Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 211: Haze monster

"Teana sword?"

I heard Nie Yun's eyes shrink when she heard the laughter of the demon.

Like their worst thoughts, they really know about the tian jian sword!

But where are they? Xuanyin Mountain or Ziqiong Mountain?

"Who the **** are you? This is the Divine Empire! This is not the place where your demons are arrogant!" Suppressing the shock in her heart, Nie Yun stared at the six demons in front of her, her eyes indifferent.

"You also know that this is the Divine Empire and not the Holy Empire! 桀桀, even if we kill you here, no one will dare to say anything!"

The demon head headed by a smile again, grabbed his big hand forward, and a thick demon cloud was born in the sky.

妖 This demon cloud with a stinky smell, as soon as it touched the flowers and trees on the ground, it gave out a "Zi Zi" sound, withered petals and withered leaves, and the place covered by the demon cloud became a dead zone.

"Haze poison gas? Are you a haze monster?"

The palm of his hand turned over, forming a handprint, splitting the demon cloud in front of him, and Nie Yun's eyes showed a sharp killing intention.

There are 9,000 core races in the demon. Each race controls a avenue rule. It is powerful. The haze demon is one of them. The haze poison is very toxic. When it is deep, it is even super strong in capturing the secret of heaven and earth. Everyone can die alive!

When I was in the previous life, I was dissipated by this haze and poisonous qigong power, and was severely injured by the Lord of Heaven, Fengyu, and others. This led to the destruction of Tielan's mercenary regiment.

This poisonous gas contains the philosophy of the avenue. Even the true Supreme can hardly resist, but Nie Yun is not afraid!

I once lived in the previous life, and fortunately escaped. I have studied this thing thoroughly. If it is not the case, let alone the later title of "Blood Devil", I am afraid that the bone scum that died long ago is gone!

Therefore, for others, he encountered a poisonous gas that could hardly be avoided, and he split it with the palm of his hand.

"What is your relationship with the Lord of Heaven?"

I took a step forward, Nie Yun stared at the demon in front of her, and the clucking of his fists rang.

The predecessor, Mitian Sovereign, used this kind of demon to convince himself. If this demon and he don't know him, he won't believe it!

嗯 "Hmm? What are you talking about? How could I know the Lord of Heaven?"

The face of the demon head led by changed, and then he sneered loudly. He couldn't figure out how his tried and tested haze and demon had no effect on the boy in front of him.

"Don't know? I'll hit you and know!"

如果 If it wasn't for this haze and sorrow in the previous life, he would not be hit and he would be seriously injured! If she is not injured, Tielan will not be affected, and she will not be humiliated, tortured to death ...

I thought of all the previous lives, Nie Yun's heart was full of murderous intentions, and when Xuanyu's sword turned in the palm of his hand, the momentum of the earth slammed the monster head straight.


The earth's potential formed a whip-shaped air wave in the air in an instant, and it was struck by air like a strip of air!

"Boy, if you just do this, today's dead time is coming! Shield of Haze!"

I saw Nie Yun's attack and sneered for the demon head. The skull-like ghost claw was a little in front of him, and the stench of evil spirits gathered in front of his eyes instantly, forming a round shield.

盾 This shield is like a substance. The surface is blue and gray, and it is covered with all kinds of dense grains. The barnyard is spinning slowly in the air. It is sturdy and abnormal.


Xuan Yu's sword, which contained the earth's potential, fell fiercely on the Shield of Haze, and a sound of gold and iron clashes burst out in the air, shaking her ears.

"Your attack is nothing to me, but I still surrender my things and save myself.

The shield blocked Nie Yun's earth and gave a long laugh to the demon. He was about to defeat the old force of the young man and defeat it when the new force was not born. Suddenly his face turned red, and the whole person shivered like a bran. .

"This ... what is going on, how could there be such a powerful force ...


Before the screaming sound of screamed, the shield spread out 嘭 散, and at the same time his huge body was kicked like a flying football, and flew out and fell heavily on the ground!


A spit of blood spit out!

Nie Yun's use of the earth just now is just a guise. The real strength is the vigorous energy that later exploded. The demon was not aware of it for a while, and was seriously injured in one move!

In fact, this demon's strength is a little stronger than the Patriarch of Hundred Flowers. In addition, the haze and poisonous gas are dissipated. Even if Nie Yun is very powerful and can be defeated, I am afraid it will take hundreds of tricks!

还有 There are also five extreme level monster guards around. It is impossible to fight hundreds of tricks with this guy!

I also say that my true energy can only make ten moves to the earth, so Nie Yun deliberately hides, first exerts the power of the earth, secretly exerts great strength, and succeeds in one stroke while the other is not being attacked!

Let's talk about fighting experience. For two generations, Nie Yun looks young and is actually an old antique. How can this demon be his opponent!

"Do it!"

Nian Yun succeeded in his first move. Nie Yun did not give the other party a chance to turn around and ordered the three monsters to turn into a sharp sword. He flew straight to the pit on the ground.

"Ah ... you dare hurt me, you must die today!"

The demon head was seriously injured by a trick designed by Nie Yun, struggling to get up from the ground 睚眦 crack ~ www.readwn.com ~ growling loudly.

He has reached the supreme level and is also the core haze demon. Wherever he has suffered such a loss, the whole person is about to collapse, and the fit rushes towards the flying boy.


Ignoring his roar, Nie Yunxuanyu's sword was pressed again!


At this moment, he exerted all his strength, vigorous energy combined with true energy, and the giant 550 elephant overturned and struck down.


The head of the demon was in the middle of his shoulders, and one fell down with his head in the ground!

If he had n’t been injured before, he might still be able to escape. Now that he is injured, coupled with Nie Yun's full attack, how can he be an opponent? In one click, he loses his combat power and turns into a pile of mud.

"Some of you also come down to me!"

The demon headed by the solution, Nie Yun raised his head, at this moment the three beasts of the wind wolf king are fighting with other demon in full swing.

The strength of these monsters is not much different from those of Huo Gang and others. Although they are five people, they can't win the three beasts in a short time. However, regardless of their strength, Nie Yun has already done it anyway. The majestic sword spirit split into five and severely hacked at them.

Crackling! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Five consecutive sounds of falling to the ground, the five Supremes were smashed to the ground by his sword, one by one, like their leader, their bodies fell into the ground, clinging to the ground, like cooked meatloaf.

(To be continued.)

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