Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2164: Strange figure

"You don't have to confuse and listen here. I am talking about people who want to deal with me, not Haotianlou. Of course ... if you can represent Haotianlou, there is no such thing as fairness and fairness, saying that I threaten Hao The sky tower is nothing! "

Nie Yun said with a back of his hands. [.access:..

Do n’t want to cause trouble, but it does n’t mean that you are afraid. Haotianlou, if you really want to be so unfair and unfair, persecute those who are qualified to be on the top list, without him talking, other forces will definitely shoot.

The youth used words to run on him, and he also used words to run on each other.

Can you represent Haotianlou? Can't represent it! Since it can't be represented, it's not too much to talk about here!

"very good!"

Hearing what he meant, the young man stared at Nie Yun, knowing that it was not so easy to verbally win over the other party, and continued to be entangled, surely no benefit was gained.

His eyes were dazzling, and he wanted to see what this guy relied on, and he was not afraid of them. However, when he looked at it for a while, he found that the young man ’s ‘color’ was as usual, his eyes looked like sea water, and he could n’t see what he was thinking.

"Let's go!"

Knowing that the stalemate will continue, Haotianlou's reputation will be wiped out, and his position cannot be maintained. The youth snorted and waved outward.


Before walking a few steps, a figure flashed and stood in front of him.

It is Yuan Jiu!

"What? You still want to block our Haotianlou?"

As soon as the young man shakes his hand, the breath flowing out of him is a strong man in the late imperial realm!

"Yuan Jiu, let them go!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

"Master ..."

Yuan Jiuyi was stunned.

This guy is so harmful, is it just released?

For his doubts, Nie Yun didn't say much, just waved his hands. [

It was not letting them go, but he had other plans. Besides, forcibly staying, there was no concrete evidence, in case the other party wanted to use this to make things bigger. Gains and losses.


Seeing the master's actions, Yuan Jiu knew that he had made a decision, and immediately stopped saying more and took a step back. Give way.

"Calculate your interest!" The youth stopped saying more, and took a few people from Haotianlou toward him, and disappeared into the sight of everyone after a while.

"These are 'handed over' to you for disposal, 'get' to kill outside, don't get dirty ..." See them leave. Nie Yun glanced at the old man and the youth, and said lazily, waving his hand.

The few people who wanted to frame him were probably just a puppet. Even if they checked, they would definitely not be able to find anything. They killed them directly.


Yuan Jiu nodded.


The old man didn't expect this boy to be so hot, and he was all startled.

Isn't that the healer of the healer doesn't kill easily? Why didn't he even interrogate the interrogation, he had to start?

"Don't kill me, we are 'covered' by others ..."

"Master Nie Yun spared his life. Yesterday, someone gave us fifty pantheon and let us do it. Once it is done, there are still one hundred pantheon ... We just use money to do things, and the others really don't know anything. ! "


These people who were already boneless were doing things for money. When they heard that they were going to be killed, they couldn't hold it anymore, and they cried out.

of course. When Nie Yun said to kill, the power of Xianyin Avenue was exerted in the middle school, otherwise these people would not be allowed to collapse so quickly.

The tone of Xianyin Avenue carries "kill". Let these people psychologically believe that the other party will kill them immediately, and start to persist from the soul. ← → ← 79 Fiction Net

"Fifteen pantheon? What a big pen!" Nie Yun sneered: "Yuan Jiu, take them down for questioning!"

No matter who wants to deal with themselves, this is not a place to elaborate, after all, so many outsiders spread it. There is a lot of trouble. In addition, he always takes the initiative to attack those who want to deal with him. It is easy for them to miss the news.


Yuan Jiu nodded and grabbed his hand, and the old man followed him and walked towards the backyard of the hall.

"Hehe, make you laugh, I am a bit tired today, and I have some" private "matters to deal with. If you want to get sick, please come back tomorrow to make an appointment ..."

Yuan Jiu took the man away, and Nie Yun looked around for a week, apologizing slightly.

"Master, let's rest. In such a case, everyone must solve it!"

"Our illness is not one or two days a day, you have to rest first, and it's not too late to treat it!"

"The master is busy with you. Let's pay the appointment fee today. When will it arrive and when will it be treated ..."


After this incident, the fame of Nie Yun Medical Museum has not only weakened, but has become even more powerful. Those who were still waiting to see, 'find' the beginning and the end, excited eyes turned red, can't wait to let this doctor The master saw him.

People are like this. There is a tendency to become more “sexual.” Without this, everyone would think that this young man who looks young is a weak medical master. He would not think how powerful his medicine is. With this incident, everyone's impression of him will definitely go further.

Because if your strength is weak, others wo n’t hurt you so much. Being able to come up with a 'medicine' that makes people die, but also allows the people in Haotianlou to operate, and the identity of the person who harms him is certainly not weak ... Letting such a powerful person act, it shows that the master Nie Yun's medical skill has already Reached the point where he was jealous!

Think of it this way, everyone is astonished.

I used to think that the appointment fee for this medical museum was a bit high, but now I feel secretly thankful.

Thanks to such a high booking fee, otherwise, everyone will come to the clinic, when can they be assigned to them?

"Thank you for your understanding, we will deal with‘ private ’matters first!”

Seeing the public understanding, Nie Yun knew what they were thinking as soon as he thought about it. He smiled immediately, stopped talking, and turned around.

Just after taking a few steps, my eyebrows were frowned, and I glanced backwards, and found nothing was happening, so I moved on.

Soon after entering the backyard, Nie Yun stopped.

The ‘fine’ God spread immediately, glanced around, and the sky ’s eyes opened to look to one side.

"Do you feel wrong?"

Nothing was found after watching ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun shook his head.

He walked towards the backyard just now, and suddenly felt that someone was peeping at him, and followed him. Then he stopped, but after looking at it for a while, he did everything but found nothing.

"The power of holding world space!"

The eyes cannot see, and the soul cannot see. As soon as Nie Yun ’s “fine” spirit moves, the power of the space to hold the things spreads to the surroundings.


The force of space spread not far, and a figure immediately appeared in my mind, only seven or eight meters away.


Nie Yun was shocked.

In the future, someone is so close that the soul and the eyes cannot be scanned. What is the strength of this person? What's the purpose of coming to him?

In the second place, I have never used the power of the space of the world to glance at the ‘fine’ divine power. I never expected that the first use would have such a good effect!

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