Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 219: Wind Spirit Tianyi Dafa

"All dead?"

Turning his face, it turned out that many assassins had just escaped, and now they had become corpses.

These people are the strongest but the peak of the armor, how to be the opponent of the Supreme Monster, was quickly killed by beasts such as Zitong.

"If it weren't for them, these people had fled just now. I think it would be impossible to kill them all!"

Looking at the corpse all over the ground, Nie Yun suddenly came up with an idea.

These people can't beat themselves, they will definitely flee. Dozens, hundreds of people flee in all directions, even if they want to follow up and kill them, it becomes impossible! There are three monsters. They are all fast, they are in three directions, and it is difficult to escape!

"In the imperial family of the Kamikaze Empire, although there are not many supreme strong ones, there are dozens and hundreds of strong ones. I really have to get rid of them by killing elephants. I would have a lot of trouble. ... "

With this in mind, Nie Yun suddenly turned to look at her three demon pets, "Little Pupil, Little Wolf, and Tieyan. I will give you three days to find your subordinates, gather here, and wait for my order!" "

"Get our subordinates?"

Zitong and Tieyan have lived in the Monster Beast Valley for hundreds of years. They belong to a group, not to mention the Wind Wolf King. There are many subordinates who can be called "kings". They do not understand why the master wants them to Subordinates came.

"Master, are you going to make a big move against the imperial family?"

Zitong first understood, purple eyes suddenly rounded.

Tune monsters to besiege the capital and kill the imperial royal family ... if true. The master is too crazy!

"The master led the monster to attack the human ..."

The two remaining beasts were startled at the same time.

"Well, I intend to use the monster army to attack the imperial royal family! Last time, my shock was too small, and the other party still dared to deal with me. This time it was a big one!"

There was a ruthlessness in Nie Yun's eyes.

The last time I destroyed the Zhao family of the four major families, it didn't seem to have much effect. The other party still didn't release the parents and others. In this case, I came to be ruthless!

Don't you offend me? Not only will I uproot you, but I will destroy your entire empire!

Since it is called the demon, it is natural to do things without fear

"It is indeed worthy of congratulations. Fengling Tianyi will break through, and the ancient blood of Fenggu will be fully activated. Although Dantian will not increase, the cultivation speed will be much faster than before. It is not impossible to break through to the heavens and heavens! Yu nodded.

"Feng Gu bloodline?"

"It seems that you are not quite sure, yes, I haven't told you yet. The continent we are on is called Qihai Continent, named after the practitioners who focus on Qihai! There are seven empires on the continent. You know very well, However, the mainland still has ten ancient veins. Have you heard of it? "Feng Yu said.

"Ten ancient veins?" The Empire Emperor shook his head, his face confused.

"Many are well-known, the blood line is divided into five levels of royalty, king, hou, noble, and all. The royal blood line of the royal family has nine sacred fields, which is the most honorable blood line! However, there is another blood line that is above the blood line of the royal family!" Wind Yu explained.

"And the blood is above the blood of the royal family? This ... this ..." The emperor's face changed.

For a long time, he knew that the blood of the royal family was the highest pedigree, and when he heard the ancestors say that, he subverted his recognition.

"Don't be shocked, when I first heard about it, my expression was similar to yours! I was able to tell you when you reached the highest level according to the rules, but I got a breakthrough and successfully activated the ancient blood in my body. , The family will only become more and more prosperous, no matter what!

"Feng Gu bloodline? Does our wind family belong to one of the top ten ancient veins?" The empire emperor heard the words of Feng Gu bloodline twice, and his heart moved.

"Yes! The top ten ancient veins are the bloodlines from ancient times, each of whom is extremely distinguished! Those who have such blood veins, once fully activated, the practice speed will be greatly improved, and it is not impossible to break through to the heaven and create a secret world. However, the Qihai continent's aura is too low, and the ancient veins are basically closed at birth. Only when they reach the supreme level and learn the family secret technique can they be fully activated. Our Fengjia has not activated the blood veins for 300 years, precisely because In this way, the Kamikaze Empire became the bottommost existence of the seven empires! "Speaking of Feng Yu, he sighed.

