Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2272: Hunt

The Wen family is indeed the largest family in the ancient city of Langyan, and everything is ready in a short time. (-.79xs.-

During this period, Nie Yun made a circle along the Wen's mansion to draw a map, letting everyone put everything in.

These are all things on the formation. Although he is also a formation mage, he is still a lot worse than the divine realm. However, the presence of the turtle spirit is not a problem.

Some powerful Dan 'medicines' also need to characterize the formation method. The Emperor Yanhuang covers a wide range. The formation method is only part of it. The turtle spirit follows the ears behind him, which is far inferior to some formation masters. Too powerful.

This array of ‘gates’ designed for Wannian Corpse King was designed by him and quietly transmitted to Nie Yun.

"Master Nie Yun, it is not known when the corpse king will come. I have arranged for human protection ... We have prepared a dinner party here, a tiring day, and continue after eating!"

Ready for the battle, Wen Tao's owner came over with a smile.

Nie Yun didn't refuse, and after having enough wine, he arranged a sentence, and he disappeared into the empty hall with Nie Tong and the turtle spirit and entered the world of things.

Although the Wannian Corpse King is powerful, it is just a perfect imperial realm. With his current ability, he is no longer afraid to be found in the world of hiding things.

Knowing that he had an arrangement, Wen Tao's owner, Hao Long's owner, and others also prepared separately, waiting for the corpse king to come.


Just as everyone was groggy, a scream suddenly sounded, and then the roaring sound was mastered.


Nie Yun's body flashed, and he emerged from the world of objects, and then Wen Tao's master and others also came over from the hiding place.

"Why no one? Can't run away ..."

Several people came to the hall and looked around for a week. Wen Tao's owner couldn't help but be full of doubts.

The hall was empty, and the mirrors and other things that had been placed before it fell to the ground, and other arranged things were scattered, and no one's shadow could be seen in the room.

Not to mention Wannian Corpse King, there is no ghost at all.

"It shouldn't be. I have a lot of people outside, as well as intra-clan formations. Once I run away, I will definitely be touched. I should be able to detect it.

The Haolong patriarch is also a bit strange.

No matter how powerful the Corpse King is, they are at best like them.

I knew it was coming. The Tianluo Di net was arranged, so that she would run away, it was a shame!

"These formations didn't catch her at all, it was normal to be able to escape!"

Facing the strangeness of the two, Nie Yun didn't feel surprised, but smiled slightly and didn't speak. He came to the center of the hall a few steps and grabbed his palm in the air. Squeezed a few fingerprints.


The air trembled, and a black line of ink 'color' appeared in front of the eyes.

The black line floated in the air, spreading outward, into the darkness, I do not know how long.

"what is this?"

Seeing everyone on the black line froze.

"This is the trace left by the Corpse King. If you walk along the black line, you can find her!" Nie Yundao.

"The trace left by the corpse king?"

Wen Tao's and Hao Long's owners looked at each other, and each of them saw ‘mystery’ and ‘confuse’.

"If you have the 10,000-year-old corpse king who created the illusion, even if you want to re-harm Haogan and Ms. Wen, you won't be able to come over here. It ’s just a ray of thought, so even if you catch each other here, it ’s useless! Abandon this idea. Then hide and let us never find it again! "

Looking at them, Nie Yun explained: "Since then, next time I want to find each other, it is almost impossible, so. The previous arrangement was not to catch her, but ... to let her escape!"

"The King of the Corpses is ugly. I am most afraid of seeing my face. I set up a mirror with a height of eighteen people here to reflect everything in it. As long as this guy comes, he will definitely see the mirror. The images in this moment will be frightened by their ugly looks, and turn and run away! "

"Once you leave, you will touch the means I arranged before, and the ink behind the mirror will naturally stick to my body, leaving traces of escape!"

"This ink fuses the corpse gas in her body. It will not be found. It can persist for a day and will not dissipate. Let's leave quickly. As long as you find her hiding place and kill it, you can eliminate all hidden dangers!"

After explaining, Nie Yun nodded his head and stretched along the black line.


Wen Tao's owner and Haogan's owner followed closely.

To deal with this level of corpse king, the strength is not very effective, and did not bring other people.

Along the black line, I left the ancient city of Langyan soon.

"In front is Broken Soul Horizon, and further down, it is the Eagle Sorrow World!"

Behind Nie Yun, Wen Tao introduced him.

All three flew forward at high speed. They have traveled a distance of at least hundreds of thousands of miles in a short time. With the starry sky, they can see that they have reached a tall mountain. A cliff in front of them is like a knife and a knife. Qi Brush standing in front of you.

"Duanhunya is the first danger to enter the sorrowful world of the eagle. Many people are damaged here. The master must be careful!"

The owner of Haolong reminded.

Nie Yun nodded. In fact, he didn't need to say anything, he also saw the problem.

This broken soul's horizon stands thousands of miles long. It spreads without knowing how long it is. The formed wind that blows the rocks, before it comes to the front, it makes people ‘flower’, ‘chaotic’, and their head dizzy.

To put it bluntly, the strange wind in Broken Soul has the effect of hypnosis to faint ‘stunning’. Once you ca n’t hold on and fall asleep, you ’ll be swallowed by countless beasts, and there will be no place for death.

However, this level of hypnosis has an effect on others and has no effect on him.

Coming from Tiandi Liudao all the way, this kind of matrix method and trap that can make people faint ‘stunning’ has been encountered somehow ~ www.readwn.com ~ can no longer hurt him.

Besides, the hypnotic effect of this weird wind is related to Xianyin Avenue. With his understanding of the realm of all things, the sound can only be regarded as pediatrics.

Listening to the sound of sobbing around, the three entered Broken Souls.

The more we walk inside, the louder the weird sound becomes, and the more dizzy the mind becomes.

Wen Tao and Hao Long didn't feel anything at first, but after walking for a while, they couldn't help their heads.

However, when they saw the young man in front of them indifferent, they realized that the other was terrible!

They had to clenched their teeth to succeed in the imperial realm, but they did not care about the other party's consummation of the imperial realm. They did not see it with their own eyes and couldn't believe it.

"It is really a mountain higher than a mountain. We are staying in our respective cities, standing as kings, getting used to it ... seeing him, we know what it means to be outside the sky, and there are people outside! Only we know what is ignorant!"

The two masters looked at each other and couldn't help but grin.

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