Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2190: Underground palace

"This is the ground palace of Xianyinzong, where the bones of the ancestors of the past ancestors!"

The fairy of Miaoyin had awe in her eyes.

The two flew down from the air and came to the palace.

"There are countless prohibitions laid out by the predecessors in the palace. If you want to break through, only the emperor can do it ... but the disciples of Xianyin Zong don't need to break through, as long as they play music and reach the realm of piano and music, they can enter! "

Miaoyin Fairy looked at the stone gate in front of her, sat down with her knees crossed, and swiped her palms. Guqin appeared on the palm of her hand, and a mesmerizing music sounded again.

Seeing her movements and hearing her explanation, Nie Yun understood.

The place where the ancestors' bones of Zongmen are held is usually the top priority of the martial arts. There is no one to guard such an important place. It seems that Xian Yinzong is very confident about these prohibitions.

The sound of the piano sounded, and it kept ringing, and soon gathered in the palace palace foreign exchange notes of joy.

Nie Yun had no other action, and stood still to listen.

Before listening to each other's music, I felt beautiful and beautiful, and would fall into a fantasy, unable to extricate myself, but now it is different.

Refining Ling Tianxiao's spectrum, on Xianyin Avenue, has gone farther than the mysterious fairy in front of him. He can take the essence of music and listen to the other party's problems.

"It's really melancholy!"

Before I heard that something was wrong with her music, she relied on the method of looking at Qi from the Avenue of Medical Techniques. At this time, she could clearly hear the physical defect of the other person only by understanding the Xianyin Avenue.

No wonder she can't break through herself no matter how hard she works. Luo Ya's physique practiced Qin Tao has become her demon.

Ding Dong!

When thinking. The wonderful fairy has ended, and Shimen in front of me seems to hear the music. The forbidden light flashed and a roar came out ... The stone door slowly opened.

"go in!"

As soon as Miaoyin Fairy's eyes lighted up, Nie Yun followed closely.

Although the underground palace has not been opened for many years, it does not have any breath. Instead, it carries a faint fragrance, which makes people sniff and relax.

"This is the music fragrance left by the ancestors of Kaipai!" Explained the wonderful fairy.

"Lexiang?" Nie Yun froze.

This name is the first time I have heard of it.

"Everything has a taste, and music is the same! However, you ca n’t reach a certain level, you ca n’t do it! Your current state. You can play music to make the dead trees come back to life, all things are restored, and the birds are coming! My current state is The Qinyin fantasy world ... And the ancestors of the time were even higher. Playing music can create incense! "Fairy Fairy explained:" According to the records in the books. The original ancestors played music, and the fragrance was flowing in all directions. When you arrive, you will be all over and fall into a fantasy! "

"After the construction of the underground palace, the ancestors played a song here, so. The aroma has not dispersed until now. Even if we enter now, we can smell it!"

Nie Yun shouted.

Xianyin Avenue played. It is the first time he has heard such a capability.

Moreover, listening to the other person's tone, the scale of Xianyin is very detailed, and each realm is different.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help asking, "Did you have many levels assigned to Xianyin Avenue? What are they?"

He really doesn't know about these, and there are no records in the books.

"These classifications were originally set by the predecessors of Loya and our ancestors. They were only used to distinguish the understanding of Xianyin Avenue. It didn't help much. You don't know and it's normal!" Fairy Fairy knew what he wanted to ask, Explaining with a smile: "A total of six realms! Qin Yin and Ming Ling Liang endless piano music fantasy illusion all things are recovering, a hundred birds come to all things and incense Avenue Harmony!"

"The so-called piano sound and melody means playing music, which can make other piano sounds involuntarily sound and resonate! This is a demarcation point for piano sounds to reach the master's realm from masters! You are familiar with it. Those who have listened to it, have been immersed in it, and have been immersed in it! Qin Yin fantasy, is the state I have reached now! The resurgence of all creatures and the coming of the bird is your current state, all things are incense, is the state reached by the ancestors sent by the time, heals the road Ming, for so many years in the divine realm, only the seniors of Loya have reached it alone! "

Nie Yun nodded.

It is indeed a strong player who has practiced the piano sound. After being divided into these six levels, the piano sound is indeed much more intuitive, which makes it easier to understand and better measured.

"Did you show that these aromas are of great benefit to Xianyin practitioners?"

After explaining the six realms of Xianyin, Miaoyin Fairy asked.


After she mentioned it, she really felt it. The aroma in the underground palace smelled for a long time, giving a feeling of relaxation and joy, making him unable to bear the urge to play here.

"You have a high level of understanding of Xianyin Avenue, and it ’s not obvious to you, so you can only sense it later. The lower the level, the better the effect. If you bring our teachers and sisters to practice piano, Understanding can definitely advance by leaps and bounds! But ... Lexiang will also consume a lot and become thinner and thinner until it disappears! "

The wonderful sound fairy said: "If our first master of Xianyin Sect is still alive and playing for the disciples, the overall level of the disciples will definitely improve a lot! This is also one of the goals that I have always wanted to find a confidant and break through myself! "


At first, she didn't understand the act of Miaoyin Fairy. Now she can't help but admire her efforts.

Finding a ensemble of piano and flute may make her lose a lot, but once her strength improves, she can fight against the Dark Star Sect, which can greatly improve the entire Xianyin Sect. These two items make her feel that it is worth the effort!

This spirit for Zongmen deserves admiration.

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let ’s go. There are three sacrifice stands in front. One is more difficult than one. People who come here must play on the sacrifice stand and get the approval of many ancestor ideas of the palace. No, there is no way to continue! If you want to find Xiandaoyin, it will become delusional! "

The wonderful fairy pointed forward.

"Three? Is it the same as the clearance, you can only enter the next one through the first sacrifice platform?" Nie Yun could not help asking.

"Yes!" Fairy nodded and nodded: "The palace is divided into three palaces: front, middle, and back. Each palace has an altar, with different ancestors' thoughts. Xiandao Yin is in the inner apse, only through the two halls. Go to the end and find the sheet music! Otherwise, without the sheet music, we wouldn't be able to play the ensemble! "

"So troublesome ..." Nie Yun frowned.

Originally, he thought that he could find Xiandaoyin when he entered the underground palace, and began to study, but he didn't expect such trouble. (To be continued.)

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