"It's so troublesome to activate the blood?" The emperor frowned.

"Yeah, because of this, we haven't had a super master for three hundred years! If the deterrence of the ancestors is still there, the top ten ancient veins are very famous. Do you think we can control an empire alone?" In the history of the ancestors, Fengyu seemed to be feeling down.


The emperor nodded and finally understood.

The seven great empires of the Qihai continent, the worst is the Kamikaze Empire. The overall strength is probably not comparable to a royal family of the Holy Empire. Such strength can settle the country. The emperor thought it was because of the deterrence of his ancestors. It now seems that the root cause is here.

"These are all things that happened before. What I said was just unpleasant. Now that I am trained in Fengling Tianyi and my blood is activated, my family will definitely be able to occupy a seat even in the first-class family of the Holy Empire!"

Feng Yu laughed.

"Grandson relies on his ancestors!" The imperial emperor bowed.

"Yeah!" Feng Yu nodded and wanted to speak, and heard a guard outside stepping in.

"Back to His Majesty, Luo Tianxiang, the ancestor of the Luo family, and Mo Yanqing, the genius of the Supreme Master, are asking for a meeting!"

"Okay, let them in!" Feng Yu's eyes brightened.

After a while, the two figures came in from the door.

"It turned out that Her Majesty the Emperor was also there!" The two entered the room and saw Her Majesty the Emperor also, and laughed.

Although the Supreme paid little attention to the imperial power, there should be some etiquette.

"I don't know what it means to be here at this time?" Feng Yu asked.

"We're here now, just to discuss revenge with Master Fengyu!" Luo Tianxiang's expression of resentment appeared on his face. "Nie Yun's young boy who festered me defeated me and lost my face. I can't wait to break it! "

"Yes, he stole my genius as soon as he appeared, and I want to kill him!"

Mo Yanqing's eyes flashed.

"Kill him? I want to kill him too, but we were not rivals a few days ago. Can we kill him now?" Feng Yu blinked, wondering something, and asked deliberately.

"Oh, Mo Yanqing and I have gone back to practice after the last defeat and have made progress. I believe that with the current strength, even if that Nie Yun is twice as strong, it is not our opponent!"

Luo Tianxiang is confident.

"Oh? I don't know what kung fu has been practiced by both of them?" Feng Yu didn't expect the two to have improved, and asked.

"I was injured by Nie Yun Yijian that day. After I went back, I practiced the wind and thunder technique that I hadn't made progress for many years and achieved a breakthrough! Mo Yanqing's own sword technique finally realized the third form. The power is amazing and I believe again When we met Nie Yun, even if Feng Yu didn't take action, the two of us could beat him! "

Luo Tianxiang looked proud.

They are the ancestors of the family. They have been famous for many years. They stand on the pinnacle of the world and are defeated by Nie Yun without any obstruction in the large court. Their faces are greatly damaged. The hatred in their hearts can be imagined.

"Wind Thunder method? The third type?" Fengyu's eyes brightened ~ www.readwn.com ~ He and Luo Tianxiang have been together for so many years. Wind Thunder method is naturally known very well. Once trained, the power of Luo Tianxiang can multiply several times!

As for Mo Yanqing's own swordsmanship, Feng Yu has a deep understanding. He had a special battle with him that year, falling stars and shining for nine days. The two great tricks were displayed and the lights flashed with infinite power.

The first two moves are so powerful, isn't the third one stronger?

"Yes, we have great strength. If Master Fengyu takes another shot, he will surely be able to catch it and kill the kid!" Mo Yanqing's face was cold.

"Okay, okay! Boy Nie Yun, proud of a little strength, I have long wanted to kill him, just because I have a breakthrough in strength recently, it is better for the three of us to fight first and get to know each other! "

Fengyu's face glowed with excitement. (To be continued.)

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