Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2184: Leave next

"Learn it? Do you mean ... from no foundation, to learn from scratch?"

The woman in the palace dress frowned, seemingly hiding a rage.

"Yes ..." Fairy Fairy bowed her head.

"No joke! What a joke! Ling Tian Xiaopu was created by Loya's predecessors. With his understanding of Xiao, let a person who doesn't understand anything learn from scratch ... I want to achieve a ensemble with your piano and flute. To the point, even if you are talented, you can't do it for thousands of years! "

The woman in the palace costume looked at her apprentice like a lunatic.

This disciple has always been calm. Why is it so unreliable to do things this time?

Talented ... She is not a talented young man, not to mention others. Her group of disciples alone are gathered from all over the world, the most talented talents!

These talents, I have n’t cultivated for many years, and then I have a wonderful sound ... Just by looking at the flute spectrum, I want to achieve the ability to ensemble with the flute. What a joke?

"I didn't believe it at all. After seeing it with my own eyes, I realized that the world is so big, there is nothing strange about it ..." Fairy Fairy knew that Master must not believe it, so she had to see Nie Yun first, who looked at Xiaopu first. , All the things played out of imagination.

"how can that be?"

The woman in a palace dress frowned.

Nothing can be done in a pinch, and even more so in Qin Yin. How could it be possible to take a look at it?

"The world is huge, there are all kinds of wonders, the predecessors haven't seen them, it doesn't mean that they don't exist! There are indeed talents that ordinary people can't understand on the Xianyin Avenue. If the predecessors don't believe it, you can take the Ling Tianxiao spectrum now and give me a day. Guaranteed to bring the flute to the endless state! "

Nie Yun said.

Although he didn't like the woman in the palace dress in front of him, he looked at the other person for his disciples and suppressed the anger at the moment.


Seeing the young man's self-confidence and the attitude of his disciples, the woman in the palace costume couldn't help believing a bit, but her face still didn't alleviate at all: "Even if you can bring the flute to the endless world. It's the same as that of Luo Ya What about this realm? If you do n’t marry a wonderful voice, you ’re just unlucky. You do n’t deserve to live! ”

"Doesn't marry the wonderful fairy, what is the relationship with widows?"

Nie Yun was speechless.

"What's the matter?" The woman in the palace costume sneered: "Then I ask you, are you planning to reach a certain level of flute and ensemble with the wonderful flute?"

"Yeah!" Nie Yun nodded.

If not agreed. How could Miaoyin Fairy be so attentive and bring herself here at such a great cost, requesting to borrow Ling Tianxiao spectrum!

"Qinxiao ensemble, pay attention to heart-to-heart communication, soul resonance ... In doing this, you are entrusting your whole body to each other. First of all, they must be open-hearted and fully trust ... You feel that you are not a match, you can do it on one side. You can do it Arrived? "

The woman in the palace costume hummed.


Nie Yun froze.

He thought that the so-called piano and ensemble ensemble was when two people played at the same time to complete a piece of music. I didn't expect it to be so complicated.

"Furthermore, during the ensemble of piano and flute, the souls are fused and separated from each other's body, and it is no different from doing husband and wife. The wonderful sound is my disciple, Baiyu is flawless. Your piano and flute ensemble, experienced such things, do you think she can marry someone else? "

The woman in the palace costume continued.

"This ... I didn't know it before!" Nie Yun was a little embarrassed, and then came to understand.

No wonder the other party has to force himself to marry the wonderful fairy, the original so-called piano and flute ensemble requires so many conditions!

Once this is done, even if there is no husband and wife friendship, it is no different from being a husband and wife. How can the fairy fairy marry another person then?

It's no wonder that the wonderful fairy has been supporting me all the time, and her speech is unknown. The key point here is.

Although she stayed in Fengyuezhi for a long time, she did not sell herself, she did not show any mud, and it was not appropriate to talk about this with a man who had only seen one side.

"Now you know what to do, make a decision now!"

The woman in the palace costume snorted and shook her hand.

Knowing that the other party doesn't know anything, has already lost most of its energy.

The reason why I was angry before was that the other party knew what the piano and ensemble ensemble needed to happen, and the beauty of the fairy fairy was deliberately agreed!

The Qin Xiao ensemble requires the two to be frank and opposite. Once he is not sincere, but not to have a picture, the wonderful sound fairy can not progress, if it is not good, he will die directly on the spot!

Every step of the road cultivation is extremely difficult, especially to reach the perfect imperial realm. It is like walking on a cliff with one foot wide. If you take the wrong step, you will die and die. No one can save it!

Before she heard that the other party had a wife, and agreed to the ensemble of piano and flute, she did not want to marry Miaoyin. She felt that the other party was just for "playing", so she naturally planned to kill.

Now that things are up to you, let's see how you choose.

If you can marry a wonderful voice, it's nothing. If you still have a playful mind, you will definitely kill it.

At that time, the grandmaster of the school sent a regret for life because of his unclear identity!

She doesn't want her disciples to repeat the same mistakes, so what's the use of even if she succeeds?

"I heard the ensemble of piano and flute before, and thought it would be a ensemble between you and me ... I didn't expect it to be so complicated!"

Nie Yun did not answer the woman in the palace costume, but looked at the fairy fairy: "Since the piano and flute ensemble, you must take the innocence of the fairy, next ... consider again and again, forget it! I hope the fairy can find the true confidante as soon as possible Practice together, break through together! "

Although he is very interested in Ling Tianxiao spectrum and Xianyin Avenue, if he wants to get confused with the wonderful fairy, Nie Yun is still unwilling.

The girls around him were enough, and each of them had feelings unclear, and didn't want to mess with it anymore.

"What do you mean?"

Miaoyin Fairy did not expect the teenager to make this decision, and her face changed ~ www.readwn.com ~ If the acquaintance is so easy to find, she does not have to commit to Cuiyu Pavilion and make a public appearance!

"Senior, I really don't know that the Qin Xiao ensemble needs so much trouble. Since it hasn't started yet, naturally it won't affect the innocence of the wonderful sound fairy, so ... I decided next, not to learn the flute score, leave!"

Nie Yun looked at the woman in the palace costume and fisted.


Women in palace costumes were also surprised.

She guessed that the other party might abandon his wife for this reason, or promised to marry a good voice, and never dreamed of making this decision.

As long as you are a practitioner, you ca n’t be uninterested in something like Ling Tianxiao spectrum!

Aside from Xianyin Avenue, such a thing alone is a supreme magic weapon that surpasses the perfect imperial weapon!

What's more, what kind of charm does her disciple possess? She knows it well. This charm ... he can refuse, is it true or false? (To be continued)

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