Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 213: Luoxue Luoshui River (on)

Let the three monsters fly out of Luoshui City temporarily, and only put on makeup, this finally managed to get rid of the worship of the crowd, and smoothly returned to the Nie family residence.

The Nie family mansion is no different from the previous one. After a glance, he went directly to the city's mansion. "Huh? It really is the trace left by the demon!"

Entering into the city's main mansion, Nie Yun's eyes narrowed when he saw the mess in the ground.

According to the traces left on the ground, it is really the humans and the monsters that can only be left behind. Can Yang Yan and Feng Xiao be really killed by the monsters?

In the previous life, Yang Yan lost an arm for himself, so that the demon could not escape when he attacked, and it became a life regret. In this life, he wanted to make up for Confucianism, but he did not expect ... "

Whether they are really dead or not, they want to see people when they are born, they want to see corpses when they die!

Whoever kills will let him know, let his family, power be multiplied and repaid thousands of times

I searched slowly throughout the city's main mansion, leaving nothing but some traces of the battle.


聂 When Nie Yun searched for no fruit and planned to leave, suddenly a violent drink suddenly not far away, a group of soldiers opened the door and walked in.

"Who are you? This is the city's main mansion. Breaking into the city's main house privately is a death penalty!"

The captain walking in front of him was in dark armor, and the whole man sulked and looked coldly at Nie Yun.

"Black armor? Who are you?" Nie Yun narrowed his eyes.

He knows the uniform of the Luoshui City Guard. It is not this and the black armor at all. These people know at a glance that they are not Luoshuicheng people.

"Presumptuously, you have already committed a capital crime when you trespassed to the city's main house privately. Our captain asked you a word, but you didn't answer it quickly. Who gave the courage?"

A soldier shouted loudly.

Nie Yun has changed her appearance and has high strength. These ordinary soldiers ca n’t see the specific strength at all, and they think they are small workers.


Leng Leng hummed, and as soon as Nie Yun's body was shaking, several phantoms appeared in the air, and he was lifted by pinching the neck of the talking soldier.

"I ask you, what are the soldiers in the city's capital, who are you?"

Holding his palm on the soldier's throat, Nie Yun was expressionless.

"Suddenly cast a demon in front of me, willing to leave is a demon, everyone hands together, kill me this demon!"

When the captain saw the man in front of him, he pinched his subordinate's neck, and was shocked. He thought that the other party had performed a certain magic method and yelled anxiously.

没 Before his roar was over, there was a pain in his neck, and his feet left the ground, pinched by the other hand.


"Don't move ..."

At this time, the guards no matter how stupid, they knew that the person in front of him was not ordinary, and all of them looked frightened and backed down.

"Answer my words!" Nie Yun's palms shook, and the two of them squeezed their necks to "giggle".

"Yes Yes!"

兵 The soldier and the captain, after such a battle, trembled intently, and frightened to agree.

"We are soldiers in Luonan City. We were ordered by the Lord of the City to come and protect the Lord's House to prevent Xiashan City, Jibei City, etc. from coming in first ..."

The captain was afraid that he would be late, and he did not dare to stop at all.

"Luonan City? Xiashan City? Jibei City? What's going on?"

Nie Yun for a while.

"The Lord of Luoshui City disappeared suddenly. Our eight towns, including Luonan City and Jibei City, were going to separate and we sent troops to each other. We are just small people, and the adults are keeping it ..." ... "

Captain Bian repeatedly asked for mercy.

"Eight towns divided?" The indifference on Nie Yun's face became heavier.

Before leaving, I asked Yang Yan and Feng Xiao to rectify Luoshui City. I didn't expect that it would lead to eight major towns, Kaiyu. I knew this, so I should leave the Wind Wolf King or Black Rock!

"It was the Lord of the city who ordered us to do this. It has nothing to do with me. I'm just a Luo. Let me go!"

Captain Puppet cried in his voice.

They are soldiers who have experienced life and death. Although the strength of this person is strong, they cannot beg for mercy, the key is the indifference in the other's eyes!

This kind of look that doesn't take human life at heart, as long as you dare to say a false word, I am afraid that the death is coming!

"Where is your city lord?"

Yun Nieyun knew that asking these little people could not ask anything, hum.

"Master, our city owner is on the big boat in Luoshui River, and discusses with the leaders of the other eight towns" ... the captain hurriedly shouted.

"Luo Shuihe? Huh!" Nie Yun threw the captain out as soon as he shook his hand. He stunned, his muscles were broken, and his eyes were dead.

"You just have to divide up the other cities and towns, and divide it into Luoshui City, die!"

These soldiers entered the town and burned and plundered without evil. Nie Yun naturally did not show mercy, and his hands moved forward with a crackling noise. All the soldiers around him became flesh and blood.

\'go! \ ",

I killed these people with a single stroke, and Nie Yun kicked his feet. The sound of "bang" turned into a long air wave and quickly flew in the direction of Luoshui River.

Regardless of whether these people in Luonan City have anything to do with the death of Yang Yan, dare to pay attention to Luoshui City, they have already committed the unforgivable capital!

…… ”……” …… ”……” …… ”……” …… ”……” …… ”……” …… ”……”

The Luoshui River traverses the north and south of the Kamikaze Empire ~ www.readwn.com ~ The smoke and rain heavy buildings on both sides of the river.

Various boats on the Luohe River traveled across the river, running, traveling, and passing by. There were clear songs and melody on the water, which made the whole Luoshui City look poetic and artistic.

On the largest flower boat in the middle of the Luan River, various paintings painted the hull unusually beautifully. The bow and stern surrounded by dozens of out-of-bounds soldiers showed that the ship's master status was not low.

According to the reason, the flower boat of this level usually has Yinggeyanwu in front of it, and there are occasional vocals and singing, but now I don't know why the silence is like night, like a dead ship.

"Presumably everyone has heard of this news. Nie Yun and Emperor Capital were named the King of Clouds. The sites where our eight towns are located have been allocated to the King of Clouds!"

A middle-aged person in the cabin of the ship was sitting in the middle seat, looking at the people around him, his face was somber and solemn.

"Luo Shuicheng is the root of the King of Clouds, let's take advantage of him while he is not robbing him. Once we know the news, he will not let us go. Everyone is now a leech tied to a rope. Any good suggestions will come soon. Tell me! "

不错 "Yes, we are lobsters tied to a rope now, we must unite!" "Even the imperial royal family has to bow their heads, what use do we have to unite?"

Brother Zhou's people remembered the news, all of them became very ugly.

The imperial family did not dare to mess with them. Why do you own these people? [This is even better @ 峰 哥 你 长 好帅 finds out for a long time, but the speed is obviously faster than the previous chapter]

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