Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 212: Back to Luoshui City

The three days of cultivation have doubled the increasingly tacit understanding between Nie Yun's vigorous energy and true energy. The six monsters changed to three days ago. It may be hard to resist. And now, all defeated in less than a minute.

Of course, this is why he knows the haze and demon very well, otherwise, he was poisoned in the beginning and his skill disappeared, let alone defeated, I am afraid I do n’t know how to die!

"How did you know the news of Tianlong Sword? Was my father and mother arrested by you?"

Xuan defeated the six monsters, Nie Yun stepped forward to head the monsters, and Xuan Yu's scratches rose.

既然 Since these people know the news of Tianjian Sword, they are not the same as those who arrested their parents. It is also relevant to go. Moreover, his continent was attacked from the emperor's departure. Obviously, the other party knows his whereabouts. A careful inquiry may ask some things.


I heard the questioning, and suddenly the head of the demon laughed suddenly, her body swelled up, countless haze and demon gathered, and exploded.


Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

The self-detonation of Qi Qi Zong, even the Supreme and Mid-term self-detonation, can be stopped by himself. This and the poisonous demon self-detonation are difficult to control. With a little carelessness, you may be infected with poisonous gas, and there is no place for death!


Knowing the crisis in the situation, he yelled, Nie Yun's body was normal, he leaped backwards quickly, and withdrew in more than ten miles in a blink of an eye.


Only when the figure stopped, a violent explosion exploded in front of him, and the air waves generated by the demon's self-detonation instantly blasted the entire mountain into flat ground.

Reaching the supreme level, the strength has exceeded the normal range of self-destructive power, it is unimaginable!

这些 "These must be the monsters of the Ziqiong Mountains, otherwise, it would never be so brave and not afraid of death!"

I looked at the ruins in front of me, and Nie Yun frowned.

This, the demon headed by him already has the supreme peak strength, this strength is a party member no matter where and now it is dead without hesitation, it is clear that there is a more powerful force behind! And he's just a dead man!

Make the Supreme Peak Power willing to be a dead man, and only the demon talents who seize the heavens and create a secret realm are eligible!

"Ziqiong Mountains, Floating Sky Continent, Mitianzong" What is going on here? "

I recalled my judgment in my heart, and Nie Yun felt more and more confused.

抓住 I caught Tu Xin Supreme before, and I already knew that the arrest of parents and others should be related to a major force in the floating heavens and continents. How did it involve the demon?

I want to know that the eight major gates of the floating heavens and continents are each of the famous gates. How can the spiritual leader who has been fighting with the demon for many years cooperate with the demon?

But if it wasn't for cooperating with the demon clan, how would the demon in the Ziqiong Mountains know that he had a secret in his hand? How do you know your whereabouts, so clever ambush here?

"It seems that things are not as simple as I think!"

He rubbed his eyebrows, and Nie Yun sighed.

My parents are missing, Yang Yan and Feng Xiao are killed, the demon, and the floating continent are definitely connected with each other, but willingness to leave is more complicated than I thought!

"Go back to Luoshui City and talk!"

Looking at the ruins all over the ground, Nie Yun shook his head and sat on the back of Wind Wolf King again, and one beast and three beasts flew away to Luoshui City.

The demon-headed demon's power was too great, and the remaining five subordinates were also blasted into powder. Instead of continuing to struggle here, it might be better to go back to Luoshui City to find new clues.

A short time after Nie Yun left, a huge monster came over the ruins.

大 "Master ..." This Nie Yun actually killed all six masters ... "What can I do?"

The imperial beast on the back of the monster monster looked at the scorched pit on the ground with a yellow face, his voice trembling:

接受 He received the education and training of the emperor from an early age. His will has long been the same as that of steel, and he is not afraid of things, but when he thinks of the youth's indifferent eyes and horrible strength, this steady state of mind has always been unable to settle:

"This boy is not even afraid of the haze and demon, what is going on?"

A sting above the monster beast, the former young guard stood up in the air with dignified eyes.

似乎 He seemed to know everything about the battle just now, and saw it with his own eyes.

"Master, I'm afraid he has found something now. Once we come back to look for bad luck, we" ... "the emperor emperor said anxiously.

找 "Looking for bad luck? Don't worry, this boy is very powerful, but for me, it's nothing! If it weren't for his master, I would have killed him early!"

The youth guard waved his hands casually, showing an expression of disapproval.

"I can rest assured that this is what the Lord said!" The empire emperor was relieved when he saw the calm expression of the young guard.

Although he did not know the strength of the young guard, he had seen his ancestor Fengyu fight with him. At that time, the ancestor attacked with all his strength, and was even broken by a finger, and was seriously injured!

Is also the supreme strong, the difference is still very big.

"Rest assured, you will tell me by then, he will dare you to do it, I will deter!"

Youth guard smiled slightly.

I didn't know that the emperor and the young guard were calculating themselves behind him. Nie Yun galloped all the way and returned to Luoshui City again.

"With the wave of Master Nie Yun's big hand, the three Supreme Masters Feng Yu, Mo Yanqing and Luo Tianxiang lay on the ground obediently ~ www.readwn.com ~ I dare not say a word ..."

As soon as she entered the city, she heard that the streets and alleys were all about things about fighting the imperial capital.

I was at the Five Supremes that day in the Imperial Capital Plaza. The influence was too great. Only three or four days later, almost everyone in Luoshui City knew it.

"Why don't you believe it? I was in the capital that day and saw it with my own eyes ..."

There is a peerless powerhouse in Luoluo Water City, and it is only sixteen or seven years old. It makes the people in this small place full of pride, one after another, and boasting everywhere.

"Huh? Look at that man, with three monsters behind him ..."

Suddenly someone in the crowd noticed the combination of Nie Yun.

"It's Master Nie Yun!"

"Yes, that's Master Tuoyun. He even returned ..."

"Now is not Master Nie Yun, but Lord Yun!"

"I actually saw Lord Yunwang with my own eyes, and in the future, I dare to laugh at me when I look at the fourth old man ..."

Seeing the young man slowly walking around, he suddenly blasted the pot around, admiring, excited, all kinds of expressions.

Although the time of the Great Emperor Nieyun was not long, the news was passed too fast. Now he has become the idol of the entire Kamikaze Empire. Everyone is proud to see him:

"It's too famous, it's not good. I knew I should put on makeup like this ..."

I saw Zhou as soon as she entered the city and she became the focus of attention. Nie Yun shook her head helplessly:

Sometimes it is too famous and troublesome, at least the freedom is restricted.

[This is even more handsome @ 峰 哥 你 长

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