Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2222: Lord Ping


Chapter 2222 King Heping

Nie Yun's questioning was like a continuous firecracker. Each sentence made the matter the biggest, not to mention that Prince Eryu was scared, and even everyone else looked at each other and couldn't speak.

I want to refute, but I feel that the other party is not wrong.

On the bright side, it seems to be a small matter of grabbing a seat. After careful consideration, this Prince Eryu did not follow the rules, broke the rules, and despised the dignity of Emperor Yuanyang!

This matter is really going to get worse. The emperor is furious ... Zhenbei Wang couldn't keep him!

"This kid ... is not easy!"

"No wonder Lord Emperor can give him invitations, or the vision of the Emperor is better!"

The idea came to everyone's mind at the same time.

In the face of a prince, thinking of this in such a short time, this young man looks young, but has wisdom and courage beyond ordinary people.

After all, facing an angry prince directly is not the courage of ordinary people.

"you you……"

Prince Yu's lungs were about to explode.

Continuously being questioned by the other party, he was blinded, and I do n’t know how to answer. At the moment, thinking of these, I could n’t help sweating!

It's just that the prince was forced to be like this by a common man, it's too shameful!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help humming: "Let's talk here like a clever tongue, openly questioning the prince, the following offender, believe it or not, I will kill you on the spot now?"

"Oh? Grid kill? The prince wants to do something to me and kill the guest who has personally issued invitations to the emperor? Really dare to do it, just move, it ’s silly! I'd like to see Dangyunzhou City. There is no king law, so you Prince Eryu alone! "

Nie Yun ignored the threat and moved forward again.

"I ..." Prince Eryu wanted to do it, and when he heard this, his body was full of strength, and the whole man was going crazy.

Yes indeed. In any case, the other party is a guest invited by the emperor himself. If he really does, the emperor will definitely feel that his face is damaged and it is easy to kill him! Otherwise, his father will be implicated. King of the North!

Damn it! hateful!

His face changed, and he wanted to do it, but he also knew that he couldn't do it!

"Have you not lost enough? Not yet!"

Just when his face was in distress, a middle-aged man in his seat yelled.

Nie Yun looked around. The seat reads the words "King of the North", which seems to be the father of Prince Eryu.


Hearing his father's scolding, although Prince Eryu was full of resentment, he did not dare to say anything and returned.

"You're Nie Yun?"

Prince Eryu left, and Nie Yun fixed his sleeves and sat in the position. As soon as he was seated, he heard a cold voice and looked up. I saw King Zhenbei's eyes straight up, with indifference and indifference in his eyes.

"Exactly!" Nie Yun smiled and nodded.

"Young people, you have to know how to move forward and back, and know how to choose. If you don't even know this ... I will be very troublesome in the future!"

Tap your finger on the seat, and the king of Zhenbei got it lightly.

Although there was not much intimidation in the voice, and no power, but everyone knew that this was the king of the north of the town beating the other party to let him know the size!

Let Zhenbei King say this. It is enough to show that he is already angry.

"Thank you Lord for mentioning it!" Nie Yun looked indifferently: "I would also like to remind you that ... you can't be a godfather, your son is not disciplined well, I'm afraid it will cause you more trouble. King Zhenbei sounds so prominent ... ... not to fall apart! "

"Very good! Very good! For so many years in the North Dynasty of my town. It was the first time I encountered a dare to challenge me ..."

The king of the north of town laughed angrily.

Originally, I wanted to beat this boy, let him know that the sky is high, and that no one can offend. Now it is better. This guy beat him up. The meaning is obvious. He said he did not fulfill his father's responsibility, and raised a **** son!

The first royal grandfather, said by a commoner in public, how to save face?

"Master Wang, this Nie Yun character is low, and the ground is cold, but Wang Yi kindly mentions him, but he does not know how to be grateful. He despised the majesty of the king in public, and he was simply trying to die! Such a stubborn person, I suspect the spy sent by the ascendant, and proposed He was put in jail ... slowly interrogating! "

A cold voice sounded.

It is Father Ye.

Before being insulted by Nie Yun, now I have found an opportunity.

"Ascension spies?"

At the words of Father Ye, Nie Yun frowned.

This guy is so despicable. Once this identity is determined, plus the crime that has just offended the north king of the town, it is normal to be killed in jail!

"Master, brother Nie is a grandson's friend. How could it be that the ascended spies ..."

Ye Tao couldn't help hearing this.

"Presumptuous! Don't you sons and daughters, here is your part to talk about? I came here privately, I haven't counted with you yet, dare to talk, believe it or not, I will kill you right now!" Ye Ye scolded.

"I think it's you who are wanton?"

The scolding was not over yet, and Nie Yunsheng sounded, with a cold taste: "I'm talking to Zhenbei King, there is no grass by the river, so I don't need you to intervene!"


Hearing this, the old man just felt dizzy and almost fainted.

"There is no grass by the river, how can there be a mouthful of donkeys!" This sentence is a swearing word from the world of God ~ www.readwn.com ~ Grandpa Ye Guotang, never dreamed that someone would use this to fight him back!

I inserted a mouth ... it turned into a donkey ...

"Sure enough, the hero is very young, and it is quite like the spirit of my year ... Is your name Nie Yun? I like it, I can go to King Ping's house when I have time!"

Just when the old man was vomiting blood and the hall was awkward, a laughter rang out.

Talking is the middle-aged man sitting second in the seat of the king.

This popular Yuxuan Ang, everyone's manner.

"This is Prince Ruxia's father, King Ping, the second-highest among the eight kings!" Ye Tao's helpless voice.

The young man in front of him has completely offended the old man. At this moment, he can only break the jar and fall, there is no other way.

"Master Ping?"

Nie Yun nodded secretly, feeling good for the prince.

All the sighted people saw it, and this time they offended King Zhenbei, the first prince. At this time, some people dared to speak and invited themselves to his mansion, apparently trying to make a siege for themselves.

"Thank you Lord Wang for your love, and when the feast ends, I will definitely visit you when I have time!"

He was respected by others, he was respected by others, and the other side was so attitude, how could Nie Yun not know what to do, and quickly hugged his fists.

"Yes, yes!" King Ping nodded, trying to continue talking, but when a figure came out of the door, it was the old man who robbed the devil. (To be continued.)

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