Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2194: Everything is incense

I forgot what I missed. When the wonderful tune fairy created this piece of music, it actually combined the content of the ancient spectrum. Although it was a song, it had no other way but to achieve it. Now I see Nie Yun The memory in my mind, knowing that it is incomparable with those of Yantai Lingyue and others, let go of the shackles in my heart, and once I realized the true meaning of the song, this allowed the realm to rise sharply.

Her realm is the same as that of Nie Yun. The two ensemble's tunes are even better at first. The wonderful tunes that originally wafted around gave off a faint fragrance.

Everything is fragrant!

The harmonious ensemble of the two people has raised the level of the Qin Yin to a level where all things are fragrant.

Although it is just the beginning of all things being incense, it is also a real state of reality, which makes people smell it, refreshing, and the aroma that is about to dissipate in the former palace is more intense.


Along with the aroma, the ground suddenly roared, and the empty wall before it appeared white light.

The two knew that their ensemble of piano and flute had touched the ban, looked at each other, and felt a joy at the same time.

It seems this method is right!

Soon, the unforgettable tune was finished, and the end of the tune, there was a lingering sound in the apse.

Put down the dongxiao and look at the wonderful fairy.

The Qin Xiao ensemble allowed her to recover from all things, and the state of the hundred birds coming to the North also had a great effect on Nie Yun.

Although the realm has not reached the fragrance of all things, it is not far behind!

Of course, a deeper understanding of Xianyin Avenue is a trivial matter for him. The most important thing is that the soul blends with the fairy of the wonderful sound, which increases the strength of his soul a lot!

Miaoyin Fairy is a perfect imperial powerhouse, with his soul far surpassing him. The unreserved fusion with it allows your Nie Yun soul strength to directly break through the imperial power of the imperial power and advance to the imperial realm.

In other words, his strength is not perfect, but his soul is at the level of imperial realm.

The stronger the soul, the stronger the control over the body. Opening up boundaries is even easier.

Although the soul after promotion is still much worse than the wonderful fairy, but the ordinary imperial realm, if you want to kill it with your mind, you can't do it.

Feel the physical changes. Nie Yun no longer thought about it, exhaled a breath, recovered from the state of the ensemble of piano and flute, looked up at the restraint in front of him.

If nothing else, there should be a sheet music of Xian Dao Yin on the ban.


I want to concentrate on studying the contents of Xiandao Yin carefully. I couldn't help squinting when my eyes fell on the restraint.

Forbidden, smooth as new, nothing, let alone Xiandao Yin, half a note is invisible.

"Is it because the level of our ensemble has not been recognized by our ancestors, and Xiandaoyin sheet music has not appeared?"

Miaoyin Fairy also found the situation in front of her and couldn't help it.


Nie Yun shook his head.

The imagination of their ensemble has reached the realm of life and fragrance. And not when the ensemble can reach!

It can be said that the level just now is already the pinnacle of the ensemble. In this case, there is no fairy road chanting? Did the other person hide this song so deeply? impossible!

The realm of all things incense is difficult to reach. From all these years, only the ancestors who sent the ancestors can know it. If this realm cannot be opened, I am afraid that it will only work if the realm is reached.

But ... if you reach the realm of avenues and naruto, you can easily make music of the same level as Xiandaoyin, who will still spend time. Learn your music?

Because of this, he speculated, it must not be that the ban was not opened, but ...

"If I guess well. In this ban ... there is no Xiandaoyin score at all! Because of this, we haven't seen it!" Nie Yundao.

"Is there no music score for Xiandao Yin?" Fairy Fairy still didn't understand.

"Yes, I can see this so quickly, and I can play the ensemble in a realm of fragrance. It is indeed the most outstanding descendant of Xian Yinzong!"

As the two discussed, a faint voice sounded.

It was a woman who spoke. Although I don't know how many years have passed, the sound is still crisp and moving.

"who are you?"

Miaoyin Fairy and Nie Yun were startled, and Qi Qiba looked around, but unfortunately, neither figure was seen.

"I am your ancestor, Xianyinzi!"

It seemed to hear the two's questioning, and the voice sounded slowly.

"A patriarch?"

Nie Yun and Fu Qin both looked at the statue at the same time, and at the same time they held their arms together.

The previous motionless statue slowly moved. Although it still looked like no difference to the stone, the mouths were closed and the words came out of it.

"The stone statue speaks ..."

Fairy Fairy was startled and took a few steps back.

Unlike her performance, Nie Yun seemed very calm.

Not that he was brave, but ... the stone statue spoke, he had already seen it, and the stone tortoise in Yanhuangdian was just like that.

It should be that the idea of ​​Xianyin, the ancestor of the open school, was left on the sculpture.

"Don't panic, I am just an idea left by Xianyinzi, maintained by Lexiang. I thought I couldn't meet the descendants who could sing the ensemble of piano and flu before I was gone. Now it seems that God is not thin to me!"

Seeing her panic, the statue faintly said.

"Lexiang maintained?"

Nie Yun nodded.

Before that, he wondered why he wanted to leave Le Xiang in the underground palace, and spent a huge prohibition to prevent dispersal. I am afraid that the purpose is to keep this idea.

"Miaoyin, the 73rd generation disciple of Xianyin Zong, has met the ancestor!"

Recovering from shock, Miaoyin Fairy quickly fell to her knees.

The idea in front of her was an ancestor, and even if she was not confident, she wouldn't be arrogant.

"Come up, I don't have much time, and don't use it for these vanity!" The stone statue slowly said.

Although her idea has been maintained for a long time with the help of Le Xiang, once triggered, the consumption is too large, and it will soon dissipate.

After hearing this, Miaoyin Fairy also knew these, and looked a little dim ~ www.readwn.com ~ As a disciple of Xianyin Sect, the legends of the ancestors were lingering in my heart. Everyone will treat them as idols, so it is difficult to see them , But I heard her say that time is not much, how can I not feel lost.

"You should come here to find Xiandao Yin, want a ensemble of piano and flute, take the opportunity to break through!"

Ignoring her loss, the stone statue said.

"Also please seniors complete!"

Seeing that the fairy fairy did not speak, Nie Yun had to take a step forward, said.

The purpose of coming here is to find Xiandaoyin, a ensemble of piano and flute, and help the fairy in front of her to break through the body and reach a higher level, so he does not intend to hide it.

Quickly explain the purpose, find the score and say.

"Actually ... there is no such song and no sheet music in the world!"

The stone statue didn't sound very much, but it sounded like a thunderbolt in their ears. (To be continued.)

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