Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2223: Dying of healing

Everyone knows that the old man who robs the demon is the steward of the emperor Yuanyang, which is equivalent to the emperor's spokesperson. When he sees him, he closes his mouth immediately and dare not say more.

"Thank you all for coming to the emperor's birthday banquet. However, the emperor is discussing with several emperors at this moment. I am afraid that it will take a while to come over. Please forgive me!"

Devil Elderly Road.

"Where's the word, Lord Emperor is everything, we're all right idle, wait a while!"

"Master Devil is polite, we should wait for Lord Emperor, why forgive me!"

"Yeah, it's trivial to wait ..."


Hearing this, everyone laughed at the same time.

Yuanyang emperor's birthday feast, there must be other emperors to participate. The emperor's communication circle is naturally also the emperor. It is normal to take care of this circle and meet them again. No one will feel left out because of this.

On the contrary, because of this incident, the Lord of Demons and Demon Lords was also specifically informed. Everyone felt that the emperor Yuanyang was kind.

"Thank you for your generosity!"

Hearing the words of the crowd, the old man with a **** smiled: "Personal congratulations are over. In order not to let everyone wait, the emperor will arrange the treasures that enter the apse! There is an old slave to read it again , Can also express the concern of the emperor! "

While talking, the old man with a robbery turned his wrist, and a golden list appeared in front of him.

Just now, the efforts of Nie Yun and Prince Eryu to quarrel with each other have already ended their personal birthday. Ye Xin, graphite and others have already entered the hall and stood in their respective places.


"The ranking is out, I want to see how much I can get this time!"

"Your baby hasn't entered the apse, so don't even think about the ranking. I want to see that Ye Tao and Ye Xin. Who can win?"

"Bet? What bet?"


After hearing the announcement of the congratulations, there was an uproar.

Ye Tao and Ye Xin, who previously announced their gambling agreement in public, have attracted even more attention.

"This order. It only represents the preference and satisfaction of the Emperor, not the preciousness of the treasures. Just listen to it. Don't take it too seriously ..."

Obviously, the old man who had been robbing the devil had not seen it before. After opening it, he took a moment to explain it.

"What we want is the satisfaction of Lord Monarch. Treasures are really precious, and they don't really care ..."

When they heard him, everyone secretly muttered.

They came here to give congratulations. It was nothing precious or not. The main thing was that they could get the favor of Emperor Yuanyang.

"There are seven birthday presents that have pleased the Emperor! Seventh place ... [Zhengming Lock] of Prince Zhongming!"

The old Devil laughed.


"I said that Prince Zhongming's heart lock was definitely able to get the ranking. Although it is the last one, it is not bad ..."


I heard the words of the old man. A man suddenly shouted in excitement.

It is this Prince Zhongming.

Although it is only seventh, it also has a ranking, much better than most people.

You should know that most people ca n’t even enter the apse, and can choose the seventh place, which shows that Emperor Yuanyang not only saw his gift, but was also very satisfied.

"Congratulations to Prince Zhongming, let's say the sixth place! The sixth place is Feng Guogong's Mansion, Master Feng Miao's [Back to the Soul]!"

The old devil loomed.


Feng Miao behind Feng Guogong fisted up excitedly.

This gift was given by Nie Yun. When I was in the medical museum, I met a congenital debilitating soul, a prescription prescribed by Nie Yun.

I didn't know what gift to give just now. Nie Yun allowed him to send out the prescription, but he didn't expect to get the ranking. And it's sixth!

"Miaoer, where did you get this prescription? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

Feng Guogong asked in front.

Feng Miao is his favorite junior. Although he is a bit unsuccessful in studying medicine, he has never stopped it.

He has full control over what level of Feng Miao has reached. He has never heard him say this before, when did he learn it?

"It's the prescription Nie Yun gave me!"

Don't dare to lie. Feng Miao told the origin of the prescription again.

"You go to Nie Yun Medical Museum to study these days. I always thought it was a nonsense. I didn't expect that there would be such an opportunity. Yes, yes! It seems that I will learn more from him in the future.

Feng Guogong frowned, and nodded secretly.

How can this Nie Yun be able to throw out a recipe that no one else knows, and the Emperor-level powerful can't help but praise?

"It's just an ignorant child who doesn't know where to get an opportunity. It's enough to get a prescription. What great skills can he have!"

As soon as the voice fell, a cold hum rang.

Feng Guogong frowned and looked in the direction of his voice.

He and Father Ye sat next to each other, talking to an old man behind Father Ye.

"Who are you?" Feng Guogong couldn't help asking.

This man doesn't look like Yefu people, at least he has never seen it.

"Back to Feng Guogong, this is Nantian Medical Saint!" Ye Xin busy said.

"Nantian Medical Saint?" Feng Guogong shook his head: "I have never heard of it!"

"I ..." Nantian Medical Saint blushed.

Being told in person that you haven't heard it is equal to beating, but he doesn't dare to say anything. The other party is Feng Guogong, one of the twelve dukes.

"It seems Brother Lu is also a little ignorant!"

Nantian Medical Saint did not know how to speak, and Grandpa Ye spoke on the side.

Feng Guogong called Feng Lu, and he called Brother Lu.

"Oh?" Feng Guogong looked over in doubt.

"I always suffer from illness. It is this Nantian Medical Saint who healed himself. His famous medical technician is definitely better than some messy country doctors!" Father Ye said coldly.

"I wonder who the country doctor Ye Guogong refers to?"

Feng Miao was annoyed when he heard a thorn in his words and couldn't help asking.

"The Nie Yun and Nantian Medical Saint who you both talked to see the doctor for the old man ~ www.readwn.com ~ he looked at it and knew that there was nothing he could do and turned away, and the doctor Nantian cured the disease ... what do you think the old man said Who would the country doctor be? "

Ye Xin sneered when he heard him interject.

"Master Nie Yun's medical skills are superb ... if he really glances away, he doesn't say anything, it's not powerless, but he is dying!"

Feng Miao said.

Although he didn't know why Nie Yun didn't treat this old man, but he knew that Nie Yun's medical technique was definitely much stronger than this Nantian Medical Saint, and he could heal. How could the former not be cured?

There is a reason for it to die.

"You ... you are the mortal!"

Hearing this, Ye Xinqi was stunned.

Why did the people with Nie Yunzhan take gunpowder? Speaking so bad? (To be continued.)

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