Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2196: invitation


Nie Yun entered the music world and was cut off from the world. He didn't know that people waiting for him to ask him had already broken the threshold of the medical museum.

Since the last time he cracked the conspiracy of others in public, his fame has become more and more, and more and more people come to the doctor's office to see a doctor, but what makes these patients depressed is that no matter what comes, they get a unified reply ... ... Master Nie Yun is not here!

The absence of this sentence made everyone dumbfounded.

What is this going to do? Did n’t you open a medical museum to make money?

However, what makes these people depressed is that even if they spend ten times the price, the answer is that the master is not there!

Until then, all talents knew that this master who could cure all kinds of incurable diseases was really absent. At this time, many seriously ill people began to regret it.

I knew he would go out, and I shouldn't have a direct look. I came here a long time ago, and everyone is gone. No one knows where he went. I do n’t know how long he would like to see him for treatment!

However, everything has prosperity and decline. This situation was about ten days after Nie Yun left and fermented to the highest point. After that, there were fewer and more rumors.

What this guy just happened to be optimistic about a few incurable diseases. The reason why I didn't see it this time was because he was treating a big man. He didn't cure it, it broke, and he was afraid of revenge, so he hid it!

There are also rumors that he is a man who has earned a reputation, and has made a name for himself. He deliberately hid it to make people publicize it!


In short, everything is said.

Of course, there are many people who want to come to the medical museum to make troubles, but there is Yuan Jiu who stays in town.

Those who reached the imperial realm were basically people with heads and faces. Nie Yun wasn't here now, and he hadn't come here to make trouble.

Just when the imperial realm was about to come and investigate the master's absence, a golden invitation appeared in his medical hall, so that everyone dispelled the idea.

Not to mention other people, even the people in the medical museum, when seeing this invitation. They're all stunned.

Invitation to Yuanyang Emperor's Birthday Banquet!

Who is Yuanyang Emperor? There is no one whom Putian believes most!

Although this emperor-level strongman does not manage political affairs, everyone knows that as long as he speaks, even if the dynasty really has a prince, it can be easily destroyed!

Moreover, it is not only Putian that trusts him. His own strength is also terrible! It is said that in the ranking of the emperor, they can be ranked in the top ten!

this time. Putian personally presided over his big life for him. The rich and expensive can go, and the worst is the same level as the Twelve Duke's Mansion. Countless strong men who want to break through their heads want an invitation, but it is a pity ...

Emperor Yuanyang said that this was an internal family banquet, and he didn't want too many people to come and disturb ... One word would determine the grade of the birthday party!

Therefore, countless people can only look forward to sighing!

Such a precious invitation was sent to Nie Yun Medical Museum in this way ... which was intriguing.

People who were eager to explore the medical hall before stopped at this moment!

No one knows why the emperor sent this invitation. In this way, the master Nie Yun immediately cast a layer of mystery.

"I heard that when Emperor Yuanyang helped the Emperor Putian to conquer the world in the early years, he suffered dark injuries. Because of this, the Emperor Putian trusted him so much! The evil of this Nie Yun Medical Museum may be known to the Emperor. Send someone an invitation! "

A message kept flowing through the crowd.

This is by far the most reliable rumor.

Of course, there are some mess.

What emperor Yuanyang was entrusted with was unable to invite him.

This boy is actually a descendant of the emperor, so he can win the favor of Emperor Yuanyang.


In short, since this invitation appeared, various opinions have flooded the entire city of Yunzhou.

but. Some people scoff at these words and plan this invitation.

In less than three days, at least ten people came to the medical museum, saying that they wanted to buy this invitation, and the prices were higher than one.

The highest one, directly price one million **** stones!

It's just that Master Nie Yun is not here. No one has the right to deal with this invitation, all rejected by the medical director of the hospital Liu Zhu.

"Where did you say this man went? It's been more than twenty days, why didn't he come back?"

In the medical hall, Liu Zhu stood in the hall and turned round and round, anxious.

"Master and Miaoyin Fairy walked together, safety should not be a problem, rest assured!" Seeing him, Yuan Jiu comforted.

"I'm not worried about security, but ... the birthday feast of Yuanyang's emperor started in less than ten days. The other party sent an invitation, and the young master never went there again ... This is a blatant contempt for the majesty of the emperor. We No one can bear it! "Liu Zhu said anxiously.


Yuan Jiu nodded.

Liu Zhu said it well. The emperor-level strong person sent an invitation in person, but you did not go, it is contempt for the majesty of such a super-powerful person. It would be easy to cause contradictions at that time. To become fly ash.

"I sent a message to the young master, but never returned. It seems that the young master went to a strange place, and the message could not be received!"

King of Chaos.

When the invitation arrived at the medical museum, he sent a message to Nie Yun, but all of the more than a dozen messages were sinking into the sea without receiving a reply.

"Don't worry, the young master has his own sense. It should not be a big deal. We are worried here, but we are also worried!"

Seeing the anxious two, Yuan Jiu waved his hand.

Since the young master cured his illness, he has unconditionally believed in the young master. Since he has not come yet, he must have his own plans, so don't worry.

"Master Hui Tao, Ye Tao, please see me!"

Just as a few people were anxious, an attendant came in.

"President Ye Tao? He has been here every day for the past few days. It seems that he is not happy with the family!" Liu Zhu nodded, and quickly ordered: "Please!"

Ye Tao and young master are friends. They have been coming every day for the past few days. Although he didn't say anything on his mouth, it can be seen from his expressions that the competition of Ye Fu's heirs has given him a great shock.

I am afraid that Ye Xin is still under pressure ~ www.readwn.com ~ I wonder if Brother Nie is back? "

Entering the hall, Ye Tao asked without any hint.

"Master Ye Tao, our master, we still can't reach you, and I don't know exactly when we can come back!"

Liu Zhu is respectful.

Although this master Ye Tao is not very powerful in Yefu at present, after all, he is a twelve Duke ’s mansion, or a friend of the young master, at least the etiquette must be there.

"I don't know when I'll be back?" Ye Tao tangled.

"Master Ye Tao might as well tell me what's going on. Once the master comes, I can use the fastest way to sue!" Seeing him, Liu Zhu couldn't help asking.

"Old man is very ill ... I want Brother Nie to come and see ..."

Ye Tao said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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