Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2176: Refine the Spirit Lamp


"I'm fine, I implore the master to treat Yao Shuang!"

The young man looked over, and his eyes were full of belief.

You can see his illness as soon as you meet, and tell the exact cause. The young man's understanding of medical practice is beyond imagination.

"To rescue Miss Yao Shuang, you need to prepare in advance ... I hope that the two seniors will help!"

Knowing that the other party is most concerned about Yao Shuang, not himself, Nie Yun did not continue to entangle this topic and began to talk.

Before, he failed to make a true spirit lamp, knowing that his current strength is still lacking. He had intended to make middle-aged people to make it for him. Now he saw the two emperors standing in front of him, and his thoughts changed.

If these two emperors are willing to help him with all their strengths, depending on his strength, they may not be able to practice the true spiritual lamp by themselves. In this way, the secrets of the Shennong emperor can be avoided and taught to others.

"How can I help? Just open up and be able to do it, we are doing whatever we want!"

Middle-aged people and young people nodded at the same time.

Although the two of them are hostile, they can cooperate for Yao Shuang at this moment.

"It's very simple. I hope that the two emperors can instill power in me at the same time, so that I can have the strength to complete the imperial realm in a short time!" Nie Yundao.

"Having the power to complete the imperial realm in a short period of time? The damage is so great that your body can bear it?"

Hearing the request is actually this, the middle-aged and young people looked at each other, and all showed strange colors.

The person in front of him is no more than a complete king. Forcibly instilling his strength to achieve the imperial kingdom, the emperor can do it, but ... jumping so many levels will cause a great load on the human body. Once the control is not good, he will die on the spot. All are normal.

"That's why I hope that the two emperors can shoot at the same time. One that suppresses the strength in my body should not backfire. The other one instills incessantly. I only need to complete the imperial realm for half an hour. It should be fine!"

Nie Yun expressed his thoughts.

His flesh is strong and unparalleled, like a huge sponge, and it can hold a lot of power without the unbearability they say in their mouths. Of course, it is better to be careful, an emperor instills strength, a guardian, since then. Only then can we be sure that nothing will happen and unexpected results will not occur.

"it is good!"

Hearing his words, the two emperors hesitated and nodded at the same time.

Although this method is difficult to complete, it does not mean that it cannot be completed.

"Let me instill power, you guard on one side!"

Negotiation was settled, the middle-aged person took a step forward, grabbed the volley, and a strong force flowed down like a river of water, flowing down Dan Tian along Nie Yun's brows.

"So powerful and pure ..."

Nie Yun's face was positive. There is no clutter in the heart, and this power spreads all over the body.

Deserves to be the power of the Emperor, knowing that he can't bear it, deliberately weakening the power by many times, into his body, it is still vast, flowing in the meridians, like rivers falling into streams, powerful impact Let him keep shaking. Some couldn't hold it.

"Accommodate Dantian, improve your strength!"

Knowing that once he couldn't hold on, he would give up all his achievements, and Nie Yun looked dignified. With a whisper, the powerful soul power controls the strength of the whole body and constantly absorbs the power infused by the middle-aged people.

"Good toughness, good physical body ..."

Feeling the teenager in front of me, he kept insisting. Middle-aged people's eyes are getting more dignified.

He thought that this boy was just a clever doctor, and his cultivation talent was average. Now it seems that this idea is wrong.

Whether it's physical toughness or control of strength, physical control and willpower, all are the best choices. The countless talents he has seen before are overshadowed by them.

If such a genius does not fall, he will have a better chance of achieving the emperor than he was originally.


Not knowing what was in his mind, Nie Yun finally adapted to the strength in his body, and whispered, the level of cultivation was rising steadily, and he broke through the king's realm and was promoted to the imperial realm.

The early, middle and late stages of the imperial realm, the peak ...


Not long, the whole person's breath is diffused, like a tall demon.

Has reached the perfect imperial realm!

"So powerful ..."

Feeling the increase in level and the fullness of strength, Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

No wonder fighting against the perfect emperor is like a baby. Now I know that there is too much difference between the perfect emperor and the other side. The two are not the same concept at all.

"it has started!"

Reaching the perfect imperial realm, Nie Yun didn't stop. With one finger, countless medicinal liquids appeared in volley.

These medicinal liquids were refined by his mind in the world of things. From the outside, they were just strong and pure reikis, and they could not see what the specific medicinal materials were.


With the impeccable strength of the imperial realm, the control of space has increased a lot. Nie Yun's fingers are connected, and a lot of medicinal fluids are constantly fused together.

In the past, the fusion medicine solution was like a baby lifting a large rock, which was difficult and difficult to complete, but now, it is a lot simpler, and soon, a total of 80 kinds are fused.

A total of eighty-one drugs need to be incorporated into the true spirit lamp, and only the last one is left.

However, the last one is also the hardest.

The eighty species that were fused before were only accumulation of quantity, while the last one involved qualitative changes and would be collapsed with a little carelessness. As before, many medicinal materials turned into ashes.

"Let's help!"

Nie Yun couldn't control so much at this time either. Turning his head to look at the young man on one side, he shouted with both hands, and according to the special combination method of the true spirit lamp, he fused the last liquid to the 80 liquids in front past.


The two are compatible, a burst of space distortion, a burst of red liquid medicine, burning again, as the first time, re-ash.

"The power is still not well controlled ..."

Seeing the failed result ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun was a little unwilling, but also knew that there was no way.

Relying on the strength of middle-aged people, although he now has the strength to complete the imperial realm, his power control is still too poor. A slight gap will appear in the refining process, which will lead to a close gap. The footsteps of success stop.

This was the case just now, and success was to be seen, but unfortunately the last point was not controlled, which led to the abandonment of all previous achievements.


Sitting in place and adjusting for a while, Nie Yun was not discouraged and took out the last medicinal liquid made from medicinal materials.

If this fails again, it seems that only medicinal materials can be found again!

He will not go to the Yanhuang Hall, and can only let the two great emperors in front of him find it in person.

It is not difficult to find these herbs in Yanhuangdian, but if you want to find enough years outside, and the effect is uniform, I don't know how much work it will take.

So ... in his opinion, this time you can only succeed and not fail! (To be continued.)

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