Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2191: Nave


"This is also no way! Careful calculation, Xian Dao Yin's score is more precious than Ling Tian Xiao's score. It is the perfect combination of our Xian Yin Zong Qin Yin and Luo Ya's senior Xiao Yin! This treasure is naturally impossible. Let outsiders go, in order to prevent Xiaoxiao from remembering, this method can only be used! "

The fairy of the wonderful sound continued: "It is said that it is a pass. In fact, it is an assessment of the understanding of the Xianyin Avenue. As long as it reaches a certain level, it will certainly be recognized by the ancestors!"

"Let's go!"

Nie Yun nodded, and the two walked forward. As expected, just after walking a short distance, they saw a tall altar in front of them.

Around the altar are neat tombstones, carved with a personal name, and deeds of merit written below.

These are the predecessors of Xianyinzong. Although this gate is not famous in the **** world, many of the predecessors have famous names.

Nie Yun casually looked at a few, and found that these names were recorded in the books seen by Vulcan Sect.

Behind the tombstone is a deep hall. It is so dark that he can't see clearly. He can't even see through his eyes. Don't guess and know that there are many arrays in it. Obliterate.

"I'll come first!"

When he came to the altar, Miaoyin Fairy Jiao moved and jumped up.


As soon as her figure fell on the stage, a light shrouded it, and then a guqin and a long flute appeared in front of her, waiting for her choice.

Taking off the guqin at will, the mind calmed down, five fingers flicked and the jingle sounded.

The crisp music is like flowing water hitting the rocks, flowing in the bottom of people's hearts, unspeakable and comfortable, and the sound spreads around the altar as the center.


The silent tombstone also seems to have heard music, the inscription near the altar shines, flashes a warm light, cleans up the original darkness, and illuminates one side.

Accompany the music. The tombstone centered on the altar gradually lights outwards, and the deep hall that looked dark before before is illuminated by a slender passage.

"Great ..."

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun could not help feeling.

These tombstones are arranged according to a special matrix method, and each of them carries the unyielding thoughts of Xianyinzong's famous ancestors. These thoughts listen to nothing, only music!

As long as you can play with or without music. As long as they understand better on Xianyin Avenue, they can let them go. When a channel appears, on the other hand, if you forcibly break it, the channel will be closed, causing people to fall into the matrix and difficult to move forward.


At the end of the song, all tombstones were also lit, and the passage was clearly visible under the tombstones. Spread straight to the nave.

"go in!"

The fairy fairy stopped playing and flew down.

Only then did Nie Yun discover that she was sweating on her head and looked a little tired.

She is a magnificent emperor, and she will sweat when she plays a song.

"I have only reached the realm of the Qin Yin fantasy, although it is not weak. But there is still some difficulty in trying to get all the ancestors to recognize it!"

It seemed that Nie Yun was wondering why she was sweating. The fairy Miaoyin explained: "The next altar, I am afraid that only your Xiaoyin can pass. Now my understanding of Xianyin Avenue can pass this first offering station!"

"At the second altar. Let me try!" Nie Yun nodded.

It seems that it is not so easy to get the recognition of this so-called ancestor.

The level of Qinyin Wonderland is so strenuous, he is weak, and I don't know if he can pass the second altar.

"To be recognized is not about strength. The test is the fusion of mind and fairy sounds. Don't worry about your strength!" I saw Nie Yun's doubts, and Miaoyin Fairy said.

Continue along the straight path, and after walking for a while, I saw the second altar.

The tombstones around this altar are obviously missing a lot, but the names above are even more horrible, and all of them used to be famous.

Although there are fewer tombstones, the pressure is even greater.

Buried in the front hall, middle hall, or apse, not based on status, but strength during life!

The stronger the strength, the deeper the understanding of Xianyin Avenue, the more placed inside.

The music fragrance in the nave is also richer than that in the front hall, smelling mouth and nose, even Nie Yun feels refreshing and full of body.

With a decision in mind, I don't need to say more about Fairy Fairy, and jumped up.

Falling on the altar, Nie Yun suddenly felt peeped, as if it weren't the tombstones around him, but the pairs of eyes that he looked at, trying to see him through.

Suddenly in my heart, I didn't even think about it, and took the long flute.


The sound of the flute rang, and the beautiful and melodious music, like the previous piano sound, spread to the surroundings.


As soon as the sound of the flute passed, Nie Yun immediately felt the influx of powerful thoughts.

These thoughts are not hostile, but look like they are looking for their mistakes, from top to bottom.

Zizi Zizi!

After playing for a while, when Nie Yun thought that these ideas could be recognized, a dissonant wind sounded.

I do not know what the wind blew, and made a strange sobbing sound, combined with his own flute, immediately disrupted his rhythm.

"not good!"

Nie Yun frowned.

Once Xiaoyin is messed up, the gravestone's recognition that can't be obtained will definitely stop here, and he can't move forward!

It seems that the wind is not coming for no reason, but is sounding purposefully, deliberately disrupting his own rhythm, and testing his reaction in dangerous situations.

Xianyin Avenue is different from some intuitive offensive avenues and is easily affected by other means.

According to legend, a long time ago, a general knew a lot about Xianyin and used it to attack the enemy on a large scale. Later, the hostile forces found weaknesses. Before each battle, they sounded a gong and drums, and destroyed his fairy with a loud noise. In this way, your own party is not restricted ~ www.readwn.com ~ The other party is not under control. Once again, the general will be defeated and defeated!

In other words, although Xianyin Avenue is powerful, it is extremely afraid of noise. Although the wind sound is not noise, it just sounds at his rhythm point and completely destroys it. Once the performance of the music cannot be changed smoothly The way and order, waiting to be destroyed, will certainly not pass the assessment of this altar.

"Ling Tianxiao spectrum, suppress the abnormal noise!"

Nie Yun frowned, and Ling Tianxiao's spectrum flew up from Xianyin Dantian, automatically shielding the wind around him, leaving him clear.


Can't hear the wind, the flute sound returned to a steady state again, and the gentle voice sounded all around, so that the slightly dry air in the palace was moistened, and the breathing felt more comfortable.

"Huh? Why didn't a tombstone light up?"

Feeling this, Nie Yun was relieved and was about to continue playing. Suddenly, his eyebrows were wrinkled, and a bad hunch came into his heart. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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