Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 195: Music world

"What? There is no such thing as Xiandao Yin? How is that possible?" The wonderful voice Fairy Jiao fluttered her face and couldn't believe it. Is it? "

She has been in Xianyinzong, and the most heard thing is to send the ancestor of the ancestor and the predecessor of Luoya to the Xiandaoyin, break through the concubine, and reach the realm of life and fragrance. Therefore, the predecessor of Luoya has reached the realm of avenue and Ming. [Quick updates, refreshing website pages, fewer ads, no popups, I like this site the most, be sure to praise it

These things have become a kind of belief, deep-rooted, at this time suddenly heard the Kaipa ancestor said that there is no such song, immediately shaken her confidence.

Did you hear all the mistakes before ... How did you break through without you?

"Xian Dao Yin ... is my goal for future generations, in fact this music does not exist!" Ignoring her disregard, the stone statue continued.

"Please give me pointers!"

Nie Yun had no experience of Xianyinzong. Knowing that the other party said this, he must have his own purpose and couldn't help asking.

"I and Luoya ... Master, the ensemble of the piano and flute broke through, but ... the ensemble of the flute and flute is not a fairy chant, but ... the music from the heart! There is no one in the world that can make the ensemble breakthrough. Xiandaoyin, some just follow the heart's music! Only by finding this can you go out of the way that suits you best and create the music that suits you best! "

The stone statue explained: "To tell you the truth, even if I wrote to you the ensemble that was originally ensemble with Loa, you can't break through according to the ensemble ... because, you are not me and Loa, you are yourself!"


Upon hearing this, Miaoyin Fairy and Nie Yun meditated at the same time.

Indeed, no matter how good the scores written by the other party are, they only fit their own mood, blindly imitating their predecessors, without their own things, if they want to break through themselves, I am afraid it is impossible to complete!

Don't say anything else. The relationship and state of mind of Loya and the Kai ancestors are different from them.

The original ancestor of the Kai School was a disciple of Luo Ya. He was both admired and awed by this man, and he would naturally lower himself in the piano. It may also be because of this that Luo Ya has reached a higher level, and the ancestor has been stuck in all things and can not take the last step.

Now the two do not have this identity gap, and naturally they will not have such self-depression. The state of mind is different. Even if the score is obtained, it cannot be better played. The effect is greatly reduced. How can it break through itself and find a higher state.

"Senior's meaning, we have to create our own sheet music by ourselves. Only in this way can we break through?"

Nie Yun asked.

"Yes!" The stone voice continued to sound: "If you want to hit a higher level, you must first release your most ardent desire, and the two parties have more understanding ... Only in this way can we better create music suitable for ourselves In order to better integrate themselves and impact a higher realm! "

"Go, this is my music industry, which can help you find inspiration faster, but ... it can only last for half a month, enter it, leave regardless of creation or creation ... all I can do is Everything is up to you! "

With the words of the statue, the restraint of the flashing light suddenly squirmed. A huge portal appeared and I didn't know where to go.

Nie Yun and Miaoyin Fairy looked at each other, knowing that Kaipa's ancestors could not lie to them, and didn't hesitate immediately. Lifted my feet and walked in.

Once inside, Nie Yun immediately understood.

The music world in front of him is somewhat similar to his world of accepting things. It is an independent small world, except that it is constructed by Xianyin Avenue. There is only one rule of Xianyin, no other avenues.

Entering the music world, what appeared in front of me was a green hill and a green land, and a small thatched house stood in front of me, just like a paradise.


In front of him, two figures appeared in front of the hut. A man and a woman were the sculptures of Luo Ya and Xianyinzi in the apse.

It seems that the two of them can't see them. They are just a fantasy, living in a hut, plowing at sunrise, sleeping at sunset, and living a simple and simple life.

However, it is this simple life that allows the two to understand each other more and more, and their hearts are getting closer and closer.

I don't know how long, the two appeared in the open space in front of the hut, one took out the hole flute and the other set up the guqin.

Ding Dong!

An intoxicating piece of music rang. The perfect combination of this piece of music was in line with the mood of the two at the time. When it sounded, the surrounding flowers and dances were instantly moved.

"This piece of music ... is indeed for them, not for us!"

Listening to this piece of music, Nie Yun and Miaoyin Fairy looked at each other, feeling sad.

Like the stone statue said, this piece of music is really not suitable for them. If they are an ensemble, they will not only be able to break through, but they will also fall into the mood of others, making themselves unable to extricate themselves.


After playing the music, the two figures disappeared, like Huang Liang's dream, which could not be touched.

"There is really no such thing as Xiandao Yin, and we need to find it by ourselves!" Nie Yun came to understand and said.

"Yeah, half a month is not long, but it is enough. Let's live here from now on. Only by running in and understanding each other can we create something suitable for ourselves ..." Fairy Fairy nodded.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

"I hope that within this half month, you can forget your wife and confidante, you can forget everything outside, the whole world is just the two of us ... treat each other wholeheartedly! Rest assured, after you go out, you are still you, I am still me, and the two of us have nothing to do! "

Said the wonderful fairy.


Nie Yun was silent.

"This is actually the state of the original ancestors and the seniors of Loya. They were mentors and apprentices. Once they were combined, they received countless accusations and opinions from the outside world, and they were here ~ www.readwn.com ~ but they were let go. There are no disciples and everything, and some are just two people ... It is because of this experience that they are able to merge their minds and successfully create their own immortal path, which is the most important step! "

Said the wonderful fairy.


Nie Yun nodded in agreement.

Luo Ya and Xianyin Zong opened an ancestor-mentor relationship, and they wanted to break through it. It was harder than them, but they let go of these maggots and treated each other in the simplest way. This was a breakthrough!

In fact, he also saw it before, but just didn't want to do it.

Now the other side is picking, he doesn't know how to choose.

"I want to make a breakthrough. Only in this way will Xianyinzong be destroyed ..." Miaoyin fairy begged in her eyes.

"Okay, I promise!" Exhaling, Nie Yun nodded. (To be continued.


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