Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2221: Seat storm (below)


"In the past, this was the emperor's mansion. Presumably he just sat there casually, and when the Lord came, he would give up his seat. After all, my name was written on it!" Nie Yun said, walking towards his seat.

Even if the status is respected, it is only a prince. Even the eight great lords are not counted, and they should not dare to pretend in the emperor's residence.

"Here is the Lord, here is a good show!"

"This guy, Eryu, has always been perverse and will not make trouble here!"

"Probably not. As long as Er Yu's identity is known, I don't believe this Nie Yun is so blind-sighted!"

"That's right, just standing for a while, it is worthwhile to get Er Yu's favor!"


Seeing Nie Yun walk in, everyone who had already entered the hall quietly murmured, Prince Dobo, Prince Ruxia and others also raised their mouth corners and smiled.

Although this prince Eryu is currently inferior to the three of them, as the only son of the King of the North, he is arrogant and accustomed to arrogance, even if they have encountered headaches.

If you really do n’t want to leave ... presumably this kid has no choice but to eat obediently.


Hearing the murmurs of everyone in his ears, Nie Yun didn't care. He came to his seat in a few steps, reached out and took out the invitation: "This is my seat, please let me know!"


Prince Eryu rubbed his ears and made an exaggerated gesture: "Did you say anything? I didn't hear it? Say it again!"

As soon as his voice fell, someone in the room couldn't help laughing.

The blind man also saw at this moment that Prince Eryu was intentional.

The mighty and powerful, the birds and birds tweeting a hundred miles away can hear the song clearly, but they can't hear it when they stand in front of it, and obviously take this kid to open the door.

"I said this is my seat, you give me a seat!" Nie Yun ignored the laughter of the crowd, then continued.

"Your voice is so small?" Prince Eryu's eyebrows frowned. "What's the matter without eating? I still can't hear it! There is nothing I can't hear, hey, I've gotten into trouble recently. My ears are a little bit sour!"


"This prince Eryu is really messy!"

"The emperor's birthday feast, he didn't dare to go too far, pretending to be heard, no one can say anything!"

"He said he couldn't hear it. No one else could drive him away ... It's treacherous!"


Everyone laughed when they saw Prince Eryu's actions.

Yuanyang emperor's birthday banquet, although Prince Eryu's status is not low, but he does not dare to cause trouble, but. If he pretends to be deaf and dumb, others will take him for granted.

Anyway, he is a grand prince, and no one will be more real because of this, and open one eye and close one eye at most.


Ye Xie, Ye Xuan, saw Nie Yunlian say that both sounds were blocked by Prince Eryu for this reason, and his mouth slightly raised.

Just now, because of this kid, he suffered a big loss and was embarrassed. At this moment, when he sees him eating, he can't say it easily.

"Brother Nie ..."

Ye Tao also understood the other side's idea and was afraid that something would happen to Nie Yun. Hastily pulled it.


"Oh, the prince's ears are a bit back, and that's no help!"

Seeing his actions and the laughter of everyone, Nie Yun was not angry, but smiled slightly.

"It's good if you understand ..."

After hearing this, Ye Tao thought he was soft and relieved.

"Prince Eryu, I said that this is my position, please give way. You can't hear me?" Ignoring Ye Tao, Nie Yun asked with a smile.

"Why are you open your mouth and not talking? I really can't hear it!" Prince Eryu said with confidence.

"Oh, you are a fool!" Nie Yun said with a smile on his face.


Nie Yun's voice was not small, and he said with a smile. Everyone was stunned.

This guy is stupid, right? Scolding Prince Eryu directly is stupid?

"what did you say?"

Others were surprised that Prince Eryu was also stunned and immediately furious.

What is his identity?

The only son of the eight kings and the first king, what is the identity of the other party, a little person in a medical museum. Actually dare to scold him directly, stupid, and dare to die!

"I said you were stupid, wasn't it?"

Nie Yun didn't realize that the other party was angry and was scared, and continued to laugh.

"you wanna die!"

Prince Eryu's hair exploded. He thought he had heard it wrong, and now he spoke two anti-continuous sentences. If he didn't hear it again, it was a fool.

A strong breath emanates from the body, eyes are red, and they will be shot at any time.

"Uh? Aren't you hearing behind your ears? What are you excited about now?"

Nie Yun didn't care about the oppression in his strength. This is the land of Emperor's Mansion, and it is also a birthday feast. Give him three courage, and dare not shoot!

If you really dare to shoot, you don't have to fight back yourself, someone will definitely throw him out!

The identity of the prince is terrible in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the presence of the great emperor, nothing is considered.


Prince Eryu, who was full of murderousness, looked ugly and wanted to start, but for no reason.

Earlier, he said that he could hear nothing, and now he was scolded by someone, and he heard it immediately, which does not mean that he was pretending to be pretending?

"The invitation that Lord Emperor personally sent to me left me a seat in the hall. Regardless of whether you sit there, do you feel that the Emperor does not allocate a seat to you, feels wronged in your heart, or that the Emperor does not do justice and does not have minimum respect for you ? "

Seeing that the other party did not know how to answer, Nie Yun took a step forward, with an oppressive temperament.

When he said this, he went straight up to the level of the emperor, saying that the emperor was unfair in doing things ... Don't dare to give Prince Eryu ten courage!

Not to mention Prince Eryu, even his father, King Zhenbei did not dare to say so!

"Since arranging the seats in this way, you must have the approval of the emperor Yuanyang. Do you wantonly violate the rules of the emperor? Do you disdain the rules of the emperor and feel disapproved?"

Without giving him time, Nie Yun continued.

"No ..."

Prince Eryu's head was sweating coldly.

To Emperor

The rules set by the emperor are dismissive ... Once it is passed on, isn't this to kill?

"Take a step back ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if you disregard the rules of Lord Monarch, there are so many elders and so many princes standing here without seats, and you have to sit down without seats, yes Don't you think that everyone is inferior to you? Despise the 12 Duke, the other seven kings? "

Nie Yun went further and continued.

"I ... I didn't despise!"

Prince Yu Yu sighed.

"You can only sit down with an invitation. This is a rule. So many princes and so many dukes strictly abide by it, but you do n’t follow it as a prince. Do you think that the rules of the dynasty can be abolished because of you? Wait?"

Nie Yun continued.


Prince Eryu was pale and almost cried.

Don't you just make a seat? As for ... (To be continued.)


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