Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2202: Ensemble against the enemy (middle)

"Dadao Heming? How is this ... possible?"

The Dark Lord's face changed.

"Someone at Xianyinzong can display Dahe Heming? How could there be such a master?"

"Dadao Heming, this is the realm that Luo Ya only reached that year. The highest realm of Shiyouzongmen ... Really someone has reached it?"


Moxu and Tuyun were also in their place.

If it was said that the realm of the lord of the dark before the lord of the hog, the island of the pig, and the son of the chessboard star shocked them, now they are afraid.

This realm has been a goal since they began to cultivate, and this insurmountable obstacle now appears in front of them. How not to be surprised?

The avenue and the ming, the avenue can appear with the music, in the imperial realm, it has reached an invincible existence!

Thoughts are fast, scenes in the field are faster, the avenue river formed by the ensemble of piano and flute blocked the chessboard of the Dark Lord, the waves rolled and swept through.


The Lord of Darkness knew that the ensemble had shot at him, his face was ugly, the chessboard turned sharply, and it stood up, like a huge shield.

Although the avenue and the avenue led by Mingming are just prototypes and are different from the complete form of the emperor-level strong, they are also a form of avenue. The power is infinite. When they collide with the chessboard, the Dark Ming Lord immediately flew out, and his throat was sweet Blood squirted.

"Come here to help, you have also dealt with Ru Yezhang!"

After finally stabilizing his body, the Lord Mingming's face sank and turned to shout to the Lord Moxu.

Just now he asked the two to take the lead, just because he was afraid that Xian Yinzong would have a second hand, and he pulled the two to the same warship first.

really. Hearing this, the faces of Moxu and Tuyun were very ugly.

Although I haven't seen who it is. But the piano and flute ensemble can show the avenue harmony, showing the strength!

Play against such a strong man. Obviously it is not the right choice, but ... I did hit the Lord Su Ye just now!

Since the other party is from Xianyinzong, the suzerain was injured by the two of them.

"let's go!"

A gritted tooth, Mo Xu Zongzhu main road.

Now they have no way out, and the only vitality is to join forces with Anming Sovereign to defeat this master of Heming and Avenue!

Sovereign Tu Yun also understood this, and before he finished speaking, he had already shot.

Hum! Hum!

A picture. A writing brush appeared in the air again, the air waves rolled, and the whole hall made a whining sound.

Ding Dong! Whoo!

The avenue and river formed by the ensemble of piano and flute stopped by the fairy, writing brush and checkerboard in the painting, and there was some stalemate.

Although the piano and ensemble ensemble has reached the realm of avenue and ming, the treasures in the hands of the three are all sent to town, with infinite power, and the three are united. Dadao Heming couldn't move forward.

"Master ... you said Dao Heming is the master sister?"

The two sides were deadlocked. For example, the Sovereign of the Night had been saved by his disciples at this time, breathing heavily, watching the battle in front of him.


Such as the Night Sovereign nodded.

"Hedao Daming is the same strength as the predecessor of Luo Ya. Is Xianyuzong safe?" The disciple jumped up in excitement.

Dadao Heming's legendary realm, I haven't seen it for many years, I didn't expect the master sister to have reached it!

"Although Dawei Heming is very powerful. But ... this is not done by the wonderful voice alone, but formed by the ensemble of piano and flute ... once the song is over. The power will be lost, and it is difficult to beat the three suzerain ... ! "

Different from the excitement of the disciples. Such as the Night Sovereign did not relax in the slightest.

Dahe Heming, despite its great power, was only exhibited by the ensemble after all. If the ensemble with Miaoyin Fairy has the same strength as her, it is also a perfect imperial realm. There is no problem. The key is ... the other party is just a perfect realm!

This kind of strength, if it did not cause Heming, had not yet met with the Lord of Darkness, etc., it would be killed with one idea!

Therefore, on the bright side, Da Dao and Ming Ming now dominate. Actually, Miaoyin Fairy is fighting against one by one. Once the song is over, the strength will be reversed and it will inevitably be unbearable!


As she talked with her disciples, the situation on the court changed.

"Mo Xu Sovereign, Tu Yun Sovereign, now either you die or I die! Give me the Spring and Autumn Pens and the immortals in the paintings to control me, otherwise, all three of us will die here!"

The Dark Lord screamed loudly.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Lord Moxu and Lord Tu Yun also knew that the situation was critical, and at the same time, they bit their teeth and nodded.

The four ancestral gates of the Qin chess, calligraphy and painting, although the practice methods are different, have the same roots from the roots. Able to better integrate and exert more power.

Because of this, the Lord of Darkness desperately wanted to merge the four gates.

Now that the other party is displaying Dao Heming, the three of them can barely hold it. The only way to get rid of the dilemma is to combine the three treasures into one person.


The control of Moxue and Tuyun Sovereigns over Zhenzong Zhibao was passed to the Dark Ming Sovereign, and the hall was full of light at an instant. The three treasures merged to form a river similar to Avenue and Ming.

This river and the flute formed by the ensemble of flute and ensemble immediately showed a powerful power, the latter was steadily defeated, some could not resist.

"Let me see who it is!"

Seeing the Qin Xiao ensemble river receding, the Lord of Darkness relieved with a sigh of relief and the three magic weapons rushed forward.

From the piano sound just now to the present, he hasn't seen anyone who performed the ensemble. Now that he has the initiative, he has to look at who he is and break through this level of maggot to reach such a state.


The three magic weapons were so powerful that they pushed forward for a moment, the space in front of them was twisted, and two figures fell out.

It was Miaoyin Fairy and Nie Yun ~ www.readwn.com ~ the two left the palace and found out that Zongmen had changed, so they couldn't help it.

However, both of them are only in the realm of life and incense, and Nie Yun's strength is only to complete the king's realm and openly shot. He must not have defeated the three lords who held Zongmen Zhibao. In an anxiety, they hid and used the piano and ensemble. Method to carry out an attack and let the other party retreat.

Who knows that the Dark Lord Sovereign took control of the other two treasures at a critical moment, and successfully counterattacked in one fell swoop.

"Wonderful sound, quicken the coke!"

Seeing the two being forced out, they couldn't resist at any time. If the spirit of the Night Sovereign moved, the Jiao Qin in front of him immediately flew up and flew straight to the fairy fairy.

Although the piano in the hand of the wonderful fairy has been passed down for a long time, it is still far worse than the coke tail.


Miaoyin Fairy flipped her hand, took the coke tail, and her eyes moved, and she had refined it. (To be continued ...)

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