Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2201: Ensemble against the enemy (on)

"Destroy the Great Wall by yourself? Do you still destroy the Great Wall? If I remember it well, Elder Dark Star Sect Dark Spirit died under the palm of Blood Sha!" Ruye Smirk sneered.

The Elder Dark Spirit is an elder of the Dark Star Sect, with outstanding merit, but was killed 30 years ago. Among them was the Blood Sha Palm. At that time, no one knew that the Lord of Dark Singing would have the Blood Sha Palm. The slogan of revenge was still After a long quarrel, although the murderer was not identified in the end, most people have speculations in their hearts after the dark sage master's practice of blood shaving was exposed, but no one dared to say it.

At this moment, the lord of the night spoke like a sharp sword stabbed in the past.

The elders of the Dark Spirit, who have made great contributions to Zongmen, can be killed, not to mention that they merged together!

"The Lord of Darkness ..."

Such as the words of the Night Sovereign really played a role, Sovereign Mo Xu and Tu Yun Sovereign looked at the same time, with hesitation in his eyes.

"Hey, I don't know how to repent, and I'm still here to confuse the people ... if so, then die!"

Without answering the words of the two, the Lord Mingming smiled coldly, his palms raised, and a checkerboard-like thing flew out in the air. The chessboard, like a rope that enveloped the space, fell from the sky, suppressing the surrounding space. .

At the point where the chessboards cross on the chessboard, countless chess pieces stand above it, as if stars.

"Heaven is the chessboard and star is the child ... I never expected that the Dark Lord Sovereign has reached the state of star as the child ..."

Seeing the chessboard he suddenly sacrificed, Moxu Sovereign and Tu Yun Sovereign looked at each other. At the same time, his eyes showed horror.

Originally, the strengths of their four ancestors were almost the same, and the dark lords would have a hard time succeeding if they wanted to do something to them. But now the other party has reached the level of Xingzizi, it is completely different!

"This realm is the same as the fragrance of all things in Xianyinzong, and it is only the last step from Dadao and Ming!"

"It seems that the three of us are not his opponents ..."

Knowing the realm reached by the Dark Lord, the Lord Moxu and the Lord Tu Yun could not help shaking their heads.

Shiyou Zongmen's chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy reached the highest level, and they all shared the same goal, but they were all in the same way, but the previous realms were different. The realm of Dark Star Zongtian as a chessboard star as a child is the same as the realm of Xianyinzong's realm of fragrance. The level of the imperial kingdom reached this level, and the strength increased. Although they were only one or two levels apart, the real combat power was different. Not an opponent at all!

The consent to the merged ancestral gate was previously because of the promised benefits of the other party, and there were some regrets in the heart. Now it seems that the other party really wants to do it, and the two can't resist it. .


The kung fu of these thoughts emerged in the hearts of the two, and the chessboard of the Dark Lord Sovereign had fallen.

For example, during the heyday of Ye Zongzhu, he was not an opponent, and he was seriously injured at this time. Naturally, he couldn't resist it. He resisted the boiling injury in his body, and his fingers were clicked several times on Jiaowei Guqin. Sonic waves, although very powerful, unfortunately still couldn't catch the chessboard, and the power shot was quickly shaken back.


The strength of the shock coupled with the oppression of the other side, such as the blood of the Night Sovereign spurted again. Can't hold it anymore and sit on the ground.

"Master ..."

Many disciples saw that Master would be beheaded at any time. I want to rush over, but I find that the clear space in front of me is like a barrier, and I can't get in with all my strength.

Their strength is too low. This level of combat cannot be inserted at all.


Seeing that the night lord lost his ability to resist, the murmur lord flashed a ruthless meaning, and the chessboard was pressed down again.

Under the tremendous pressure of the chessboard, if the Night Lord knew that no matter how he struggled, it would become futile, and his eyes closed slowly.

The opponent's strength is stronger than her, even if you want to resist, you have more than enough power.

"Are you going to die?"

There was a murmur in her heart, and she was about to give up her resistance, and a piano sound suddenly sounded.


This harp sounds like lightning that cuts through the night, and pierces the Lord of Darksong's blockade of the surrounding space. Although it is only a sound, it merges into the heartland, making people's nose and nose involuntarily smell a strong aroma.

"Everything is fragrant? It's wonderful sound ... Did she succeed?"

A piano sound, so that Lord Su Ye saw hope, his eyes opened sharply, emitting a dazzling light.

Everything is incredibly sweet. At that time, she could not achieve it when she was young. Now she is old, her strength is weakened, her energy is weakened, and she ca n’t be reached anymore. One person, wonderful sound fairy!

Could it be that she went to the underground palace ... succeeded in such a short time?


Unlike the excitement of Lord Su Ye, hearing the voice, the Lord of Dark Ming changed his face, and his brows jumped involuntarily.

All things are fragrant and he is the same level as Chessboard Stars and Sons. If Xian Yinzong can really be reached, his dream of merging the four gates will be difficult to achieve! "

"No matter who it is, I can't save you!"

His face sank, and the chessboard stopped without stopping.

If someone in Xianyin Sect can reach the realm of all things, even if he wants to overcome it, it will be very difficult.

Kill it, there is one less opponent, and no matter how strong the remaining strength is, it will be better to deal with a lot.

"Master ..."

Seeing his movements, the others immediately understood that many disciples were ugly and could not help shouting.


At a time when everyone thought that the Lord of the Night was bound to die, a flute sounded suddenly.

The sound of flutes interspersed with the sound of the piano. Instead of not being in the slightest sense, it gave people a logical taste.

"Qin Xiao Ensemble?"

The Dark Singer's pupil shrank.

Is it possible to match the sound of the piano with everything? ... There is also a flute master here?

If this is the case ~ www.readwn.com ~ The situation today is a little bad!

"Kill her first!"

Knowing that there were masters on the side, the Lord of Darkness could not hesitate. When he bit his teeth, the power surged out, and the chessboard was crushed like a sky and earth.

Chess pieces on the chessboard spin slowly and shoot sharply at the nightlord.

The other party has hidden masters. He doesn't dare to stop now. Only by killing one first can he get a greater chance. Otherwise, the other party's masters all come and join together. Today's things, if not done well, will fail.


Just as the chess piece was about to be shot in front of the Night Sovereign, a thunderous sound sounded, the two sounds of the piano and flute were perfectly integrated, and a avenue flowed from the ancient place, with an incomprehensible mystery, Stand in front.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

When the chess pieces, chessboard, and avenue touched, they made a jingling sound, like stones hitting steel, and could no longer move forward. (To be continued)

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