Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2175: Ascension of the Great

After dealing with Wu Xun, it was already late at night. The fairy Miao Yin held her arms in front of her 'chest' and looked at Nie Yun with interest. Xiumu was full of curiosity. (No pop-up ads). Visit the latest chapter: ЩЩ ..

"what happened?"

Seeing her weird eyes, Nie Yun looked at herself for a while, but didn't find anything strange. She asked ‘confused’.

"It seems that I have always looked down on you, and Nanhua Lao Xian was actually" made "by you ... this guy, even if I encountered it, I still have a headache, as far as I can hide!" Miaoyin Fairy laughed.


Nie Yun smiled awkwardly, and didn't know how to answer.

"Long" the death of Nanhua Laoxian, he did a certain trick, he almost died himself, and the danger was not enough for outsiders.

Of course, she can be better in this misunderstanding. Knowing the face and the face is not knowing. Before finding Ling Tianxiao's score, the wonderful fairy will definitely not shoot at him. In case the ensemble of the flute is finished, this guy successfully breaks through, who knows if he will deal with himself. ? Now that there is such a misunderstanding, even if you want to do something, you must definitely consider it and give yourself a chance to buffer.

"Can we go now?"

Seeing him don't want to say, Fairy Fairy didn't ask much, looked over with a burning look.

"You can go ... Hmm? Don't be busy, the emperor is looking for me, so please find a place to stay and let's start tomorrow!"

Nie Yunzheng wanted to say that he could go. When the ‘fine’ God moved, he saw a message, Tao.

Liu Zhu sent it to him, saying that the middle-aged man came again during the day.

"Must leave tomorrow ..." He gave him a white look, and Miaoyin Fairy was a little angry and hummed.

Nie Yun smiled, and no longer said more. With a little finger, the weaving 'female' shuttle flew out. The body drilled into it and quickly flew in the direction of the medical museum. [Almost all the books I want to read are stable and much faster than regular stations. There are no ads in full text.

"This guy……"

Seeing that he had a flying soldier, he was also asked to bring the tracking graphite. Obviously, she was used as a coolie.

Brother of Yunzhou City. Anyone who saw her not turning around in circles, for fear of talking loudly offended the beauty, but this guy is good ... she did not consider her as a ‘woman’ at all, but as a servant and a thug!

Really abominable!

"Let you go first. After the Qin Xiao ensemble, see how I can clean you up!"

With a cold hum, Miaoyin Fairy turned and flew in the direction of Cui's 'Jade' Pavilion.

Weaving the ‘female’ shuttle full flight, not long, Nie Yun returned to Putian Avenue. As soon as I fell, I saw a middle-aged person standing in the courtyard. Although there was no power distribution, the surrounding space was distorted, as if there was no such time and space.


Nie Yun rushed forward.

"I went to him, and he said he would see you before he could make a plan!" The middle-aged person came over.

"See me?" Nie Yun froze, then came to understand.

It seems that Yao Shuang's lover doesn't believe she can save her, she wants to see herself before making a decision.

"He's there?" Nie Yun asked when he figured this out.

"He is an ascendant. Once he comes to Yunzhou City, it is easy to be discovered by other emperors. If you don't get it right, it will cause conflict, so ... I hope I can take you there!" Middle-aged humane.

The emperor-level powers all stand on their own sides. Although the relationship between the Ascendant and the indigenous protoss has been eased over the years, many emperor-level powers who have lived for billions of years have died in the hands of each other. There are still hostile 'sex's, which is why. The indigenous emperor did not go to the boundless sea, and the ascended emperor did not come to Kyushu.

Once it is mistaken to cause conflict, it is easy to cause a war.

"it is good!"

Nie Yun nodded in agreement.

Originally intended to rescue Yao Shuang, he could see another emperor. It's better than that.

"Well, don't resist, I'll take you there!" Listening to his consent, the middle-aged man's voice passed over, and Nie Yun felt his body wrapped in a cocoon-like thing, and the space in front of him opened. A dark crack appeared.


The next moment, it appeared on top of a tall mountain.

The peaks are flat, the stars are low, and the vast mountains spread in the moonlight, like a sleeping dragon.

"Huanglong Mountain? This ..."

Looking at the appearance of this mountain range, Nie Yun was startled.

Huanglong Mountain is covered with a special kind of vegetation. From a distance, the mountains turn yellow. It is named like a long yellow dragon.

This place is in the border of Yuezhou in the southeast of Divine Realm. I don't know how many billions of kilometers away from the westernmost Yunzhou. If you fly, it won't be possible without hundreds or thousands of years ... a teleportation will come! It is worthy of being an emperor-level powerhouse, and the wideness of the **** world has no distance in their eyes.

"You are the healer who can treat Yao Shuang?"

When he was shocked, a cold voice sounded, only to find that a young man standing not far away did not know when he was standing, his eyes were like electricity, his eyes were like eyebrows.

This young man also looks like twenty-six or seven years old. Although he does not exert coercion, his voice is combined with the surrounding space, with a heart-wrenching power.

Great Emperor!

Nie Yun did not answer the other party's words directly, but looked at the other party.

The eyes flashed, and then ‘hair’ frowned. “Huh?”

"what happened?"

Seeing his attitude, the youth was not angry, but rather strange.

He is the great emperor. A king of the kingdom did not panic when he saw him satisfactorily, but he still had this expression, which was doubtful.

"If I read correctly, my predecessor has a dark heart. Every night on the full moon, there will be faint pain, taking 'medicine' has no effect!" Nie Yun said slowly, and raised his head after saying: "I do not know what I said Right? "


The youth frowned, but nodded slowly.

His dark illness was only known by the few emperors of the boundless sea. No one else had heard of it. The man said in front of him that the symptoms were exactly the same. Could it be that he saw it?

Really so ~ www.readwn.com ~ The sophistication of medicine is really amazing.

"Stagnation hurts the liver, worries about the spleen, and misses the sad! I thought that the predecessors consumed the soul to protect Ms. Yao Shuang, and forcibly attacked the emperor, leaving only dark injuries, and it is not difficult to heal. Now it seems that the predecessors have more symptoms than I thought Much more serious! "

Nie Yun shook his head.

Seeing this person ’s soul in Yao Shuang ’s body, he knew that even if this person successfully broke through the emperor ’s realm, he would be greatly damaged because of incompleteness of the soul. I thought this damage was very simple. And perseverance.

"To ... keep her alive?"

Speaking of this, Nie Yun's eyes show admiration.

Those who have not reached the imperial rank will be limited by their life span, and it is impossible to live for hundreds of millions of years in the universe of God.

This young man guarded Yao Shuang's true spirit with his soul. Once he died, Yao Shuang would surely lose track of it. Because of this persistence and protection, he knew that his soul was incomplete, and it would cause great trouble to impact the emperor , Pain, shock without hesitation, and even ... it was successful!

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