Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2208: Go to Yuanyang Emperor's Mansion

Refining elixir? I am repairing too low now, even if it is refined, the other party will not need it! Weapons are precious? The other person casually throws out more precious than me! There are certainly no shortage of Emperor-class secrets ... "

Nie Yun made several laps on the spot, and kept thinking and denying. ∈♀ Vertex Novel,

Emperor-level strongman, what he wants, what he has, and nothing in the other's eyes! If you do n’t send it, the other party has posted it, and everyone else has the treasures, but they are empty-handed.

"No ... send some bottles of Monkey Heart Bar!"

When my heart moved, I remembered that I still had something that the other party didn't.

Monkey Heart Wine is a unique wine in the world of six spirits. Even in the world of God, he has never tasted such a delicious thing. His current world of things can be copied at will, and several bottles can be sent to him.

However, if the other party likes it, it's hard to say.

"I can't think of anything else, just this thing!" Hesitated for a moment and made a decision.

The things on his body must be inconspicuous. Although the monkey heart wine is not good, it is the only one. The **** world cannot find the second one.

With a decision in mind, I calm down and stop thinking about it.

There was no words all night, and in a blink of an eye, it was already bright.

"Brother Nie, when shall we leave?"

As soon as the genius was bright, Ye Tao came to the medical hall. Seeing the excitement, it should have been no rest yesterday night.

"When does the birthday feast begin? Is it too early now?"

The general birthday banquet is performed at night. Yuanyang Emperor likes to be quiet and does not want to treat guests at night. Move the birthday party to noon, even so. It's too early now!

"It's not early. The emperor's birthday banquet is not held once for tens of thousands of years. It goes early and shows respect, but it seems rude to go late!" Ye Tao busy said.

"Well then, I'll get ready, let's go!" Seeing this guy's expression of excitement, Nie Yun was helpless and had to change into a clean dress. Follow him out of the hospital.

Outside he had prepared a carriage, and the two sat on it and slowly walked to the house where Emperor Yuanyang was.

"Emperor Yuanyang likes to be quiet. At first, Putian gave him a house near the palace. He didn't go. Instead, he chose a place near the mountains and the water, far from the palace. From here, take a horse-drawn carriage, and at least More than an hour! "

Ye Tao said.


The city of Yunzhou is so vast that it takes an hour to ride a horse-drawn carriage. It's not too biased to say it carefully.

"Who is going to the birthday party this time?" Nie Yun asked.

"The birthday feast of the Emperor Yuanyang is very powerful. In fact, not many invitations have been sent out. It is said that they add up to less than fifty! I do n’t know who else is there! But. Anyone who can receive invitations is a well-known name. Or a very powerful family, it is difficult for ordinary people to have a chance! "

Speaking of envy in Ye Tao's eyes: "Brother Nie can receive invitations. It is enough to explain the essence of medicine, it has alarmed him!"

"Medicine ..." Nie Yun didn't say much.

The world of gods is vast, and there are too many people with strong medical skills. If it was not the brother Yun Yan, the invitation of Emperor Yuanyang would certainly not be available.

"I suppose Brother Yun Yan wants to use this opportunity to help me make a name for himself!" Suddenly his heart moved.

Brother Yun Yan wants to send an invitation card to himself for no reason. I'm afraid I want to make a name for Nie Yun Medical Museum, but it's true!

Before treating intractable diseases, I only passed messages in a small area. After receiving the invitation from Emperor Yuanyang, this person has already entered the eyes of the emperor-level strongman, and some Xiaoxiao dare not easily take it for granted.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that the two most brilliant doctors in Yunzhou City, Master Mo Gao and Master Hongye also received invitations!" Ye Tao continued.

Nie Yun nodded.

Master Mogao and Master Hongye have heard of them before coming to Yunzhou City. They both have a reputation in the medical rankings. They have been famous for many years and can receive invitations. It is not surprising.

The two talked and walked, because they walked early, there were not many people on the road, and the road was unobstructed. It took only about an hour for the carriage to stop.

"In front is the mansion of Yuanyang Emperor. For the sake of respect, let's get out of the car and walk directly. It's not polite to drive there!"

Taking a glance at the car curtain, Ye Tao walked down first.

It is not too close to the house of Emperor Yuanyang, but for the sake of respect, walking to the past is even more respectful.

Nie Yun didn't say much and walked out of the carriage.

Although this is not the first time he has seen the Great Emperor, the other party respects him and sends out invitations. He also respects the other party.

Go forward slowly along the wide street, and before long you can see the tall mansion appearing in front of you. In front of the scarlet door, a large group of people have accumulated, standing outside waiting quietly, without any impatientness or boredom .

"It looks like we're still late, so many people have come ..."

Seeing these people, Ye Tao muttered, and Nie Yun was stunned.

I thought they came early enough, but now it seems that it is too late. At least hundreds of people have accumulated in front of the tall mansion.

Although the number of places invited by the invitation letter is limited, many people who have invitations have brought their younger generations. It is a spectacular sight ~ www.readwn.com ~.

"Ah, Brother Nie, Brother Ye, you are here ..."

Before stepping up, a voice sounded, and then a figure strode forward.

"It was Brother Zhuo!"

Seeing this man, Nie Yun smiled and held his fist.

It was Zhuo Yang, the young master of Zhuo Guo Gong's Mansion. When he first came to Yunzhou City, he dragged him to the Cuiyu Pavilion.

"I heard that Brother Nie got an invitation from the Emperor Yuanyang himself. When he arrived, he kept looking for it. I didn't expect that you came later than me ..." Zhuo Yang was familiar with it, and smiled. Nie Yun: "Brother Nie is still awesome. I came here with the old man at home. You came to Yunzhou City in the next month and got an invitation card for yourself. It really made me look ..."

"Uh ... brother Zhuo is polite, fortunately!"

Nie Yun laughed.

"Luckily? How could there be so many luckys, why didn't I get lucky? Explain that Brother Nie still has the ability, which is far better than Feng Miao's self-righteous guy ..."

Before Zhuo Yang's words were finished, he was interrupted, followed by a laugh.

"It's not good to say bad things behind me ..."

This is Feng Miao.

Feng Miao has always been behind Nie Yun. Nie Yun returned to the family not long after he left. I did not expect to see it here. It seems that his status in the family is not low, otherwise the grandfather in the family cannot bring him. With. (To be continued ...)

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