Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2185: Blood evil palm

"Are you sure, you don't want to learn Xiaopu and want to leave?" The woman in the palace costume asked again.

"Yes!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Master ..." Hearing the youngster's accuracy, thinking of his performance along the way, the wonderful fairy Fairy knew that the other party could really walk away, full of anxiety: "Master, you also know that Zhiyin is hard to find and let him go ... I want to find Another one, I do n’t know how long! ”


The woman in the palace costume was tangled.

The fairy Miao Yin said, how did she not know!

Xianyinzong has reached the level of wonderful sound fairy in history. Although there are not many, there are still a few. Unfortunately, until the death, no confidante was found, and no breakthrough could be made.

Since this boy has this ability and can complete it, once he misses it, it is almost impossible to find another acquaintance!

"No, but ... My wonderful voice from the beginning to the present, begged for it, never thought of anything else, I just hope that I have a chance to break through, and I hope the master will be perfect!" The silver tooth of the wonderful voice fairy knelt and knelt down.


Seeing the disciple's attitude, the woman in the palace costume sighed.

Miaoyin's statement is tantamount to her mentality. What she is seeking is a breakthrough, not an avenue, not a relationship between children.

Qin Xiao ensemble is equal to the loss of innocence, as long as it can break through, no matter how big the sacrifice is worth it.

"I can borrow Ling Tianxiao spectrum to practice for you, but ... the premise is that if you really help the wonderful ensemble success, I hope you can become our elder of Xianyinzong!" Gongzhuang woman looked to Nie Yundao.

Say this. It's a big concession, you don't need your divorce, and you don't need to marry Miaoyin. Only let you be the elder of Zongmen.

In fact, she also had some thoughts on doing so. As long as the other party agreed, there would be more and more days to spend with Miaoyin in the future. It would not be strange to have feelings for a long time.

this way. It is tantamount to adjusting the order, at least it is also accounted to the disciples.

"I don't agree!" Nie Yun shook his head.

"You ... what do you disagree with? Don't worry. After the ensemble of the flute and ensemble is successful, I won't lie to you, nor will it break the relationship between you and your wife!" I did not expect to say this, but the other side refused. The wonderful fairy hummed.

It ’s not bad to talk about it yourself. If you say that, it ’s tantamount to sending it to the door. Not only do you not have to pay for any responsibilities, but you can also improve your strength ... I do n’t believe the other party does not agree.

"Sorry, I can't do this!"

Nie Yun shook his head and said no more, turned and walked outward.

He didn't want to pretend to be high, but he really didn't want to do it.

If the piano and flute ensemble really needs that, even if the other party doesn't mind. I will also mind!


Unexpectedly speaking of this, the other party did not agree, Miaoyin Fairy was pretty pink. What I want to say ca n’t be said.

"Well, now that I'm leaving, I have a few words. I want to talk to my predecessors. I hope the seniors don't mind!" After taking a few steps, Nie Yun stopped suddenly. Turned to look at the woman in the palace costume.

"Huh?" The woman in the palace costume stared.

"The poison of blood evil palm ... can't be suppressed by light forcible suppression. If you blindly do so, I'm afraid that it will take less than three years for the internal meridians to fail prematurely. Within five years, there will be no doubt ... that's all!

Nie Yun said something that had nothing to do with the past and turned around and left.

"Don't be busy ... what are you talking about? What blood?"

Knowing that the juvenile medical skills in front of him were amazing and impossible to target, Miaoyin Fairy stood up to block his way and asked anxiously.

I didn't finish the words, I looked at Master, and saw that Master's face paled slightly, which was completely different from just now.

"Master ... what blood did you really get?"

Seeing Master's expression, Miaoyin Fairy stunned in her heart.

"Blood-sharp palm ... Is there any blood-sharp palm! I'm fine!" The woman in the palace dress calmed down, and her face reverted as usual, and she waved at will: "Master recently wanted to make a breakthrough. He may be looking in the wrong direction. He was slightly injured. But it's nothing to do with blood ... "

"I hope so!" Since the other party didn't want to say it, Nie Yun smiled and stopped saying more.

"Master ... don't hide from me. Nie Yun is a master of medical meditation and is extremely famous in Yunzhou City. Since he said it is a blood slap, there is nothing wrong with it ..." Seeing Master's expression, the fairy Miaoyin knew the other I didn't want to worry myself, so I said it intentionally, my heart was like a knife.

"Okay, it's okay, little blood is in the palm of your hand, Master can handle it!"

Woman in palace dress waving hand.

"Hold it up? At every hour of the day, the blood evil will form a devil in the body and devour vitality. If you guess well, at this hour, the seniors will not be able to suppress it and become a blood man ..." Nie Yundao.

Before he had finished speaking, the expression on the face of the woman in the palace costume changed, her fists clenched, her face pale.

"Master ..." Looking at his expression, the fairy Miaoyin knew that Nie Yun was right. Jiao shivered, raised her head, and bit her lip: "Did it come from the Dark Sect?"

"You ... how do you know the Dark Star Sect?"

The face of the woman in the palace dress changed.

"The last time Master was injured, he told us it was injured by a beast. I don't believe it. I secretly investigated and found it!"

Miaoyin Fairy's eye circles are red.

"You ... hey! Stupid child!" The woman in the palace costume wanted to say something, and finally turned into a sigh: "It turned out that you already knew it. No wonder you have to find a consonant and want a piano and flute ensemble to break through!

At first she thought the disciple didn't know those things, she really wanted to make a breakthrough. Now it seems that she knew these things and ignored them!

"I am an orphan, it ’s the Master and Zongmen who gave me everything ~ www.readwn.com ~ Only now I have the current achievements. I know that as long as I break through this step, I can have the same strength as the predecessor of Loya. No matter how strong Zong is, don't be afraid! It just didn't happen that they dare hurt you with blood ... "

Miaoyin fairy gritted her teeth.

"If you can have the strength of Loya's predecessors, the Dark Star Sect should not be afraid, but ... Qin Tao wants to break through, how difficult it is, the ancestors of the year did not do it, the piano flute ensemble ... Just a little hope, in the end No one can say for sure! "The woman in the palace dress shook her head:" I don't want to ruin your life for this nothingness! "

"Since everything has been said, Master will not hide you, Master has fallen into the blood, like the master said, I am afraid that he will not live for more than five years ... You take all the masters and sisters away and find a secret place Hidden, if one day, we can break through and come back again! Carry forward my Xianyinzong! "

"Master ..." When hearing the words of the woman in the palace costume, the fairy fairy woke up with a heart, suddenly remembered something, turned her head to look at the teenager, and her knees fell to the ground softly: "Since you can see the bleeding, you must also I can save it, I beg ... "

ps: Let ’s start with two chapters. At the end of the month, everyone has a monthly pass. . (To be continued m.) (To be continued m.) (To be continued)

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