Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2193: ensemble

"Try it!"

Anyway, there is no other way. When Nie Yun's wrist was flipped, a 'hole' flute appeared on the palm of the hand, and the melodious music placed next to his mouth rang. [Mianhuatang.com has almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than ordinary stations, and it is faster to update. There is no advertisement in full text. -.79xs.-⊥,

The sound of ‘dong’ whistle sounded throughout the apse. The perfect piece of music has profound techniques, making the piece of music feel like life and dancing.

It seems that Le Xiang in the underground palace also felt the sound of his flute, gathered around him, so that a huge aura was formed around him, and the aroma was 'forcing'.


The song is over.

"no response?"

Nie Yun frowned.

In this song, there is no wind to disturb 'chaos' and no murmur. He has exerted almost all his strength. If he is outside, the situation where the white bird will come is bound to happen, but the statue in front of him is still and the room has not changed. As if their previous guesses were all wrong.

I thought that the apse had a altar and a tombstone, but there was nothing. I thought that playing the music could resonate, leading to the music score of the Immortal Tao ... but nothing was found. It is wrong to say that the girl in a palace costume is wrong. There is no such thing as a "sin" in the Immortal Road, just an ordinary cemetery?

"Maybe it's not pure music ..."

Miaoyin Fairy also frowned slightly.

Although she is from Xianyin, Kedi Palace has been in the future and knows little about the situation here.

"It's not a simple piece of music, it's hard to make it work. There is a specific piece of music that can be started? By the way, you can try the song written by your ancestor!"

What Nie Yun thought of, hurriedly.

It is also possible that the place is banned, and you can recognize the score, if that is the case. I am afraid that only the song written by their ancestor can open the seal.

"Let me try!"

Miaoyin Fairy hesitated, took out Guqin and played. Like Nie Yun, he played at the highest level. At the end of the song, there was still no change in the apse.

"It doesn't look like ..." Nie Yun shook his head.

Both people's understanding of Xianyin Avenue has reached an incredible level. Although they are not as good as the two sculptures in front of them, they are not much different. The music played at this level has not caused any changes. It seems This apse is either unbanned or ... the way to open is wrong!

"This is our underground palace of Xianyinzong. According to the reason, it should be the same as before, and opened with music. How can it not work at all? Is it a problem on these two sculptures?"

Miaoyin Fairy is also full of strangeness, some can't figure it out.

The underground palace left by Xianyinzong cannot be opened by other methods, otherwise it will lose its meaning.


Hearing her helpless words, Nie Yun's heart moved suddenly.

The entire apse was empty, and the only thing that caught the eye was the two sculptures.

Carved the ancestors of Luoya and Xianyinzong respectively. One person caress the piano, and is playing the piano and flute ensemble ...

Wait, the flute ensemble?

"I know!"

Nie Yun understood it.

"Know? What do you know?" Fairy Fairy looked over.

"I know how to find the Immortal" Yin ". It is not that we play alone. It is ... the Qin Xiao Ensemble!" Nie Yundao.

"Qin Xiao Ensemble?"

Fairy Fairy looked at the sculpture again, and understood it, nodded: "Okay. Why didn't I think of it, the sculpture of the ancestor and the senior Luo Ya. Being in the ensemble, it also shows that they want to find the fairy music of Yin. The same move is needed! In this case, let's get started ... But there are not many ensembles of piano and flute, which one do we play? "

"Just what you wrote!" Nie Yundao.

Forgetful thoughts are made by the fairy fairy, he has learned before, very familiar, simple and clear, and easy to play.

"it is good!"

Miaoyin Fairy nodded, stroking her right hand on the guqin, and the flowing music jingled.

Nie Yun followed closely, the flute sounded, one harp, one flute. Although the first cooperation, but the cooperation is seamless, the sound resounded in the apse, beautiful and moving.


Qin Yin and Xiao Yin were still a little stiff at first, but after a while, under the influence of Le Xiang, they merged together. Nie Yun felt shocked by the "fine" god, and felt a gentle "fine" wave of God spread. , Slowly blending with his soul.

"Qinxiao Ensemble ... No wonder the woman in the palace costume said those words!"

Feeling that the other side's soul was completely let go, without any reservation, Nie Yun came to understand.

For the ensemble of piano and flute to be more perfect, the two parties of the performance must first trust unconditionally. Just like now, the soul of the fairy fairy is completely open. If you really want to deal with her, one idea can make it an idiot!

Knowing that the other party fully trusted himself, Nie Yun was touched and let go of his soul.


A ripple appeared in the air, and the souls of the two fused perfectly.

Suddenly, Nie Yun seemed to see the joy and sorrow of the fairy Miao Yin, saw her life, and her soul was integrated. He had a complete glimpse of the other person, and the 'girl' child in front of him, no matter from anywhere, right He is no longer a secret.

No wonder the 'female' son in a palace costume is 'forcing' to marry the 'female' child in front of him. A 'female' child has no secret to a man, physically and mentally, what can he do without marrying him?

"My soul is the same as last time, protected by the Lord Dantian, unable to spy!"

When seeing all the secrets of Miaoyin Fairy, Nie Yun also knew his secret, and the other party could not see it.

He had experienced this situation when he was 'mixing' the chaotic ocean.

Although it is a fusion of souls, his soul is protected by his master Dan Tian. Without his own will, no one can know the biggest secret in his heart.

"Show her memories of Lingtai Lingyue ..."

Knowing that the key to the piano and ensemble is mutual trust, Nie Yun has no intention of letting the other party know nothing. The “fine” moves, and the memory exhibition “Lou” with Lingtai Lingyue and Luo Qingcheng comes out to make the other party completely see.

Sure enough, Miaoyin Fairy saw Lingtai Lingyue and Luo Qingcheng ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then she realized why the teenager in front of her was not interested in her.

No matter who has such a confidant, I'm afraid she won't look down on her!

Although she was very arrogant about her looks, and also firmly believed that men could not extricate themselves when they saw them, but immediately saw these two people and realized that the gap between them was too great!

These two people are like the flawless beauty 'Jade', which makes people find no flaw!

Compared with them, her proud look can only be described as ordinary, and instantly became a vulgar powder.

"This is his wife and confidante? Sure enough, I can't compare ..."

Understand this, the fairy fairy is not tangled, and her heart suddenly opened up.

Ding Dong!

She was suddenly cheerful, just in line with the mood of imagination. The sound of the piano sounded louder and more beautiful than before. If she only reached the piano music fantasy world before, now she has raised a level. Like Nie Yun, she broke through. With the recovery of all things, the realm of hundreds of birds is coming! pu

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