Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2271: ready

Speaking of this, Nie Yun paused, glanced at the belly of Ms. Wen intentionally or unintentionally, and then said, "All of us know that the growth of a fetus is the birth of a new life, with endless life force, Although this process is arduous, it can perfectly dissolve the dead body and make it a normal person! "

"The Corpse King chose this process!"

"Of course, before this process, you must first condense your body into a" corpse corpse ", which gathers the body's corpse into a group! This is the main reason that Hao Gan's son saw the phantom girl pregnant, but it is not Pregnant, but condensing corpses! "

"After the corpse coagulation is successful, even the corpse king will disappear. In order not to cause suspicion, there will be a bridge of her death. In fact, at this time, she has planted the corpse corpse in Hao Gan's body! "

"Then on the wedding night, while Hao Gan's son was in a serious state of mind, control his thinking, forcing and **** Miss Wen, the corpse's body smoothly entered the latter's body and successfully survived. This is why Miss Wen's stomach grew more and more Big as pregnant! "

"The corpse ... So, I was not pregnant with a child, but ... the King of Corpses?"

Hearing this, Miss Wen turned pale.

"Yes, it ’s the King of Corpses! This thing is cruel and terrible. In order to be born sooner and continue to extract your vitality, so you will become worse and worse after pregnancy and eventually cut off the breath ... Of course, you cut off the breath Is also false! It is a deliberate illusion made by the Corpse King to be born! "

"Although the corpse king is very powerful, after entering the mother's body to wash away the dead body, it will become very weak within a short time, that is to say, it is very weak after being born and it is easy to be killed. Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, they will not be in Born under the watchful eye of a man! "

"Miss Wen cuts off her breath, and you think she is dead, once buried. The King of Corpses will be born smoothly ... When I was on the street before, I didn't want to care about these things, but I saw that Miss Wen didn't really die. He moved his heart. Save him! "

Like he said, Nie Yun didn't want to care about these things, but she saw the problem. If she didn't take the shot, she might really die, and she would be saved. This can't help but shoot.

As a descendant of Shennong, it is against the original intention of the medical profession to avoid such a thing and avoid it.

"Because the corpse king had not been fully formed, I was broken up by my special technique, so it turned into a pool of black water! As for the black shadow that Haogan had, it was the corpse gas left in his body before It ’s impossible to wake up without these things ... "

Nie Yun continued.

"The King of Corpses!"

"It's the first time I've heard of this stuff, it's terrible!"

"Huai Feiwang. It turned out that Hao Gan was the villain created by this inferior son. We blame Miss Wen for it!"

"Ms. Wen is magnanimous. When encountering so many rumors, she can hold our Hao family's reputation. It is our Hao family who is sorry for your Wen family!"

"From now on, our Hao family will make good friends with your writers ..."


After listening to Nie Yun's explanation, everyone understood what was going on and sighed one by one.

Especially for the Hao family, at first, Miss Wen suffered a lot of eyes. Not only did she not make a derailment, but she also made such a big sacrifice for the Hao family. Hao Long and others felt ashamed.

"Thank you Master for your help, otherwise Hao Qian and Ping Er died unclear. I'm afraid that Wenjia and Hao's family will not be able to avoid a complete break, and even ... the fire will come together!" To the ground.

"Master's grace, my Hao family will never forget, if driven, my Hao family must do their best!" Haolong's owner also came forward. Sincere attitude.

If it weren't for this young man's shot, the Wen Family and Hao Family would have to go through a battle. The top families in the two ancient cities would be completely lost because of this incident.

"The two are polite. Since they met me, they would be able to help, naturally they would not quit ... However, the two homeowners should not be too happy now, although I solved the corpse in the sons of Hao Gan and Miss Wen. , But the real Wonder Woman did not die, and did not want to solve it ... I'm afraid I will still get involved again in the future! "

Nie Yundao.

Although he took the initiative to break the corpses and problems in the two, he did not fundamentally solve the matter of the Wannian Corpse King, at most it was only a cure.

"Begging the master to shoot!"

"As long as I can get rid of this Wonder Woman, my Hao family is willing to pay everything!"

Hearing that he hadn't solved it completely, the two masters calmed and said at the same time.

If they are real enemies, even if they are a lot worse than the emperor's family, they are not greedy for life and fear of death. They always have the determination to fight, but they ca n’t do anything about this weird guy. It is hoped that the young man will be able to help and solve the hidden dangers thoroughly.

"Relax ~ www.readwn.com ~ Since I said, I will definitely take a shot, but ... I need two homeowners to cooperate!"

All shots have already been taken, and Nie Yun will naturally not be abandoned halfway. It can be of great benefit to him if he can help to completely remove the corpse king.

"But I have been told to do whatever I want!"

After hearing that he was going to take a shot, the two homeowners looked at each other, and they saw gratitude and nodded excitedly.

"Okay, I'm welcome!"

Nie Yun nodded: "The corpse king's revenge is extremely strong. The corpse that has been worked out for so long has been annihilated by me in one fell swoop. I must be resentful and look for opportunities for revenge! Therefore, we do n’t need to look around. , This guy will come over within three days! "

"Since she is going to get revenge, we naturally have to make preparations in advance, so that she will come back ... Mr. Haogan and Ms. Wen will stay in this room from now on, and cannot leave or go out! You need to find eighteen mirrors! "

"Eighteen mirrors? How old?"

"One person tall! Then put a bucket of ink behind each mirror, and some remaining things, I will record on the jade card, you immediately start to prepare, preferably in an hour, all of them!"

Nie Yun threw his hand and threw a jade card.

Above he recorded what was needed.

The owner of Wen Tao took a look at the Yupai and nodded: "These things are not unusual, I promise to find them all in one hour!"

What Nie Yun said to him are ordinary things, and they are not particularly precious, and they consume at most manpower.

For the Wen family and the Hao family, as long as they can get rid of the 10,000-year-old corpse king, no matter how much it costs, this is nothing at all. (To be continued.)

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