Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2220: Seat storm (on)

"What's the matter?"

Ye Xin and Graphite looked at each other and felt that they were going crazy.

What Yuanyang Emperor likes, others do n’t know, but graphite, as a person in Haotianlou, knows very well in the most informed organization in the entire **** world.

In fact, the reason why Prince Dobo was able to prepare to return to the soul on the 7th is also the news he gave.

According to the information that is normally known, Emperor Yuanyang lived in self-discipline and never drank. When can a gourd wine be used as a gift?

"This Nie Yun ... is weird, come in quickly!"

After a dull moment, seeing Nie Yun and Ye Tao walking behind the Demon Elder into the inner hall, Ye Xin couldn't help humming.

This Nie Yun is too weird to tell the truth.

With his knowledge of Ye Tao, the paper just now is definitely this guy's idea!

Take out a piece of paper casually, and let the old man rob the demon to the apse after reading it, take out a wine gourd, what is the attitude of the old man robbing the devil?

If it weren't for the fact that Emperor Yuanyang had no wife and never touched the flowers, he would have doubted whether this guy was the emperor's bastard.

With the episodes of Nie Yun and Ye Tao, the gifts below are also nothing new. The gift of graphite is similar to Ye Xin. It is also a treasure to restore the soul, but it is much worse than asking the heart stone and the seventh day of returning to the soul, no How the mountain dew.

Rao is so, still sent to the apse.

At this moment, everyone else understands that Emperor Yuanyang likes treasures that are good for the soul. Unfortunately, it is too late to know now, and he regrets them one by one.

"Brother Nie, what exactly was written on that paper just now?"

Nie Yun and Ye Tao were now behind the old man who robbed the demon, and walked towards the inner hall, and asked Ye Tao while walking.

He was really weird. In the end, what treasure could make the old man of Devil Devil's face greatly changed, and rushed to the apse.

"It's the name of an elixir!" Nie Yun laughed.

"The name of the elixir?" Ye Tao blinked.

What elixir exactly was written with only one name. Can it have such an effect?

I wanted to ask, seeing that the boy did not speak, he had to close his mouth.

"Hehe!" Seeing him, Nie Yun knew what he was thinking. Can't help but laugh: "It doesn't matter if I tell you, it is the unique cheat of my teacher, a kind of elixir that gathers the soul, called! If it is made into nine products, the effect is stronger than the seven-day Huihun Dan. Since the emperor Yuanyang likes the baby who gathers the soul. I guess this will make him like it, but I didn't expect to bet on it! "

Nie Yun did not lie.

Jiu Pin Ju Ling Dan is a kind of life-threatening miraculous recorded in Shennong Baicao Jing. It is more powerful than the seventh-day Huihun Dan. If it can be refined to the Jiu Pin level, even the emperor-level strong can be seriously injured. Rejuvenating effect.

It is just that the refining conditions of this elixir are too complicated. Without the assistance of Shennong Baicao Jing and the power of Shennong, it is impossible to make a successful refining. Therefore, Nie Yun only wrote a name. No detailed Dan Fang was written.

After all, even if it was given to Dan Fang, the other party could not be refined.

Write the name and the other person will know that they can make this kind of thing.

No one dares to lie in front of the great emperor, and no one can lie in front of them.

Jiupin Julingdan is not as famous as Seven Days Back, and few people know that it was necessary to take at least a note

Show it to Emperor Yuanyang before making a decision. I didn't expect the old man to rob the demon. And know this thing.

This is the previous scene.

"Jiu Pin Ju Ling Dan?"

Ye Tao shook his head.

He has never heard of this name, but the young man said that it was more precious than the Seventh Day of Returning Soul Pills, and he couldn't help sulking in his heart.

Seven-day Huihun Dan is the most precious treasure he has ever seen. More precious than this, no wonder the old man's attitude.

The inner hall was not too far away, and the two came to speak between them.

"This is the inner hall, please come in, I'll ask the emperor!"

Take them to the entrance of the main hall, the old man looted a word. Turn around and walk out.

He doesn't have the qualification for this gourd wine either, he can only give it to Yuanyang Emperor to judge for himself.

"go in!"

When he saw him leave, Nie Yun was not restrained, and he and Ye Tao strode into the hall.

At this time many people have come to the inner hall, and the eight kings and twelve dukes have already seated.

There are not many seats in the inner hall. Even among the eight kings, except for Prince Dobo and Prince Ruxia, all other princes can only stand behind their parents.

As for the people of the Twelve Duke's Mansion, except for the Duke of the Duke, everyone else who came could only stand and could not take a seat.

This is a rule and a respect for the Emperor.

Even if there is a seat for them, the Emperor-level strong dare to sit upright and right, it is estimated that there are not many.

"It seems that the seats are arranged according to the invitation ... there is an invitation only to have a seat!" Nie Yun glanced and understood.

The seats inside have names written on them. For example, the seat that Father Ye sat on was written Ye Guogong, and Prince Dobo also wrote his name in front.

Only invitations have a place, so it looks more regular and not crowded.

"Huh? Where is my position?"

Guessing the way of sitting, Nie Yun searched for his place, glanced at it, and couldn't help frowning.

There was no empty seat in the hall at this moment.

Most of the people invited were big family forces. The first wave of congratulatory gifts came in long ago, and the rest of the personal gifts were basically the juniors brought by the big family. It is normal for these people to have no seats. But he received the invitation anyway, how could he be out of seat?

"Brother Nie, where is your seat ... but ... it seems to be seated!"

Confused, Ye Tao's voice sounded, looking in the direction of his fingers, and sure enough he saw a table with his name written on it.

It's just that there is already a person sitting at this table, about the same age as Prince Dobo and others ~ www.readwn.com ~ Dressed in luxury, just looking at the clothes reveals that identity is not simple.

"He is ... Prince Eryu, the son of King Zhenbei!" Ye Tao recognized it and quickly spread his voice.

"King North King?"

"The eighth king and the twelve dukes also have rankings. King Zhenbei is the number one prince. If this prince Eryu is not perverse, can't hold his breath, and wins the loudest three people, there must be him!"

Ye Tao said.

He had originally competed with Yefu's heirs, and knew very well the situation in the DPRK. Which prince had what status and how much he had grasped, and he had studied it.

& n

bsp; "His status is very high among many princes, and even Prince Dobo has to be courteous by three points. It may be that he saw the seats of Prince Dobo, Prince Ruxia and others. Without him, this is where I sit. In the position ... brother, Nie, you still stand, it's not worth the trouble to offend such a prince for a position! "

Ye Tao was busy. (To be continued.)


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