Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2209: Scold

"What's wrong, if your medical skills are so good, the emperor must have sent you invitations ..."

Spiteful talking behind his back, Zhuo Yang was arrested, his face flushed, and he retorted.

"Of course, my medical skills are far worse than those of Brother Nie. Now I'm just his apprentice ..." Feng Miao shook his head with a smile, came to Nie Yun in a few steps, and held his fists: "Nie Brother ..."

"Brother Feng!" Nie Yun nodded.

The two got along in the medical hall and were already very familiar, without much etiquette.

"It turned out that you were all in the | pig | pig | island | novel www. [Zhu] [zhu] [], last time Cuiyu Pavilion was different, I didn't expect to see it here ...”

Several people were recounting the old, a laughter sounded, followed by footsteps, turned around and saw a few people come over.

Nie Yun glanced and couldn't help smiling.

These people just met. It was the Li Su and Li Cheng of the Guo government who met in the exquisite waters of Cuiyu Pavilion at the beginning. It seems that these people are not inferior to the Twelve Duke's government. Otherwise, it is impossible to be brought to the birthday party.

I thought I had no acquaintances when I came here, I didn't expect to see so many.

"Who is the boy surrounded by those little monkeys?"

A few people talked happily, and a few old people couldn't help coming to see it on the car not far away.

Each of these elders is a pillar of the Duke's Mansion, a real figure who caused an earthquake in the Putian Dynasty, and is also the elders of Zhuoyang, Li Su, Feng Miao and others.

"I don't know, Xiaozhong, ask about the identity of that boy!"

The remaining old men took a look and all shook their heads. One of them ordered.

The young man behind turned around and walked over, and returned to him a moment later: "Master Duke Hui. That young man was called Nie Yun, and he came to Yunzhou City in less than two months!"

"Nie Yun? Oh. I see. It seems to have opened a medical museum. During this time, it became very famous. The emperor gave an invitation!"

"Yes, I can ask the emperor to personally invite the invitation. This kid doesn't seem easy!"

"My little monkey, who is not convinced by anyone, is able to chat in such an active way, which shows that this guy is excellent!"


Several old men nodded.

This person is called Nie Yun. Although they haven't come to Yunzhou City for a long time, they have a good reputation and they almost all heard about it.

"That should be Ye Tao from Yefu. Ye Xuan hasn't come yet. Why did you come earlier?"

After a few conversations, an old man recognized Ye Tao.

Ye Xuan is the name of the grandfather of Yefu.

"Yefu established the heir, called Ye Xin, not this Ye Tao! Who should Nie Yun bring this Ye Tao to come over!" Said another old man.

"Nie Yun took it? Hehe. It's a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. Young people don't think about it!"

"Yeah, Ye Tao is from Yefu. Ye Xuan didn't bring him over. He definitely had his own consideration. Now he doesn't bring it with his family, but someone else brought it over ... to Ye Xuan. Didn't he face him?"

"This guy Ye Xuan has always been stingy. Although this Ye Tao came to the birthday party this time. I'm afraid I won't have a good time to go back!"


Several old men muttered.

These old guys are all human beings. Nie Yun and Ye Tao may not have thought of this, they only understood it after glancing at it.

Anyway, Ye Fu is one of the twelve dukes, with a respected status. Ye Xuan, the old man, did not bring Ye Tao over, but let others bring him over. Once he saw it, it was a strange thing to not be angry.

"Look, here in Yefu ..."

During the conversation, some people in the crowd shouted, and then they didn't talk, Qi brushed his eyes and looked at Nie Yun and others.

Nie Yun's side is not as complicated as those old monsters think. The young people gathered together and talked and laughed, so lively.

"Ye Tao, what are you doing here?"

As everyone talked, a cold voice sounded.

Nie Yun turned his head and recognized it.

It was the old man I saw before. At this time, he had a uniform breath, smooth breathing, and looked rosy from afar. He looked physically intact. In fact, only he knew it. It was just an appearance.

There are two people standing next to the old man, one is Ye Tao's familiar opponent, Ye Xin, and the other is an old man with a proud expression on his face.

Nantian Medical Saint!

"I ... I'm here to participate in the emperor's birthday feast!" Upon hearing the question from the old man, Ye Tao hurried forward.

"Participate in the emperor's birthday feast? I didn't take you over, why do I have to be good at it? Didn't my words work?" The old man's eyes narrowed, revealing an amazing momentum.

"Ah ... no!" Unexpectedly, the old man would question like this, Ye Tao was startled, and quickly explained.

"Hey, Ye Tao, do you remember who you are? I think I forgot that you are from Yefu!" Ye Xin stepped forward and smiled, "Yefu has only one old man, and the old man didn't let you come. , But you secretly come over by yourself, do you feel that you have surpassed Yefu and want to establish your own door? "

"Ye Xin, you have less blood to spray!"

When he heard this, Ye Tao flushed.

"I bleed into my mouth? Then ... without the permission of my father, what are you doing here?" Ye Xin sneered.

"I am ..." Ye Tao wanted to explain, but didn't know how to speak.

"I invited Ye Ye to come with me!" Seeing Ye Tao's martyrdom, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned and came out.

Ye Tao was invited by him, and now the other side's attitude obviously does not give him face.

"You ... what are you?" Ye Xin sneered: "Ye Tao is from Yefu, and the old man didn't allow him to come to the birthday party. What qualifications do you have to bring him over?"

"What qualifications do I have? Just this invitation!"

Nie Yun's face sank, his eyes were like sharp swords, he stared at him, turned his palm, and an invitation appeared on the palm of his hand.

"What about invitations? Ye Tao is from Yefu, not yours!" Ye Xin raised his eyebrows ~ www.readwn.com ~ Won't he just go back? "

The grandfather Ye Xuan scolded.


Ye Tao's fist tightened, and his eyes were thick and unwilling.

The old man didn't have to bring him, just let Nie Yun bring it. This would not work. He had to kill everything and make him full of anger.

"What? What I said didn't work anymore? Not yet!"

Seeing his expression, the old man drank coldly, his face gloomy.

"Get off? Ye Tao, stay here today, I see who dares to drive you away today? What old man, gave you a face or what? Respect you, call you old man, disrespect, a guy who is about to die, in I am in front of me, where is your superiority? "

Unexpectedly, this old man was so unreasonable, Nie Yun's face sank, and he ignored the other party's identity and scolded. (To be continued ...)

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