Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 218: Assassin's Union collapse

Before Nie Yun had time to study the assassination qi, the assassinist died by himself, so there was no so-called assassination of Dantian, and it was impossible to perform assassination.

The previous action is just an ordinary trick that mimics assassination. There is no such thing as the assassination division's ability to kill. Even if the middle-aged person does not rush over, he can't kill Li Nanxun. Come over, then release the Heart Devourer and kill it in one fell swoop!

The middle-aged man is the host of the formation. As long as he is poisoned to death, the formation is naturally meaningless.


"It's poison gas? Why is there such a powerful gas ..."

Seeing the president, the dignified supreme peak strong bleeds with dark brown smoke as soon as the dark brown smoke is drenched. The remaining seven of the formation method are pale and their eyes are protruding.

Assassins are assassinated, and everything is used. Poisoning is also one of the most commonly used methods. Therefore, these people are all experts in poisoning. They can poison the Supreme Strong instantly. What is this poison? It's too scary!


With a successful move, how could Nie Yun stay the opportunity, the right-handed Xuan Yu's sword kept on, and he spit it out, and the earth's momentum once again formed, hitting Li Nanyu in front of him severely!

The middle-aged man is poisoned, the formation method has lost its flexibility, and Li Nanxun is just an airman. How can he stop the attack? With a "slap", the powerful force destroys his internal organs, muscles, and bones Smashed to the ground and turned into a meatloaf!

"And you guys, die too!"

Bleeding seven poisons of middle-aged humans

"Speak who the employer is, and where are the bodies of Yang Yan and Feng Xiao. I will spare you!"

Putting the remaining poison gas into the jade gourd again, Nie Yun looked to his face and turned black. The poisoned and dying president asked coldly.

"Just don't kill me and tell you nothing. Actually ... Actually, Yang Yan and Feng Xiao are not dead!"

Middle-aged people are not like the dead men they met before, they would rather die than surrender, shouting at the pain.

Assassins learn how to kill, knowing the fear of death, as long as they don't push into despair, they will never want to die.

Good water drowns, good riders fall, healers can save people, but they are most afraid of getting sick, assassins are good at killing people, but they are most afraid of death!

This is the theorem!

Therefore, the middle-aged person, when he thinks of himself, will be poisoned, faster than the average person, and directly ask for forgiveness.

"Not dead?" Nie Yun said for a moment. "Where are they?"

"They have been sent to the headquarters of the Assassin's Union, save me, I said everything ..." the middle-aged man shouted, struggling.

"Sent to the headquarters of the Assassin's Union? Really not dead?" Nie Yun was excited.

The reason why he was so crazy to kill the Lord of the Southern City and other people, openly deal with the empire emperor, and wipe out the assassin union, because Yang Yan and others died and made himself crazy, if not, how good?

"It wasn't dead. At that time, Li Nanxun just knocked them out and brought them over, and didn't kill them ... then the headquarters sent someone to take the two away!" The middle-aged man hurried.

"Where is your headquarters? Who is your employer?" From the eyes of middle-aged people, he didn't look like a lie, Nie Yun asked.

"We are headquartered in the Holy Empire, our employer is the Imperial Royal Family, and His Majesty the Emperor of the Divine Wind Empire gave me money ..." Middle-aged humane.

"Her Majesty the Empire Emperor? Do you want to marry the Empire Emperor and let us lose both?"

As soon as he reached out, Nie Yun squeezed the middle-aged man's neck and hummed coldly.

"No, here's the credentials. Don't believe me ..."

Feeling the pain in the throat, the middle-aged man quickly took out a book from his arms.

After a glance, Nie Yun knew that it was the account book of the Assassin's Union. Turning to the last page, she saw the files that assassinated Yang Yan and Feng Xiao, and it turned out to be cash from the emperor.

"I said everything, and I showed it to you, save me! I'm willing to make you a cow and a horse ..."

Middle-aged people seem to be unable to withstand the poisonous attack and roar.


Ignoring his plea, Nie Yun squeezed his palm with a "click" and crushed his throat.

When Yang Yan was killed, why didn't he say that? Now that you have done something, you have to bear the consequences!

This kind of assassin has always been ruthless, and leaving it with him will be a trouble sooner or later. Besides, the poison of heart poison will not be solved by himself.


The middle-aged man's eyes glared round, he couldn't figure out anything, he said everything, and the other side even killed the killer!

"Emperor Emperor? Assassin's Union Headquarters?"

Nie Yun's eyes narrowed, thinking about this weird thing.

The imperial emperor told himself that Yang Yan and Feng Xiao were dead, and as soon as he left the emperor he was besieged by the demons ~ www.readwn.com ~ The imperial emperor told himself the address of the assassin's union, and he fell into the assassination and extinction !! If it weren't for the poison of heart eater, I'm afraid to die here!

Is everything a conspiracy of the Imperial Emperor? Is he the black hand behind the scenes?

The imperial imperial family who oppressed himself when he appeared did not dare to pant. It is indeed a great insult to a person in power, and it is understandable to be able to do such a thing!

"The Kamikaze Empire imperial family, I didn't want to force you, this is what you forced me!"

Nie Yun's eyes flashed infinitely.

Originally, they had not planned to kill the imperial royal family, but now they dare to design themselves.

"Master, all the Assassin Union members were killed, none escaped!"

As soon as my heart made a decision, I heard Zi Tong's voice sounded. (To be continued.)

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