Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2200: Zongmen merger

"Sovereign Moxue, don't count, she must have used some secret method to forcibly maintain her strength, and her injuries have not been relieved! As long as you persist for a while, you will definitely see the problem!"

Suddenly, the murmur of the Sovereign Sovereign sent a message to the Mo Xu Sovereign.

In his opinion, it is impossible to lift the blood evil palm, the other side said it intentionally, in fact, to put pressure on the Moxue Sovereign, so that he could not play the strongest combat power.


The Moxue Sovereign also realized this, his face was dignified, and the writing brush in the air stroked like a big axe that broke the ground.

Regardless of whether the opponent is really injured or the strength maintained by the secret method, it cannot be underestimated to him, and must be exhausted to deal with it.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

Using the coke-tailed piano, the night lord's clothes are fluttering, the whole portrait is a fairy flying in the air, and the fingers are constantly flapping on the sound of the piano, all the beautiful music sounds, echoing throughout the hall.

In the ears of others, this is beautiful music, but it is different in the ears of Moxue.

Each piano sounds like the same sharp sword-mang, which keeps stabbing, and a little carelessness will break the blood.


A qin sound swept past, and a big cut was made on the clothes of the Moxue Sovereign.

For example, the strength of Ye Zongzhu was slightly better than Moxu's lord, and the two were fighting with all their strength, and the latter was somewhat incompetent.

"Who says this is a secret method? What secret method can persist for so long and have such precise control?"

Seeing the openings in the clothes, Moxu's head was sweating coldly, and he turned angrily to look at the Dark Lord.

Calling it a secret law, it must be carried out only when the strength is inadequately forcibly improved, which is harmful to the human body. (Good-looking novels don't take too long, and the two fight together. They are exhausted. For example, the Night Sovereign not only persisted for so long, but the attack was not pure, and there was no waste. This is definitely not a secret method. !!

"Is Blood Poison's Poison really solved?"

The Dark Lord did not answer directly, but frowned.

He really thought that the other party had such a powerful attack by using the secret method. Now it seems that the other party's power is endless and Moxu's lord is dwarfed. I am afraid that the blood poisoning has indeed been solved.

"You go and help!"

Think of this. Lord Mingming turned to glance at Lord Tu Yun.

For example, the strength of Ye Suye is not much different from that of Mo Xue, but the momentum is completely different. The former has been driven to extinction, and now it is a war of backwaters, while the latter still has room and mentality gap, which makes Mo Xu ’s suspense more and more. Gradually fell to the downwind.

"If Ye Zongzhu hasn't been seen for many years, I didn't expect the strength to be better. Since that's the case, I want to learn from you!"

After hearing the command, Sect Master Yun Yun laughed strangely, and his body flew over.


The palm trembled, and a scroll flew from his palm. Like the clouds covering the sky. Volley down.

Tu Yunzong Zhen Zong Zhibao painted the fairy!


Seeing the pictures flying in the air, the face of the Night Sovereign changed.

Tu Zong's treasure from Su Yun Sovereign. It is an immortal painting left by the masters of Kaipai. The picture opens, and since it is self-contained, once caught in it, no one is the opponent of the master of the picture.


In the painting, the fairy descends from the sky and gets closer and closer, a sense of space pressure follows. For example, the eyebrow of the night lord raises his hands, his hands are dancing fast, the coke vibe is constantly vibrating in the air, and powerful sound waves are constantly released outward Instead, I wanted to block the oppression of the fairy in the painting.

"Hey, stop the fairy in the painting, can't stop the spring and autumn pen in my hand, write the spring and autumn!"

Seeing Tu Yunzong's help, Moxu's haha ​​smiled, the spring and autumn pen in his hand trembled suddenly, as if piercing the space and time in an instant, came to the Lord of the Night, sharp pen sharply lifted.


For example, the night lord's face turned red, a spit of blood spewed out, and flew out backwards.

She was a bit struggling with a Moxue lord alone, and another Tuyun lord who had almost the same strength as him, couldn't resist it.


"Master ..."


For example, many disciples behind the Yezong rushed over and saw Master was injured. All of them were angry and flaming, and they moved the strings in their hands.

However, although their numbers are large, their strength is far too poor. Many piano attacks attacked the two without pain or itch, and even before they came to them, they turned into smoke and dissipated.


With the help of his disciples, such as the Yezong Lord slowly stood up, struggled, and vomited blood again.

Although her blood poison was cured by Nie Yun, she was tortured for too long and hurt her vitality. Although Nie Yun also prescribed her a solid medicine, it was a pity that the other party came too quickly, and the two of them Working together, she didn't show any sympathy, and immediately made her more injured, without any resistance.

"It's a matter of time before we merge the four major gates of piano, painting, calligraphy and painting. Why do you have to stop it?" Seeing her injured, Mo Xun stopped her attack and sighed.

"The merger of the four sects is the general trend, and you can't resist it alone!" Sovereign Tu Yun reclaimed the fairy in the painting: "Furthermore, the merger of the four sects is also good for carrying forward us, and it will let people in the **** world know more about our four ancestors!"

"Benefit? Huh!" For example, the lord of the night sneered, with a sense of sorrow in his eyes: "The merging of the four sects is just that some people satisfy their selfish desires. If I guess correctly, we really hand over our respective town sects to treasure. Lord Ming will definitely take it for himself! With these four treasures, the unity of four friends ... may allow him to break through the puppet and reach the realm of the emperor, but ... if it is not successful? What about our inheritance of each door? Is it about to be destroyed? "

Hearing this, Mo Xu and Tu Yun were silent at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ In fact, they knew the plans of the Dark Ming Sovereign.

Four friends' gates, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it is almost impossible for a single one to break through to reach the emperor level, but the four together are different!

The four ancestral gates are treasured together, even if they can not help the Dark Lord to reach the level of the emperor, but all refining and helping him have the strength of the emperor, it can still be done!

If someone else has this kind of power, it will certainly protect the four major gates from being invaded, but ... the dark murmur certainly will not!

This man is selfish, and in order to strengthen his strength, he has practiced the wicked kung fu of blood sha palm, how can other sects get better and better?

Once the four major gates really merge, don't think about it, there will be a situation where rabbits and dogs cook!

"Less here to provoke alienation, your fairy sounds can deceive others' hearts, but they cannot deceive me! Zongmen merge, our strength will become stronger and stronger, how can I self-destruct the Great Wall and make Zongmen difficult?" The Sovereign and Tu Yun Sovereign looked like secretly knowing the purpose of the Night Sovereign, and then hummed, and then said. (To be continued.

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