Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2192: Enter the apse


According to the truth, he suppressed the abnormal sound and played it perfectly. With the recovery of all things and the level of the flute sound of the hundred birds coming, it is easy to get a lot of tombstone recognition. But ... how come, no tombstone is lit?

If the tombstone is not lit, there will be no passage, which means that it has not been recognized! Marks failure!

"It's impossible ... I have reached the state of recovery of all things, the hundred birds are coming to the kingdom, the fairy fairy is not a phonograph fantasy, which is a whole lower than me. She can get the tombstone recognized, why can't I?"

His eyebrows were frowned, and Nie Yun couldn't believe it.

He walked on Xianyin Avenue obviously farther than Miaoyin Fairy, who successfully passed the first level and lit the tombstone. Why can't he?

Is there something wrong?

"It's the wind ..."

With a movement in his heart, Nie Yun understood.

Although I blocked the wind myself, I was not affected, and I was able to complete the music smoothly, but ... the people who listened felt different!

The sound of the flute sounds good, mixed with the unsuitable wind sounds, blending in pairs, it will also form noise and noisy.

This is like playing a piece of music, which is pleasing to the eyes, but two kinds of leaps play several pieces of music at the same time, many sounds are mixed, and people can't hear anything.

"The sound of wind cannot be eliminated. It seems that I should not block it, but ... blend it into the music and make it part of the music instead of noise!"

These flashed in my mind, and Nie Yun quickly figured it out.

The wind in front of him cannot be eliminated. Even if he blocked it, it would not affect the performance, but it still exists!

In other people's ears, their music and wind are mingled together. Not only can't they listen to the mood, they can also feel noise.

Now it seems that since the wind noise cannot be eliminated, we can only find a way to make it part of the music!

"It can only be this way……"

Do it when you think of it. Nie Yun knows that there is not much time for him, and Ling Tianxiao's spectrum slowly turns in Dantian. A fairy avenue appears in the world of things.

In the outside world, it is difficult to create a piece of music that matches the wind so quickly, but in the world of things, it will be much easier.

With one finger, Fengming was divided into small notes, flew towards Xianyin Avenue, and merged into it.


Swim in the avenue. After a few breaths, Nie Yun's eyes lit up. Gently scratch the palm of your hand, a long note appeared in front of you.

Among the notes, the wind chime is embedded in it, and it is perfectly integrated with other syllables to form a new melody.

"this one……"

After confirming the score, Nie Yun's spirit returned to his body, and the flute in his mouth. A whimper changed the note, and it was perfectly integrated with Fengming, forming a new song.

"It's ... awesome!"

Standing under the altar, the nervous fairy fairy, seeing this boy react so fast, in a blink of an eye, he incorporated noise into the music to form a new music. Could not help but praise, eyes full of worship.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe that this guy just learned flute, less than half an hour!

Turning disadvantages into advantages so quickly, turning noise into music, even her. Can't do it!

Until now she understood what a real genius is, and her so-called genius is so much worse than one, it is not in a grade at all.


The noise blended into the music, and his flute sound no longer felt as abrupt as before. On the contrary, it also gives people a wonderful enjoyment. The stele that has not changed before is lit up quickly and warmly, and finds a straight passage.

Soon, the song was over.

The passage was completely exposed.

Jumping from the altar, Nie Yunsong breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt his body soft and sweaty on his head.

Although he just created a musical score in the world of things, it still consumes him a lot.

No wonder the appearance of the fairy fairy, it seems that the first level is certainly not as simple as imagined.

After going down the altar to adjust the breath for a while, Nie Yun recovered, and then looked at the fairy fairy, and continued to walk along the aisle.

The apse and the two front halls are completely different. There are no tombstones or deep invisible halls. On the contrary, several huge night pearls are hung on the roof, which illuminates the entire room.

There are only two sculptures in the entire apse. One is a young man blowing a long howl near his mouth, a huge phoenix is ​​flying next to him, and the other is a gentle woman who is sitting cross-legged and playing the guqin.

The two sculptures look serene, but in fact they have a warm smile on the corners of their mouths, which makes people feel warm and sweet at first glance.

"Here ... no altar?"

After looking at the statue for a while, Nie Yun suddenly found something and couldn't help talking.

"Uh ... there really isn't!"

Miaoyin Fairy understood it, confused.

The two front halls all have towering altars, and there is nothing here. It seems that there are only two sculptures in the whole hall, except this, there is nothing else.

No altar ... where is it played? Whose approval is needed?

"There are three altars in the underground palace. Who do you listen to?"

Nie Yun asked.

"I heard what Master said before, but ... Master has never been here. For the specific situation, I also heard the predecessors of Zongmen mention it ..." said Miaoyin Fairy.

"It seems that there is no altar ... the second altar should be the final test. Look around and see if you can find Xiandaoyin!"

I can't find the altar, and it looks like the deepest part of the hall. Nie Yun thought that the assessment was over, and they all came to the innermost place. Where is Xiandao Yin?

After hearing his analysis, Miaoyin Fairy's mind also moved, and hurriedly turned along the edge of the hall. Soon, the two touched each other and shook their heads at the same time.

There is indeed no passage in this temple, and there is no other thing, the so-called Xiandao Yin, has not been found.

The whole hall seems to have only two sculptures ~ www.readwn.com ~ nothing else.

"Without Xiandao Yin, how can the ensemble of flute?"

Nie Yun frowned.

I thought there was still a level, even after the break, I never thought of it, just two statues, and I couldn't find Xiandaoyin ... Without this thing, how would a piano and flute ensemble?

"Nie Yun, do you say ... will it be the same as in the previous two levels, and you will need to play music to make these two statues recognized? Only if they recognize them, will Xiandao Yin scores appear?"

The fairy fairy said suddenly.

"Huh? Yes, it's very likely!"

As soon as Nie Yun's eyes brightened, he also felt that this idea made sense.

It is impossible to come up with a sculpture for no reason. Since it stands here, it definitely has a purpose. Maybe it is exactly what she said. Only by playing the music that allows them to recognize, can you see Xiandaoyin and find the score of this piano and ensemble. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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