit people in blood!"

Looking at his eyes and listening to his words, how did the people in Haotianlou not understand what he meant, the youth who had talked the most before came up again and sang loudly.

"Is there any selfishness ... I don't know, but ... I tell you, I'm not interested in any medical rankings, but dare to do anything to me ... I will make him cry too late!"

His eyes flickered, and Nie Yun was cold.

Although he didn't want to cause trouble, he didn't let people bully him, and remained indifferent.

Today, if it wasn't for the fact that he had just recognized the closed-blood and locked veins, and he could just solve the "fake death" state of this elixir, this hospital must be forced to close.

"Are you threatening our Haotian Tower?"

The youth's eyes were fierce.

As one of the nine major forces, Haotianlou has no doubt about its status. The youth changed the concept and turned Nie Yun's threat to him into Haotianlou. As long as Nie Yun acknowledged it, it would definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. (To be continued.)

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